Plasma soaked Teeth and Gums

Sorry If I spread negativity guys all my family tell me to stop that, Thanks for all your help and support, I will dig more and stay consistent with this audio

Édit: it’s a New account I can’t send other message so see you Tomorrow guys, I Hope captain will give me advice.

I also think about all the people who suffer somtimes more than me so I have to keep humble


Well, this problem seems to run deeper than what you have mentioned here. Have you read The point of no return article? Fields mentioned there could be of help
And no need to apologize. Repressing your feelings leads nowhere good. I don’t know your situation, but seeking therapy is probably a good option. @Bronyraur has written a great post about it just recently

Because it’s not about the psychotherapy for itself. All those modern therapies are nothing but diluted versions of ancient shamanic practices, mostly. Re-sold with upgraded packages and designations.

What makes them valuable is the human mirror that they offer. You literally get the occasion to act (out) your issues, “existential” questions, disappointments BUT ALSO successful experiences in front of someone that receives and “contains” them. Trusting our own abilities is priceless… but overdoing it can end up in a dangerous and unrealistic self-absorption.

Hope it gets better :pray:


Yes I’ve read everything of that, you see it’s like the end of the World in my head.

All the ecology stuff, I don’t trust in global warming but the 6th extinction is here.
With that all the political and economy nightmare.

They Said there will be the 5th dimension for some, maybe it’s the door to run this future hell.

Anyway it remind me the greek stoïcism.

I Can act to change my life but I can’t change the world.

I have to cut all the news media even underground I think because it’s causing depression.

Sometimes teeth and gum issues are due to an imbalanced Throat Chakra. Try using that audio. Also, 762hz and it’s mirror 726hz vibrate with the Mouth Chakra in particular. Lovemotives YouTube channel has this frequencies as well as Prospect Meditation and Solfeggio Ambient.


Hey Makhai,

Welcome to the forum. So many things here. Nothing is ever black and white. Let me ask you this:

If you were being honest with yourself, what’s the current state of your mouth? Is it sparkling clean, or is there tartar and plaque buildup? Are you flossing daily? Do you brush at least twice a day? Do you rinse with some type of mouthwash after brushing? Do you do any type of oil pulling (coconut, sesame)? Do you brush with the proper pressure (not too hard, not too light)? Are you using a quality toothbrush (soft bristles preferably)? Is your toothpaste a good one? Would you be able to tell the difference between a good toothpaste and something that isn’t good?

What’s your diet like? Do you eat foods that support, nourish, and alkalize you? Do you keep your sugar intake reasonably low? Are you getting enough calcium in your diet, enough silica, enough other vitamins and minerals that support healthy gums and teeth?

From what you mentioned it sounds like the field is already doing something for you. Captain definitely is a miracle-worker, but with certain things you need to meet him halfway and do your part (and be patient). If you have major enamel erosion and have had other dental work done, it’s because your level of self care needs to be better when it comes to your dental health. Your habits need to change. It’s going to take some time to reverse the years of damage and erosion.

So ask yourself: Have you changed your habits to that of someone who has an amazingly clean and healthy mouth? Or are your habits the same as they have always been, with you somehow expecting miraculously different results? Like everything in the universe it comes down to simple cause and effect.


You can start with the "point of no return " audios ,or listen to fields that clean your energy system, developed ,and also fields to remove subconcious limits

:clap:t2: :high_brightness: :champagne: :+1:t2:

Questions to be asked and re-asked indeed. I suffered from a sudden dental/gum stuff lately. I forgot for a while my smoker profile… Still big luck that I didn’t get more serious damages.

Or say, those dried figs that I ingested like a frenzy. Even Paul of Aegina (c. 625 – c. 690) was apparently saying to stay away from those back then…

… but they’re yum though :)))

So anyway yes, we should never forget our own part of responsibility when it comes to fields…


I take great Care of my teeth and I’m aware of every single tips you mentioned but I didn’t brush my teeth when I was child so my molars have some damage, all have fillings and crowns and chewing in my left side IS painfull, I think the dentist remove to much enamel to place it.

I realy want to recover all the enamel and get rid of fillings and crowns it’s just that

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Yes I have listened to all of them already

Subconscious limits removal, aura cleaning

I have this audio plasma soaked teeth since August 13 so I’m on it since 12days now. Before I was on teeth 2.0, I Hope this one is powerfull. I’m afraid the multitask field : teeth gum mitochondria plasma make it More Time to see résults.


This is now your 4th account within one year and still with the same problematic that keeps coming up.

Give those fields some time. Nothing changes over night or in a bunch of days only. And even when it does sometimes with some of the fields, the sudden cleansing can bring other issues to the surface that would require a careful approach.

Reconsider what has been said by Uial below:

This isn’t about tooth or enamel loss only BUT rather any kind of loss.

Try to work on this aspect as well. Most of the fields are “multitasked”/“multilayered” anyway. But with elements acting synergistically with one another.


I loop emotional release for two hour this afternoon it was very effective.

I feel so relax now


Is there a recommended toothpaste? I can’t find a suitable one in Taiwan

Very few organic and natural🤔

baking soda and hydrogen peroxide,
swish with coconut oil


Thank you :blush:.


I really like this field a lot and am so grateful to have this at my disposal now so I can save myself potentially a lot of trouble and financial cost in the future.

Thank you so much, Captain, for making this one and for having continuously added more features to it! :sparkling_heart: :pray:

I was at the dentist yesterday having some procedure done (found this field too late, lol) and came back with so much pain and my gums in the wider proximity of it oddly swollen. What intuitively felt right to me then was to loop the Pain Control 2.0 field until I felt relief, which was not too long in… absolutely amazing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

By the end of the day, I still felt the wider area being very swollen and still quite painful to the touch. My gums seemed to almost be inflamed, definitely very irritated and the skin was no longer seeming fully intact everywhere. Brushing the teeth or chewing food on that entire side was almost too painful to do.

I had used this field for the past weeks so I wasn’t new to it. I used to go by 5 times max daily in the past, but somehow felt like looping it for around 30 minutes or so last night, and for me in that particular situation, that was perfect. I woke up today with all swelling gone, and no more issues brushing my teeth or chewing food on that side. I can feel the skin of the gums in that area being almost fully healed too! Absolutely so so so grateful for this field and looking forward to keep using this from now on regularly! :smiley: :heart:

As a side note, when I first started listening, I felt it so obviously and strongly working in my teeth and the gum area! Still do actually. From tingling to slight pressure - almost a slight pain in the first weeks, but nothing too unpleasant or anywhere near unbearable. I highly recommend it :slightly_smiling_face:


Just bought this and there are two files … one is 3 m 57 sec long and other is 3 m 31 sec long. Why this way ? Both have similar names

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One is an original field and the second one is an updated field, which has the “+” in it. They left the original in there for people who prefer to use that one.


@Pinnacle … thanks


Hi, will it help close gaps between two molar teeth? as well as straighten the molar which is tilted at 60 degrees.


Hi, @ Mystique. I know the field heals, but I don’t know about restructuring. Perhaps someone will come along who has experience with it.
glad youre here yellow