Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 

There are no special recommendations here. I guess itā€™s all individual.
I, for example, am a supporter of clear plans and schemes
I play this field exactly x4 times before going to sleep, then comes my individual nightly playlist

some iā€™ve seen on the forum manage to loop some fields for hours
I have always been surprised by this approach, but I admit that some people find this form acceptable :slightly_smiling_face:

also, you have to consider individual tolerance
I mean, some people manage to loop plasma fields for hours, some people need x1 times a day, ect
one day ago, in one of the groups I wrote:

everything is individual i think :slightly_smiling_face:


Where can I get a bow like this, Lou?
I think it would look great worn in the hair! :laughing:


itā€™s just a picture from the internet, so i donā€™t know where to buyā€¦
but no worry, soon we will have this written on our foreheads!


May I know would this help on concentration/focus or awareness? I may have suffered from a lot of unknown trauma (like, I donā€™t know thatā€™s a big deal event until I quiet down in meditation and realize these memories floating up to leave the system)

I have overwhelming intrusive thoughtsā€¦my researches show that it is related with ocd (Obsessive-compulsive disorder).

So does anyone use this nft and have any review about focus? Thanks!

and you know, Iā€™ve had some thoughts.
theyā€™re probably based on more literature Iā€™ve read in the past (related to energy healing)

it relates to the topic of ā€œwhy I might have worsening of my well-being in the early stagesā€. :grimacing:
the thoughts are more about the physical body, but if you think about it a little bit, you can draw a clear line to the mental state

Whatever state of health you have, if there is no aggravation at the moment, you are in a state of ā€œstable balanceā€ (this is relative)

the body has redistributed functions and resources, ā€œconservedā€ the existing waste products which it is unable to eliminate, ā€œset asideā€ a place for storing the new incoming waste products, in general, ā€œadjustedā€ the systemā€™s stable work in a lean manner. And then you ā€œintrudeā€ with your extra energy and new audio with powerful healing energy to return to the original healthy programā€¦

first your system resists, trying to maintain balance/homeostasis, and then, succumbing to your onslaught (you are the boss, after all), the illusory equilibrium you created collapses and restructuring/reformatting begins, which always starts with chaos and failure of the " adjusted system"., ect

it is probably very important not to perceive the worsening of the state of health as a signal to stop working.

Otherwise it turns out that all you have done is make a mess and leave your poor body to deal with it, depriving it of additional resources

The main task is to bring the body to a new state of true equilibrium, and this state has to be better than the previous one
Thatā€™s why patience is important :slightly_smiling_face:

I am a supporter of holistic approaches, and have advised myself many times to use medications, herbal medicine, and other methods of health care when necessary in addition to working with the energy :grin:

the task is to help the body to cope with the disease, not to accustom it to use only one particular resource

the aquarium method is very helpful (as example) :laughing:



thank you. i think i know what you mean. no way i will give up. i want to become stronger again no matter how people react. there is also the equilibrium between each other.

you feel so responsible for your projects and help us out, this means a lot, thank you!


I cannot recommend this field enough. This has helped me process my pain and grief in tremendous ways and in a faster amount of time. Iā€™m still working thru all of it but itā€™s not as debilitating as it was 2 weeks ago.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dream and Ugnis!! :heartbeat: :heartbeat:


This field is truly the holy grailā€¦

Trauma, depression, dopamine repair, self-love issues, guilt, grief - seems to work on anything Iā€™ve triedā€¦

This is the Plasma Flaunt of emotional/mental/subconscious wellbeingā€¦


:100: :100:


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
But we still have the Captain to thank.
You know, thereā€™s more to this project than that. I didnā€™t list the whole scheme in 1 post.
Those who were in the group can attest to that :laughing:

the more complex is the object of knowledge (and what can be more complex than man himself?), the more pressing is the problem of adequate transfer of knowledge. Any attempt to write down a complex project involves an inescapable contradiction, the essence of which is as follows:

the presentation of some concept is forced to be successive (i.e., built by the principle of linear sequence), whereas the understanding of its essence must be simultaneous (i.e., it must present the perception of all its constituent parts in their organic unity and integrity)

When the author (at least me :laughing:) embarks upon a complex project - which he wants to propose to the Captain, at first he tries to give a systematic presentation of his theory / his vision ā€œin orderā€, starting from basic notions, from the foundation

he intends to build, step by step, methodically and sequentially, the ā€œedificeā€ of his theory or big idea

But later he discovers that this linear, ā€œarchitectonicā€ exposition can function in a slightly different way

it turns out that from each point of narration come many branches and semantic links to all other points - there is no beginning and no end, no foundation and no top floor, but there is a semantic volume with many links and a single semantic core

I started this thread here

further, it turns out that no part of the project can be fully understood in isolation from all the other parts, and that what is stated at the beginning of the project can be perceived in full only through assimilation of all the subsequent materialā€¦

in my notes (in my electronic notebook), there is one mention: these ideas were first expressed by the famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in his program work ā€œThe World as Will and Representationā€

according to Schopenhauer, the structure of any sufficiently deep and mature concept is not architectonic, but organic, that is, in which each part supports the whole as much as it itself is supported by that whole, none of the parts being essentially the first or last

Schopenhauer drew an important practical conclusion. In all science a complete conception of it is obtained only after the whole course of it has been passed, and then one returns to the beginning. The deeper and more serious the concept presented, the less likely it is to be fully grasped from the first reading :laughing:

Some of the projects suggested to the Captain are very complex in structure. For example, the 360 Tech project was created on the principles of biophysics (yes, some have seen the full schematic with details) :laughing:

And some of the principles of that project were highlighted in this project (Mental Healht)
For example, such as:


And now imagine that on the basis of this huge model the Captain created this NFT. I sincerely thank him. :slight_smile:


Thanks to @Ugninis and of course GOAT @Dreamweaver - I mean this will go down as one of the all-time GOATs - this has replaced so many fields for meā€¦


are you familiar with the Captainā€™s vast and pointed arsenal (on yotube, Patreon, gumroad) that relates to the emotional / mental state?

I gave this answer in a private group where you are, but still, I think Iā€™ll take it to this thread :slight_smile:

I try to avoid questions such as: will this help me with the XXX problem

my logic comes down to this:

the Captain fields help on all levels, and on very deep levels (confirmed) :slight_smile:
I base this on my personal experience and the experience of my friends, and many other people
but the results are different for everyone

in pharmacy the situation is similar - one pill or medicine can help thousands of people, but it may not be effective for a small number of people for a variety of reasons
it really depends on many factors.

what if you are told 100 % that field x will help you? after a while you donā€™t meet your expectations, and people start blaming others

a lot of processes take time
you can always enhance the Mental NFT effect by adding the free field available on Patreon (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)
(focus on your problem when using this NFT by adding this field)


UgniS dropping knowledge bombs :+1::muscle:



looking forward to your projects :pray: :wink:


me too :sweat_smile: :joy:


Thank you @Ugninis

You have a good point! Thanks for the reply!


Iā€™m blown away by this field too. I still havenā€™t figured out which fields Iā€™m going to remove from my stack. Iā€™m hesitant to remove Depression BeGone and New Perspectives, but I think maybe there is no need for them anymore.


You can replace it with this NFT most likely


Agreed. I took them off my stack for today and we will see how it goes. Thanks!


The project has an item - Hack your brain chemistry :grin:

Different kinds of therapies are also present

Anyway, I love these fields.
I remember buying New Perspectives the day it was released.

any captainā€™s tools: paid, free, audio or NFT have a huge impact on us. Itā€™s a journey that had many parts to it. :slightly_smiling_face: