Project Mental Health (Public) 🧠

I, too, would like to see teeth grow back / or regenerate the day after buying a field

Or we would get healthy instantly after buying Plasma Flaun
or instantly rich after acquiring some sort of wealth artifact

We probably wouldn’t be on this forum.

some things are more measurable, some are very subtle, hard to grasp and identify

Our mental health depends on many components, and maintaining it also depends on you personally

which is why I ask you not to go into theory - you need certain results, and the theoretical basis is more for the one who creates the project
Trust the fields, be patient, but do not sit back and wait for an instant miracle.

I cited this example many times - a man who smokes two packs a day and uses fields to regenerate his lungs - I don’t think he will achieve the desired results.

nor do I think that shamans knew anything about neurotransmitters, or the Taoists knew about genetic corrections and pinoline

combining different modalities and the most multifaceted approach to certain problems + the responsibility of the individual himself to solve them is what I believe in

only changing and correcting neurotransmitters may not be enough

human “modern” science is several centuries old
having made breakthroughs and explained many things, it has begun to forget what humans have known and applied for millennia


Just picked this up and I couldn’t be happier, I really really needed this, past few weeks I couldn’t get to sleep because I was stressing.

Will update and measure how I sleep


Really need this, I feel such a letdown at myself. I need external validations just to make myself feel at least a little bit happy, past 15 years, I don’t remember experiencing “true” happiness. Despite all the healing I am trying to do, I’m not taking it seriously. Will try to get this asap.

I am getting better, but I don’t know how to move forward basically.


I’m not going to talk about the field and NFT because I don’t have the knowledge on how it is done or the experience on how good it works (which I am sure it works pretty good for its purpose).

Just about the psychological theory and literature mentioned here.

This is a form of economy and limiting belief related to psychology, an issue not shared initially by psychoanalysis.

Many homeless people or madmen don’t have any anxiety while talking to random people on the streets and they are comfortable while doing it.

This happens because anxiety it is always related to “object petit a”, the object cause of desire, which comes to exist on how desire is created through the abstract laws created by our culture.

It is not biological or based on evolution.

Which means that social anxiety it is something created by our cultural norms, and not shared in other forms of societies.

Which explains why some people don’t have it. Because some people don’t give a shit about norms, or live in a society in which norms and laws do not involve a particular way of people relating to each other which produces what psychology calls social anxiety.

For example, perverse structures lack any form of anxiety related to social interaction, even if the person was abscent from society for 10 years, because the person does not care about norms at all.

Neurotics care about limits and norms, and that’s where their suffering it is located.

CBT is a form of therapy that especially tries to adapt people to norms.

Which in many cases makes people more neurotic.

People need to get rid of the unconscious laws and norms that make them suffer. Not create more ideals and norms on top of their suffering.

Or create an authority (a psychologist) that dictates their behavior to become more alienated to norms.


i see it the that here we have the chance to use this as an invisible tool to help us live in our own norms.
without that psychologist as a person who for any reason decided to become a psychologist…
i used to make fun of people who go to therapy and they behave in interacting with others as in a close combat. as they are trained from a coach for a battlefield. it’s not about growing together and making new things happen it’s only about this little ego fight.


Yes, but do you know the ideal method?
science has to come from something, and for some people that might actually be the way out.
just like a simple conversation with a therapist - a simple human conversation.
There are pros and cons everywhere
there’s a huge criticism of hypnosis, but it does work for some people
we’re talking about a model that was just present in the project.
That doesn’t mean that we’re all gonna be standardized. :slightly_smiling_face:


yes, you are right. i am sorry.


That’s not the point.
I mean, when a project is created, it’s better to have a framework, not just a fantasy.
Different theories aren’t perfect.
but it’s easier.
not all descriptive schemes of different groups, and not all of the concepts I see on the forum fit me, and some are also questionable
but that doesn’t mean they can’t exist and won’t lead to good results for specific people

They may or may not be good for some people.

the fact is we’re talking about great alchemy
and for some people, that part of the scheme might work just fine.
a lot of us go to work and have families and interact with society

and if it makes us more adaptable that would be a good thing.

one of our future projects is using one of the NLP models.
it’s not perfect either, and its interpretation can raise a lot of questions.
but it’s perfect in design, and it’s perfect for the end goal.

it’s the results that matter, not the categoricalness of the interpretations.
but maybe the man is doing some deep research.
at the end of the day, it’s just an opinion, and it has a right to exist.


This is pure speculation for me because I have no idea of what Dream does, I am just trying to offer the best understanding possible around this subject to make things easier for everyone.

I honestly don’t know or have the capital to create a mental health project, but if I did and anyone did, I’d advice to stick to a model that is more compatible with alchemy.

By adapting to society, norms become more fixated and the cause of anxiety might not solve at all.

If the person has social anxiety may be because it is “too adapted”, and actually needs to drop social expectations, rules and abstract authority figures to let go and be able to flow through other people.

Because according to alchemy and topology of surfaces/knots there is not “in and out” between objects. Just continuity.

Not create a more rigid sense of identity or sense of self that limits the person to behave in a really small set of possibilities.

Alchemy is very compatible with topology, knot theory, two-dimensional surfaces and one-dimensional links according to theoretical physics. Not exactly the 3-dimensional body/illusory experience that is shared among biologists and psychologists, which presents objects not merged into each other but singular and identical to themselves.


Creates energy alchemy :grin:
and believe me - it may have many more components than you see in the description
combining / merging / fusing multiple energy programs into one
The Captain has fleshed out the answer in this thread

it’s just that this process may not be consistent with the theory you describe
in this case it doesn’t really matter how we interpret the word “alchemy”, but I’m sure many on the forum have an idea of this process (in a simple sense)

Thank you, sincerely.
only, your language is a little difficult to understand
this is not a criticism, i also admit that my descriptions (or those of others) may not be understood by anyone

he already did it

Yes, we often operate on speculation.
As has already been said, it is the results themselves which are important.
Yes, sometimes the meaning of what is written may not be clearly understood.
As some people have said - “I want specific results for my specific purposes. The descriptions themselves - and the specifics are not important to me. I trust the Captain.”


Agree :clinking_glasses:


I think many people who are hurt will naturally try and hurt others, to bring them to their level.

Someone seeing you having really good mental health, will be like hahahahahahahaha you’re done now.

I feel like with this, we can finally not be affected by this as well.

Did I say this somewhere already (first paragraph) ?, it felt so lol.


As someone who had been studying mental health for 10 years and having relatives with mental illness, I find this topic very serious.

And “trying to not feel affected by anything” seems quite the opposite thing to do when it comes to the achievement of optimal mental health. It is avoidance.

As SammyG said in one of his posts, being able to confront uncomfortable scenarios and adress conflicts with other people it is what helps in the achievement of spiritual development.


It is a shielding aspect I meant. :joy::kiss::kiss:. And a host of other stuff.

In fact avoidance with this shielding should disapear as there’s nothing to avoid anymore. Go and do whatever, your mental health should stay fine. Fear that drives you to avoid the uncomfortable dissapears.

So no more forcing oneself to go into uncomfortable situations to fk yourself even more up. (or while another option would be avoiding). They are not uncomfortable anymore see.


Look, before this field, upon seeing a fearful stimuli, a natural reaction is to avoid it, as it can be dangerous!

However we both know that these days and times, many are afraid of things that are not dangerous at all! Like a spider for example.

However the individual with the fear of spiders naturally avoids it.

Now you have mentioned the idea to face the uncomfortable stimuli. I agree! This is the way to go. Gradual exposure therapies work that way.
Slowly getting more comfortable with that discomfort, until becomes habituated.

Mission accomplished

Sometimes even imaginal desensitization, but that one usually involves visualizations.

Anyways or one can listen to this field, and all of it is automated, the individual sees a spider and is not afraid of it anymore.

Ofc this may take longer for some than others. But way faster than therapy i am sure.


Anyways I was not talking about that lol.

What I meant is, lets say… you are happy, there is another person next to you that is sad and toxic. Normally if you are spending a lot of time with that person, theu will bring you down to their level if too much time is spent around them.
And yeah what I meant in my explanation above is that you are only damaging yourself even more if you stay with that person in that room. Avoiding would be healthy.
Now yes another option you mentioned would be to confront the uncomfortable. Confront being with that toxic, sad person. Go and talk to them, let them put you down even more. Get a trauma or two, but soon you will manage to be at peace in being with that person on the same room. You will have to be stronger than them, if you don’t want to end up like them. You will have to bring them to your level of happiness, as otherwise you are not progressing anywhere, but rather setting up for less than you deserve and are. It is a whole bunch of effort, and definitely a path I’d recommend taking if you want to spend your energy on it and yes the situation will be confronted sooner or later. Next time it happens it will go easier etc. That’s how I’d go about lots of stuff. It made me being able to handle a lot more than others can. But it also ruined me a lot more than others are.

Now a brand new solution is in this field. You can go into the room with that depressed toxic person. You will remain happy (due to workings of the field). They won’t be able bring you down even if they try to (or it will be to a much lesser level). You technically will be confronting the very same situation! You won’t avoid it. It will be easier
You will be protected from all that bw, so there is nothing to avoid from the first place.

The same confrontation of a problem will be done. Yet it would feel like confrontation anymore.

While yes you won’t go and have an experience of: discomfort being confronted as much as before, since discomfort is becoming neutralized.

So my only question is. Should we remain in discomfort in order so that we can confront uncomfortable situations. Or should we use this field, eliminate discomfort and go into that very same situation.

But hey, that is just my limited experience so far. I could be wrong.

Edit: now that toxic person, they could be totally kind to you back ofc, in this example I was generalizing it only to those individuals that would not be.


I’m not an authority for this.

But usually, symptoms have two faces.

One face is symbolic, which means that the way in which I recognize an spider and my feelings towards it that later on reflect on my psychosomatic response (chemicals on my brain) is mediated through how my subjectivity construes the form and idea of a spider within a network of differences first (bad, dangerous, poison, my dad got really scared by a spider when I was little and I saw all of it, TV documentaries on spiders).

Something that humans have but animals don’t.

So, we never get to see or experience the “spider as such”. Only a very well crafted construction of it that precedes my experience of it and it is based on my whole serial construction.

So, when I am with a “toxic person” there is the symbolic dimension in which I relate to that person that affects my mood and feelings towards that person based on my particular past that is present at that time.

Then there is the energetic dimension that is triggered by the symbolic network/order of my particular serial articulations that makes me feel drained towards that person based on all my subjective stuff and prejudices towards the person: “he is being too negative”, “she is exactly like my mom!” Etc.

And there is the energetic dimension in which energies interact to each other beyond our network, so, this is where low vibration and high vibration energy comes in play.

If I am stuck in a particular symbolic network that exists in a very low vibe, that energy will interact with other people’s energies and affect them directly, and probably, they will never know, unless they are energetically trained (and even then…)

This is where SM fields come to play, by engaging with other energetic systems or information, or symbolic network (because IMO the symbolic network it is also just another morphic field, like everything else).

So, a toxic person could be making me feel low vibe because of my perception or, because the person it is actually relating energetically to me in a way that produces such effect.

But, if I am aware of the toxicity of a person it is probable that it has more to do with my own prejudices and network than it has to do with the actual energy exchange that happens beyond that, unless you are really energy trained to know the difference (and also aware of your triggers made by your prejudices/network).

And also taking into accout that these things are kinda inmixed and not totally differentiated from each other, because they exist in a dimension in which there is no clear distinction between objects, like our imaginary point of view of things and most of biological or psychological approaches to the human mind.

This may be related to Jung’s idea that we are always dreaming. It is technically right, we are living on an imaginary world and we relate imaginarely to each other.

The imaginary register is there as a compensation to fill the gaps/holes created between the knots of the symbolic network.


Did you ever get a spider bite ?


All that dialectic just to skimp the obvious.

Humans are animals, no two ways about it.

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Yeah, kindof.

Humans are de-naturalized, although I believe that animals are not naturalized either, they also have a proto-symbolic way in which reality is construed through them.

That is why pets have really different ways of understanding compared to wild animals. Pets can signify the noise of their owners’ steps or door keys in a way that wild animals don’t.

“Nature” is just another imaginary word to close a gap of unknown stuff and think we all know and agree on something, although those attempts to give closure to our thinking determines us in the worst possible ways imaginable.

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Visualize the discomfort. Give it volume, shape, mass, color, etc.
And turn on the field.
Then modify the created image and give it a positive shade
NLP practitioners like to give such advice :grin:

it is possible to detail the answer (I did it in the full version of the project E-Intelligence), but at the moment I simply have no forces - since friday I have caught covid (a family member got ill), and now I recover in a bed mode, and rest from everything
I’m just gonna share my observations. Now there was a moment - I had to turn on a desktop computer, and it is not convenient to write from a tablet

I read somewhere that the viral invasion is primarily an information invasion

One virus does not pose any threat to the organism but it attacks a great number of viruses which create a powerful informational and energy field capable of penetrating a person’s energy system; to be more exact, the virus finds “loopholes”

the dangerous action of the virus appears in the following way: not penetrating physically into the body, but being in the informational space of man it leads this space to the state of informational distortion or misbalance, and when the physical part of the virus penetrates the body the organism cannot give due resistance to its protein part (alien to the organism) due to the absence of a united defense system disorganized by the same virus before

i.e. the nature of the virus is different from standard infections, parasites, etc.
its “nature” is information-protein, because initially its aggression is expressed in unbalancing of energy-information component of human organism, and then invaded protein part causes rejection effect and leads organism to a state of acute peptide (protein) shock with all consequences

that’s all i can remember lol

Not sure how standard this version is, I cancelled my standard playlist, and based on what I wrote, from day one covid my playlist was:

Mental Health.
Curse / Spell Removal.
[ De-Inhabiter Combo ]
Virus Disruption
Blueprint of life
Vit C
Vit D
Auric and Energy Body Repair

plus a few more specialized fields from private projects

Stabilized almost on day 2, but now I’m in recovery and taking a break
Non-stop nature movies, reading and dreaming :slight_smile:

Take care and don’t get sick