Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 

take care and get well soon :blossom:


I wish you a speedy recovery :wink:


Hi guys,

I just purchased this NFT about a day ago. I looped the audio and it was really strong. I felt intense pressure on the back of my head and negative release of energy while I played it. After I was done playing it I felt a strong sense of relief. In addition, as I was walking around outside going about my day I felt more present in my environment and was able to focus more on my work.

I would love to hear if your experience was similar to mine and your thoughts on the psi-antiterror part of this field in comparison to the shielding 3.0 subconscious audio blocker.

I hope you all have a great day


Hey Guys if me and my sister bought this together. Will it still work for both?

No it only works for the NFT owner


No. Donā€™t look for loopholes. The NFT concept, combined with Captainā€™s clear programming, has established specific unshakable rules: The energetic effect will be effective for those who have the product in their wallet.

The only solution is to alternate usage: for example, one day you use the product and you have it, the next day you transfer it to your sister, and she uses it that day.

I think the schedule can be changed (every hour / a few hours, etc.)

This is how a mutual acquaintance of ours worked for a year (or more) with the Blueprint of the Power.


Thats bless. I am not looking for loopholes I was wondering because we are just going through some issues together etc.
In the lords grace we can buy x 2 soon when it becomes okay for us tooā€¦

I was wondering because she asked me. Thank you for letting me know.


You are welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Use this post also for a clearer understanding of this process. More information is collected and structured in it. It is also useful for beginners


Indeed it does :upside_down_face:

ā€¦sometimes hard to handle. Some days even make me want to give up, but then I remember that we were given the opportunity not many have. It also helps to simply ā€œknowā€ that this is a temporary state, and I am going to feel better once itā€™s over.


My long-buried psychosomatic issues are resurfacing one after another. Different skin issues, heart arrhythmia, arthritic pains, etc. Along with them, different emotions from my past are making me uncomfortable daily.

The beautiful part is, they all disappear shortly after appearing. Not so beautiful part is there are many of them.

I am very much looking forward to seeing how the Mental Health field is going to change my life once the inner work is done and even though the amount of that work is going to be different for different people, I canā€™t imagine anyone not needing this.


If I buy this I cant use it in a friend for example?

Only for legitimate purchasers themselves

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Is this good for sleep problems? Cheers.

try and let us know :slightly_smiling_face:

Just got this NFT with a huge discount just now. Thanks a lot @Captain_Nemo @SammyG for this opportunity!

@Ugninis I would like to ask if you donā€™t mind. I was able to download both the NFT and the audio from my wallet on my laptop but I could only download the audio on my phone. So, I just emailed myself with the NFT file attached and I downloaded the image on my phone for printing at a shop later. I just want to clarify since this is the first time it happened to me. Is it okay? Thanks in advance.

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I donā€™t mind, I just donā€™t always have time.
I was just about to turn my computer off.
and iā€™m not always at the computer :laughing:

the most important thing is that you downloaded the nft into your phantom/solflare or other Crypto Wallet

you can always download the audio from the link that comes after you pay

if you see the nft in your wallet, itā€™s ok

audio has an impact on the official owner

hope i understood your question correctly :slightly_smiling_face:

You can download the mandala here

Good night.


Thank you.

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When it comes to neuro receptors does it repair only dopamine or all of them in the brain?


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itā€™s a completely integral project :)


Just purchased. Iā€™m very curious to see how it will evolve over time. Thanks for this really essential NFT. :green_heart: