PTSD Help Combination

These words are true encouragement to people who think “they do not have bad conditions and shouldn’t be as consistent with this field…

Please, even if you have the most perfect life… just listen… see how you feel about yourself and your body after your listens, give it a go, see what comes up, see where you at from life; its deeper levels and its wholeness inside you.

Interconnected concepts:


Yes, truly a wonderful field :pray:

Works very well as well with energy work that could release some trapped traumas, so they can be transmuted with ease.


The parental love field is actually a great addition to this one ! Thanks for reminding me :)


Me neither but this is a Godsend.


I joined Patreon because of this audio and it has been worth every penny!


Stellate Ganglion Block

CLEAN VERSION without additions, a few people have found the amygdala addition part a bit too overwhelming and can cause you to face some fears to overcome it.

this is just the stellate ganglion section of the field.

This uses the Stellate Ganglion Block (also known as SGB)

Stellate Ganglion Block is done to diagnose or treat nerve injuries, some of which include:

  • Type 1 or Type 2 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
  • Phantom Limb Pain (PLP)
  • Effects of a Herpes Zoster Infection (also known as “shingles”) that affects the head, neck, upper chest, or arms
  • Causalgia
  • Intractable Angina

Essentially, the stellate ganglion regulates the “fight or flight” mechanism which is known to play a key role in PTSD and triggering the associated symptoms.

The SGB treatment numbs the nerves of the stellate ganglion and then “reboots” the system, stopping them from sending the message to the amygdala. This reverts the brain back into its pre-traumatic state.

This area is targeted by the field combination used in the pain control audio. (which is far safer than the analgesics used in the physical process.

2-3 times is usually fine.

be careful with use, do not drive or operate heavy equipment during and for about 30 mins after.


Any side effects that we can get from the video?


Uhm happiness and freedom?



@GianLee :facepunch: :heart:


Hypoglycemia possibly

What can I expect from the SGB(Clean version) field? Is it fine to listen everyday?

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In which condition this should be listened & in which condition SGB should be listened?

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:raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: Yes my dear brother!!!


If we listen this (ptsd) no need to listen trauma healing and amygdala healing ?

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I use amygdala healing (actually Shamanic Medicine Blend, which contains the amygdala field) on my “off” days, when I’m not listening to PTSD.

The instructions to PTSD tell us not to overlisten to PTSD. I find having a field (like amygdala or SMB) takes the pressure that would drive me to overlisten off of me and I can still feel taken care of.

The trauma healing field might also do the same for you.


This also contains amygdala. I was bullied and abused when I was younger. And now I’m 29 and always on the fear state. So this audio will help if I listen every week? And the healing is permanent?


It sure sounds like it.

What I’ve been doing (and, as you know, we each have to do some fine-tuning for our own personal experiences and needs) is listening to this (2x) every 3-4 days. (Sometimes I lose track and forget. That’s why it’s “3-4”. Nothing more complicated or intentional behind that. Haha)

Then on my “off” days (the days when I’m not playing PTSD) I’ve been playing my SMB (2-3x–depending on how I feel and what my schedule is like). If you don’t have SMB, you can play amygdala (and trauma healing, if you’d like) instead.

I don’t think there are any warnings about playing SMB, amygdala or trauma healing too much. But take it easy and work your way up on those. If you go too hard too fast (like looping each one of those more than the standard recommendations right off the bat) you might dig up much more to process than you had wanted. (If that should happen, Sapien have fields to help with that experience, but why have a rocky road when you can smoother experience, amiright?)

It can be permanent, yes.

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Yes, currently I’m listening amygdala and trauma. Been few days 2-3 times each and seems like helping a lot with fear and anxiety related issues. You mean I can listen ptsd audio every week and trauma and amygdala in between when not listening ptsd? Sounds great I’ll do the same.

Can you tell me which audio give ‘i don’t give a f***’ attitude, I’m done being people pleaser and caring too much about what other might think.

I was listening to amygdala one and then started this yesterday (3 times) . First day was fine but today I am just super pissed off at everything and everyone. I am reacting loudly and expressing my displeasure.


This reply, from another thread, made me think of you: