Random thoughts thread

don’t know if will do them. Probably plasma flaunt will be the thing. I told I am using Plasma and blueprint only because I was using all day fields from octomber 2023

now it seems better to not listen to music everyday. Plus made me listen to other music I liked like rapping jazz etc

will see though will see


wait what?
that’s racist you are not yellow?

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no man i never quitted anything (never smoked, drank, or anything) so i didnt get physical pains

id drink a lot and pull through it and keep using fields

people that do fasting also go through that specially at the third day…after that they all clean and gucci

i think Wim Hof breath could help…the problem is WHB takes headaches away, for example…but then they come back…so you gotta be hyperventilating all day.

Maybe ask that guy that quitted gaba drugs recently. He posted about it…we weren’t of much help. But if he went through, he should have some insight now.

He didnt even want to use fields that release gaba…went cold turkey.

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xD you really never smoked before

if I don’t smoke for 3 hours I am hyperventilating lol

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you mean zanderos?

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ig so
now it says anonymous

but there is another thread about SSRI withdrawal…i havent read it but yeah those things may be helpful

just plasma and pain relief and deep bone massage and stem cell+collagen anti-age regain your innocence and nitric oxide (for the headaches) and DMT (so you be trippin and dont even notice anything) and cannabinoid (it is pain-relieving) it man

its easy

do the energy expansion and chakra stimulation cards and healing and pain control and kinetic quasi if you have it

put yourself inside a toroidal field from hell and you wont feel nothing but love for God man

whirl it away like dervishes

or have constant empty meaningless sex until you come to your senses once again xD

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psychedelics smoke real man

-quote of the day from theophilos the saint the third 30/1/23


check this field too man this solves all problem this the doraemon field from the gods

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ok do everything and it will be more painful and then you will not feel your numb body

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yeah healing fields can get painful…so meaybe stop all fields except pain control and deep sleeper (like just sedate yourself and wake up on the other side…thats how they do it in express detox clinics…they keep people sedated for several days).

man if you have work and life and socializing its gonna be horrible

do this cold turkey quitting in a weekend or holiday and just stay chill all day

eat crap, watch movies that make you cry…that sorta thing…just imagine you a girl on her painful period…but dont use the field for period pains it wont work on you

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oh shit yeah yeah pain control

I read everything except that

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yeah ok ok I have the card for that brocoloco





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audio too

but like i said id trance the hell out three days xD

maybe smoke weed those days xD

btw im kidding

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i dont have english…i mean period like…mentrual cycle…like the opposite of menopausia

this would be so much funnier if i actually spoke english xD

like some men out there know nothing about women stuff

it’d be like “behold, two cavemen talking about women” xD

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wow drift is pushing me weed now

wow just wow

1 euro for 1 gram. Pm me for details


XDDDDDDDDDDDD hahahahaha what?

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I will imagine I am a man that was hitted in the balls hahahahahahha

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very hard because it usually hurts on the stomach, back…and then all over…kicked in the balls to other side of the basketball court xD

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try it before because it aint no miracle

thats why i prefer stuff that affects only the brain and makes me sedated sleepy tranced to the point of not feeling pain.

im the ultimate copper.outer xD

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