Random thoughts thread

Did you practice?

I read their history in detail from multiple sources.

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For the lazy learner/non-reader

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Somehow people found this the most apropriate response to the announcement of no second season for Wednesday:


Ngl, the reader’s ‘pathos’ makes it hard to understand what he’s saying. I also intend to print Maitreya’s Hermetic Teachings.

You reminded me to add GOAT.
Even though I’m biologically female, I’ve had interesting results with it. Cue the Hermetic teachings, Kundalini, and a whole lot of aspects (may all be the same?). The most interesting aspect seemed to be that when [I’ll call them *shites* for the time being] would come around looking for female energy to feed off of, an aggressive-protective male aspect would wake up and send them off, by whichever means necessary.
Yeah I said it.
Fortunately GOAT seems to be way less beta, seems to actually kick some ass by means other than words too.
Should anyone resonate with what I’m saying, they might also add Excalibur.


Play first world war planefight game in Virtual Reality, I feel I’m about to throw up

Which, where?
I had to focus lately so didn’t come around as often
Pun intended

It’s a very normie common sense video.

It’s just that people like to glamourize the shaolin.


Joys of winter nr1:

Cook, turn the heat in the room at max.

Eat cold food by the time food charger finishes playing just once :tipping_hand_man:

Heat the food in the oven.



Or play the audio while you are cooking :woman_shrugging:


My poor root chakra

How does that even work.


Crown chakra over active at the max

I think that’s accurate :joy:

My Root is at 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Edit: nvm


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Damn bro

I hope you feel better :sneezing_face:

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Same to you man

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Goddamn it how do I stop being so dependent on other people or things?

For the life of me I cannot give myself the security I crave from others