Random thoughts thread

Next thing in town…everyone gets free wifi.

To be honest I felt really sick when last time I visited the outside world, there were cameras everywhere.

I live in a small village…mofos don’t have money for anything but they can put cameras everywhere…for what? If anyone does anything, everyone knows. It’s how small villages work. They are round fish eye cameras too…and like one meter apart so they literally see everything.

In the city, I saw no cameras. Guess they have a higher tech now. If you watch any place from google, they have real-time photos and video, from street level (I mean, not from cameras above, in lampost and stuff).

The end is a-nigh.

It’s hilarious.

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That’s the sad situation.

Technology, in the most abstract of conceptions, might be capable of being regarded as ethically neutral.

But, in the real world, It is built on the destruction of a large proportion of the natural landscape and it is put into the hands of anti-human psychopaths. Optimism about technology seems like it requires a corequisite malfunction of cognition.

It’s one of those things where I don’t know what the outcome will be. Going back to Alkul’s article on Entropy—all of our technology uses layers of dense matter to break apart coherent systems in order to exploit them in some way. It is all unavoidably entropic.

And yet, they can break into some of the same layers that people can access through genuinely harmonious, negentropic means. It is like a conquering of the lesser heavens by a faction of demons who depend on external means of manipulation and exploitation rather than turning internally (and refining themselves) to get to a different state.

That’s the entire deal with technology. People could do literally anything and everything through empathy, specifically directed will, and a desire for harmony. But, instead, humanity has become the mindless tool-using brutes of Heidegger’s analysis. Never genuinely turning inwards, and always taking from elsewhere.

But, again, who knows the future? There have been grand designs with technology—presumably to organically grow new layers of “life” around the earth. The technosphere and the noosphere… But, going back to the discussion of entropy, they are more like an ingrown toenail or a cancer rather than a new layer for evolution. It could never succeed to become something self-sustaining and stable, it can only develop at the expense of it’s host and only as long as its host will support it.

However, I’ve noticed even back in the early elementary school years that most people are mindless. Attuned to a group-think that matches the lowest common denominator. I fear that they will be a ball and chain that causes everyone to drown. —The types who will go “technology is awesome because it let’s me do all kinds of fun stuff!” but they ignore that it’s already being used for genocide in parts of the world lol.

Hopefully we’ll wisen up, though lol

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I have no hope. Like I said I only see bad scenarios…it was a good run, I guess xD

Time to invest in worldcoin though xD

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It does seem hopeless— especially when looking at the whole Covid + “Vaccine” fiasco.

I had hopes that a survival instinct might keep us in an okay direction. But it appears that even that instinct is easily hi-jacked and exploited in ways that are ultimately counterproductive to it.

I guess we’ll just have to see where the ride goes lol.

Nothing is ever ideal.

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On another ATo Vaikuntha Loka + mantras episode, reality blink out of existence, but in a different way than I ever experienced. It was like a videogame glitch. It lagged and for a moment went into nothingness.

Good stuff. I need some field to integrate these kind of experiences though.


Really happy right now. I “have to” stay somewhere a little longer. Serendipity is pretty cool.

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Wakey wakey guys

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Beautiful music, beautiful field.

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Eeeewww… Nooooooo…

I want to marinate in my negativity for a little while longer…

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Just a bit longer. I like the comfort of it.

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It’s not just the comfort of it lol.

Everything has a purpose. If a negative feeling arises, it is frequently because something is wrong.

In an ideal world, we could then take action in order to right a wrong. However, this is not an ideal world.

Many things happen that should not happen, and not much can be done to fix things.

Anyways, back to those good vibes lol :sunglasses:

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In an ideal world bad things would not happen.

Ideal to my ego, at least.

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I guess so… Then, in a less shitty world, bad things would be capable of being reversed.

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What’s the purpose of this hell?

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God is such a cheeky devil.

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Sir. Put that back.

Just kidding but I do wanna know why corruption and degeneration set in after 14 or 16. Also, what’s “the essence of Heaven”? I don’t recall ever having that lol

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Ah, understandable.

That sounds blissful for some reason, which makes me interested haha.

So, is your whole thing about Taoism? That’s your tradition/philosophy/religion?

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