Random thoughts thread

Wow, that is something more interesting than I thought, after a little research this could affect all the energy of all humans. Pluto was 15 years in Capricorn and the last time he was in Aquarius was in 1798 :exploding_head:

So is this a new age? The age of Aquarius? :grin:

explains my whole life tbh

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I canā€™t help wondering.

Doesnā€™t a demon have anything better to do? Is it cause a spell bind him so he is powerless over his actions?

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After some more understanding, it could be my own fear of seeing occult things like sigil and whatnot, it could be some type of response to something maybe unrelated that was triggered by seeing it. Because I do have some slight history with thinking Iā€™m possessed, or being attacked


Yh, thatā€™s what my guess too. I think itā€™s more about you than the docs.
I mean, if his docs and fields just attacked everyone and everything then no one will use it.

I used his fields in the past, even the one with entities and dark stuff ( I wonā€™t go into specifics but letā€™s just say the one you saw was nothing compared to what I used lol) but it didnā€™t worked on me. Same reason as you do, I grew up in Abrahamic Religion and the values just didnā€™t align with me.

I didnā€™t feel attacked tho, maybe because Iā€™m not afraid of it (and Iā€™m naturally just a black sheep/rebel/curious little shit jk for lack of a better of a word :skull:. I mean I was afraid of it first, but so was using Sapien. First Iā€™m afraid of Subliminal, then not anymore, then Sapien, then not anymore, Quadible, then anymore, SZ, then not anymore etcā€¦It just snowballs until I get used to this stuff). I just feel something inside me is resisting it so I kinda have an idea what you felt.

I mean, SammyG made a post about entities and stuff and said that they only have power over you as much as you allowed them to be. They live in a different realm than us so this physical plane, our mind, and body should be our home territory. Donā€™t be afraid of them and they canā€™t scare you.


Would be amusing if at some point the collective consciousness of octopi finds a way to express their astral disdain for how theyā€™re treated by humanity in the 3D in the form of a crystalized entity of sheer horror for mankind, like Cthulhu or something of the same nature. Lol.

This the swarm book seems interesting.

But I like the premise of Kaiju-esque leviathans and gigantic humanoid octopi more. Then youā€™d need some mega-bots engineered to fight them off.

Why is this stuff liked by such innocent souls thoughā€¦

Japan that day:

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Remember this?

Thereā€™s room for a narrative. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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:crossed_swords: :balance_scale: :diamonds:

People are so cringe

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Not sure how the Standard Model of Psychology can approach any of the stuff experienced here.

Some can be rationalised to an extent, sure. But, itā€™s a heavily limited lens.

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I thought of you when I wrote it, part of the upcoming update :P
yeh lol

That would make for a long venting post