Random thoughts thread

A cast mould accommodates things to it.

Psychology tries to define something indefinable, while Psychiatry tries to confine something unconfinable.


But both partially work because they are aspects of the same force. Marginal and momentary results.

That was a big part of the vent :P

All of it.
Yeah I’m not gonna turn this into a public vent, for the moment.

What would you call that force, if I may?

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I can’t think of a proper name for it. The words that came up don’t really describe it well because of how many processes are involved in it

But let’s just say, if you can get someone to think “reasonably imaginatively” there’s no limit to what they can “conjure”.



K0rewa K0rewa

Just Wanted t0 Say


It Begun

Random thoughts thread - #40094 by LonelyAtTheTop

Kikoeruka ??


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Why does Dragon Intercession and Experience made me feel like levitating/weightless for a second. This is some wild stuff lol.

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You were probably about to get an OBE. (But knocked yourself back into your body)

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I sometimes tried to do that, even telling my dragon servitor multiple times to help me. I even read a book on how to have an OBE/astral project, but whenever I feel like it’s right there (like feeling the vibration, hearing a bang, etc
) I always return. I get anxious easily (and sometimes gets too excited) whenever it’s there, even if I try to calm myself.

There is this guy

Might have some helpful tips. Idk.

Most of my OBEs, and they weren’t very memorable or numerous, were pretty random. I barely realized I was having them.

The science doesn’t support this, and brain activity scans for OBE claimants don’t help much.

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"Virility in men is what makes them unafraid to fuck the system"

I liked this quote from the following video, and it makes you think why modern society wants men to be less and less virile.

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This looks pretty promising



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Thank you again.

This dude liked writing bruh.

20 habits xD

How many step were there for becoming rich in think and grow rich? And you still needed “the secret” xD

It was good. Imma do my own version of positivity and use fields for that. I always look at the roadblocks first, the flaws. Just to avoid wasting time.

Gotta waste some time and energy and take more risks. Cause flawless plans don’t exist.

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Do I want to be myself or do I want to be loved?

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Imagine being able to repeat every time you get paid :money_mouth_face:

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