Random thoughts thread

Uhhh prolly like 800.

Didn’t keep up with the hours on it after 500.

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I saw CB at full capacity.

But now I’m cooked lol. Soon I’ll heal up again and see all types of circuitry.

But CB is insane. You can actually read back a few months ago when I started performing those mental operations.

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How’s PMS so far tho bro? Seems awesome.

That’s so fire bro. Elite.

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yeah yeah…



Being broke is painful :thought_balloon:

Probably not as painful as working a job I don’t like tho lol

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Missing @El_Capitan_Nemo and @SammyG hours.


I don’t have a stack, I stopped making them like 7 months ago.

I just focus on specific mental operations.

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Woke up like this:




And already feeling my symptoms improve.

Edit: And I’m back to normal one hour later y.y


What were your symptoms? and what is the third field? :hushed:

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My usual symptoms. They work in a sort of cyclical way. They were gonna heal today nonetheless xD. Maybe it helped with some post-eclipse stuff too.

But torsion, dreamtime and higher being experience feel like they could help. Mostly torsion, but higher being too, somehow.

Third field is “Contentment Flow” in Sapient Wellness:

I listened to that stack “randomly” and when looking at it later, contentment didn’t fit. Maybe at the the end, but not there? Even before the Milky Way journey…I could send contentment there.

But then I’ve realized I actually didn’t listen to it. I checked it, but then moved onto the others.


Bruh I couldn’t edit my own post cause some user edited it according to the system xD


oh I see, it’s good that you’re fine now :+1:

Torsion is great for regaining balance, especially when you don’t know what’s wrong with you. For me, it’s like the old reliable, especially if you set your intention to feel good.

Oh, I didn’t know about that field, is it mostly for manifestation or what other uses could it have?

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Lol :laughing:


Hm…I’d use it as per the description. But mostly, just to fill yourself and experience contentment?

I’ve wanted to use the SW fields for a while but…never have one hour just for them. Have plenty of experiments in qeue until I get to them.

I mean the other two, wealth and opportunities, sound like they could have high potential. Maybe those are overlooked and they’d be the most effective for those results (there is no field that is just for “opportunities”, and that one should boost results of all other fields).

But I think those were meant to be used by many, for them to gain power (as in, we add to the pools, and the field may be noded), and they aren’t the most used…

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Can you please link the second and third?

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To be honest, the one I wouldn’t recognize myself could be the Dreamtime, maybe.

The galaxies more or less I know, but I’d still look, to make sure xD

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Probably Forest Gump.

Touches on everything, really. There is something for everyone in that movie. It isn’t my favourite, but if I have to answer that question, I think it is the best movie, objectively, so to speak.

But…a little bit of everything may also mean it isn’t the perfect movie for anyone.

Google was the second one to say Happy B’day to me. It almost beat my mother haahaha :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: WITH INTERACTIVE BALLOONS AND EVERYTHING :star_struck: I’m just like a kid…

But the best ways to do it… include discount coupons for food and movies.
Seriously… they send so many of these things that I have to turn to the next page to see the birthday whishes from people who know me :upside_down_face: