Random thoughts thread

No no, since he became a patron too he got the beer body


The bird is delicious!

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what bird?

Itā€™s not a bird, itā€™s a plane :roll_eyes:

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nah itā€™s just a dream

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So itā€™s life itself

Well, just saying, if you are trying to convince people of anything by first calling them ignorant and telling them to read books, youā€™re already gonna throw these people off immediately and theyā€™re not gonna listen to you.

Just like Iā€™m compassionate for trans people, I gotta be compassionate for ā€˜ignoranceā€™ because people really only know what they know. Our subconscious minds automatically close our minds to information that doesnā€™t allign with our beliefs. Beliefs perpetuated by our environment and the people we grew up around. Itā€™s like not even fully our fault most of the time. Itā€™s just human nature.

Just like some people are close minded to trans people, you seem close minded to the way some people think in this forum. Theyā€™re less progressive thoughts tend to trigger you. I can see that you are passionate and you deeply care about these things. That is very noble of you and I genuinely admire that.

The only thing about that is that this sort of passion will often lead you down a path of being combative. Of always being at conflict with the world.

Cause people are always going to disagree with you no matter what. Even if you have all the proof in the world. You canā€™t just change someones thinking over a conversation. And part of you knows that but perhaps wants to attack their point of view to ensure they know the ā€˜real facts.ā€™

It typically doesnā€™t work and only invites more stress/conflict into your life.

Does that mean you shouldnā€™t share your thoughts? Of course you should. But I personally think a more welcomed approach is just sharing our thoughts without belittling other peoples lack of knowledge on something.

If you want to be listened to, you got to be open and compassionate of the way other people think even if it completely contradicts your way of thinking. Otherwise, they arenā€™t going to listen to you because your thoughts also completely contradict theirs and youā€™re invalidating their thoughts/feelings up front.

I know that sounds illogical but I have witnessed hundreds of arguments, probably thousands at this point and when people just tell others theyā€™re wrong and they need to educate themselvesā€¦ it never ends well at all. Never once did someone go ā€˜okay, Iā€™ll go read this book then.ā€™

Imagine someone telling you that you arenā€™t really educated on the topic and you need to read Jordan Petersonā€™s book ā€˜Transexuals Are Delusionalā€™ that has a lot of scientific proof on why they are. Would you read the book? No. Well, theyā€™re getting that same treatment from their perspective. (That book doesnā€™t exist btw lol)

All we can really do is share our perspective and if people open up to it, cool. If not, then cool. Not gonna lose my peace over where someone is currently at in their personal journey.


Ah, gonna add that to my wishlist then


I ordered 10 to give my family. Education style! :open_book:


As for what you wrote, for sure. Thereā€™s plenty of examples of transexuals and homosexuals throughout human history. Human sexuality was also much more fluid and open in many cultures throughout the world. India was a very sexual country with quite a nice balance in that regard. Obviously, thereā€™s caveats to it like being completely driven by lust or whole cities raining stds.

Regardless, the Abrahamic Religions went to the other side of the extreme and completely wiped out humanitys freedom of expression. In some ways, it mgiht have been necessary as we were very undisciplined creatures merely driven by instinct. But it was too extreme and we were internally repressed by the limiting belief of our sexuality being evil. Whether it be our attraction to same sex or desire to be more feminine/masculine or just enjoy sex. The rules were so rigid thst they almost broke us.

And now we are hereā€¦ trying to find a moddle ground. Itā€™s chaotic at the moment. A lot of culture clashes but I think weā€™ll eventually get to a place of global acceptance. When genetic engineering takes afoot, it really isnā€™t going to matter what you believe as people will choose their gender, how they look and a whole bunch of other things.

The question for most people I think isā€¦ exposure to children. Many peoplr think thst if kids are exposed to transexuals, then that will normalize it to them and make them want to be transexual. I donā€™t know the answer to that as Iā€™m not a father. I do remember being a kid thoughā€¦ and seeing transexuals or gay people growing up had no influence on me. They were just people with different preferences to me. But thatā€™s just me. I do think people are who they are. If a gay person influenced them to be gay, itā€™s more than likely they were already gay and seeing that person made them realize it.

Regardless, I think its more a matter of edcuating your child on thst matter. Now, I will say that I certainly donā€™t agree with doing gender transformation surgeries on children. Kids are still young and donā€™t even know who they are. If they havenā€™t hit puberty yet, they definitely arenā€™t even in tune with their sexuality yet to make such a huge decision. Iā€™ve seen videos of people who regret getting those surgeries and that is just sad to me. You gotta be completely sure if you want to do that and a kid does not have that kind of clarity.


Eughā€¦ I be finishing posts and just seeing buildings of text. Like Iā€™m creating manhattan blocks full of skyscrapers. Like Cā€™mon lol.

I should write a book at this point since I naturally turn what could be said in one paragraph into like 9. I annoy myself so much with this lol



that aint random, the book company scouters in the forum knew that already


Lmao :laughing:


Wow sammy am impressed was this ur random thought, u must be a genius


not again a whole back an forth though. Damn. I am really crying for my baby random thread. It all started in the hot days of summer just to lose itā€™s soul in the cold days of winter.





mr.worlwideeeee ayeeeeee

:100: :100: :100: :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: :confetti_ball: :tanabata_tree: :tada: :confetti_ball: :tada:


If possible you shouldnā€™t, itā€™s unhealthy for anyone :slight_smile:


Then you should break up with him lol


Sounds like a smart boyfriend lol