Sapienmed Webinar 6/7 - 1 PM EST

Did I understand correctly that there will be a meditation course? Or just something special for the lucky attendees? My internet connection was wonky and I only got parts of what was said about this.


I had to leave after 3 hrs, may be someone who stayed till the end can confirm.


what i can remember:

  1. stack fields with mindfullness meaning goal oriented like not combine energizing and pacyfung audios in one playlist. fields of similar goal would support each other more so the rewiring fields do so.

  2. do the work a field guides you to do and not wait from results out of thin air especially with sozializing fields( this part Sammy repeats throughout the three webinars i attended till date)

  3. the new patreon fields (flowers,crystals,totems,shades of light) are environmental fields also. very potent ones.

  4. plasmafied mitochondria audio from patreon boosts all healing audios after it.

  5. talks about brain rewiring( personally not involved so didnot take many notes). this was connected to moving to experience the things the rewiring tells you to ground and expand the effect, because the brain learns so. like learning a new skill requires practise.

  6. talks about energy sensitivity and collagen and nerves.

  7. talks about what dieties and benevolent enteties are and what a higher self is.

  8. taks from side of Sammy,(while Captain said is really not needed), for amplifying fields using radionics mashine. a tip from Captain to use the Flow card as such device and charge your items and also your smartphone playing fields.

  9. enhanced plant growth from patreon is an environmental field.

i was two hours or so and then left because chores awaited.

dear @Dreamweaver if something in my recollection would be wrong please correct me. It was great pleasure being able to share infos with you and attend this meeting. and very happy and grateful for the chances i got yesterday. i felt very intelignent in your complany.

@SammyG you are a God. take care! and thanks for organizing and leading this gathering


This was heavily focused on wiring without learning gives you far less of an experience. I remember commenting some metaphor about having a plane but no pilot’s license to fly it in response. A book is as much fuel to brain wiring as a proper diet and/or protein is to someone focusing on body fields (and a proper diet is just as important to brain fields, jsyk).


Wow! I need to take some notes from now on lol.

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@mrpixeltech The thing with Dream’s fields is thatthat are already programmed to nullify outside influence. So that’s not an issue really.

As for fielding the forum… Fields are unintrusive to people by design. So can’t change the way people act or behave. Sure there can be a nudge towards more benevolent energy and positivity but people be… peopleing lol.

@SoulStar33 We answered this but maybe you didn’t catch it. The higher self is your source self. It is your consciousness… which is an extension of the universe itself. It is like a light of awareness, expanding through embodying infinite perspectives (bacteria, fish, human, 5d being, star, galaxy, ext…) over time.

‘George’ is a lens through which your higher self experiences the world. But ‘George’ is also essentially your higher self. There is no separation… It’s just a deeper layer to you that you don’t realize is expressing itself. You believe you are only george, so you feel separate from your soul/divinity. But part of what enlightenment really is… is just realizations. And it’s in realizing that you are george and your higher self (which also encompasses everything), that you begin to open up to your higher self’s expansive wisdom, unconditional love and inner peace.

It’s very hard to put into words but I’ll keep trying. For one, this is how most of us think of our higher selves.

I’m ego. Higher self is this higher version of me. We are disconnected and I meditate to get in touch with my higher self.


I am my higher self. I am the universe itself. I am every person I interact with. I am all the experiences I’ve had. And I am also void so I am none of it at all at the same time. And so, my ego is an expression of the universe as well. I am ‘George’ and the universe at once. So, my ego is my higher self too.

Getting to that second part is the journey and is further achieved through spiritual practices, fields and internalizing the realizations that arise in the path.

As for how high the higher self gets… It’s the universe. So it gets as high as everything. It’s really hard to conceptualize I guess but you’re really not something separate from all this. Your higher self isn’t some higher self separate from other higher selves. It’s all one self split into infinite selves that are infinitely expanding. We’re all just one person. From my understanding anyways.

As for if your higher self has a higher self… Well, this is just the wrong way of wording this question so I’ll answer it in a different way. Your subconscious mind is a consicous mind of its own that has a subconscious mind that is far more massive… and so on, and so on and so on. There are many layers to existence.

It appears so.

And yes, if you look at everything within the universe like everything within a human body, that’s a good enough analogy.

Yes you still would get benefits from them.


That fits exactly my experience from the use of Imaginarium Divine.


Wow! Thank You Very Much, Sammy. :pray:

I didn’t join for the first half hour or more, plus, as soon as I don’t pay attention, I’m lost :sweat_smile:, as in I realize only after a couple minutes, and I say OMG, What did I miss…

It’s like I’m listening, but not fully.
This happens with anything really, as I often find myself reading or watching something or talking and I just forget or realize that I lost the narration/point/etc.

Many Thanks for the Very Detailed and FINE Explanations. You answered my questions Fully and even expanded on them.


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Thanks for the response Sammy!


Interested thanks, especially if the sessions will be recorded and available afterwards.

Being in the Sydney, Australia timezone makes it tricky to attend all available events so an accessible recording would be very much appreciated please.

Thanks very much :pray:

I will do another one of these next week or week after. Maybe I can do a time that is more conveniant to people that usually can’t.

Is 10AM EST a fair time for a lot of usera that are usually not able to join due to time constraints?


And maybe collect questions before hand? That way you can kind of structure a flow on the first half and FFA on the back half.


There is no flow card after searching the forum, I don’t think it is part of Sapien Instagram card series either. Can you elaborate which one? Booster Sigil? Thank you.

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The Flow Card is part of the Book of the Cards. It’s only fully fielded in the hardback version. The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver. You want the one that links to Lulu.


Thank you very much for your explanation.

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Yeah that’s a good idea :call_me_hand:


Killer of spontaneity :wink:


would anyone be willing to record the next one and post it ? thanks :pray:


Good idea, but depends on whether Sammy approves.


Also a problem of where to host it/uploading it, the last one was 4 or 5 hours long

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