Semen retention, but no magnetism?

I have been having semen retention for almost two months and I have not experienced many benefits, even the famous magnetism that everyone talks about, many say it must be because my energy level/sexual energy is very low due to the bad habit of pornography it has left in me. Some people recommend that I increase my energy/sexual energy to activate magnetism, but I donā€™t know how? Does anyone know how I can do that?


Jing (above all), then Chi, Shen,
Then Chakras fields and/or chakra work done by yourself,
Then there are fields like Reproductive Rejuvenation, Manly Man (extremely Complex one), etc.

Just research more on the forum, there are countless options/answers, many fields, etc.

Edit: Also, good old free fields like Testosterone, Androstenol (start with testosterone and use Androstenol only after using a testosterone Boosting field, maybe even let test grow, then use andro)ā€¦

Edit: there are some newer fields which help with magnetism specificallyā€¦

Give me two minutes lol

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What is jing? and how can I practice it?

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First, for magnetism, thereā€™s Magnetic Man, then there are a few Fields which help Your Jing grow.

Iā€™ll post some links, you just need to reaesarch a little bit:


The Flow Album has Jing Infusion.

Thereā€™s a YouTube link, same for Magnetic ones, also Patreon and other links.

As for Jing explanation ā€¦

(wait againā€¦ Lol)


You can just use Ojas to get that


Did you have actual problem like an addiction? How much time did you spend otherwise on consuming such content?

Because ā€œmagnetismā€ is defined by number of qualities, they arenā€™t easy to develop, for example the physical appearance itself. Itā€™s likely not enough to just stopping investing your energy somewhere else to discover the magnetism.

As extreme example a talented musician turned alcoholic, sobers up and comes back turning music star, but a regular person stops excessive alcohol consumption and simply recovers their regular self, at least this is how it happens most of the time. In case one simply goes from few drinks a week to none, itā€™s possibly better for their health, but thatā€™s all.


Hi :wave:
Refraining from physical ejaculation is good for your physical body.
If you want the energetic benefits too, then youā€™ll have to refrain from ejaculating energetically too.
Your attention guides your energy. Itā€™s a mental game.
Remember that next time you see ā€œa captivating ladyā€. :))


What about Your Energetic Being?
In the description there is

Combination of Energies: We integrate various potent energies such as Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana, and Mana into your energy body/system, ensuring a comprehensive upgrade that enhances your overall energetic resilience and vitality.

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Same thing, there is Ojas in it


For best benefits, I recommend that you circulate your bodyā€™s energy, practice Qigong, yoga or microcosmic orbit. Otherwise all that energy stagnates in your lower dantien (pelvis). Naturally, energy flows by itself from the bottom up, but if you have any blockages in the energy channels, it can stagnate and not flow.


Will listening to these audios help me? Does it matter if I donā€™t speak the same language? Sorry for my ignorance, Iā€™m new to this


Yes, they will help you.

No, since these are not Subliminal messages, but Morphic Fields.

No problem, we all were new to this at one point.

Also, I suggest You start with these threads:

All The Best, My Friend. :pray:

How long should I listen to the audios?

How long do they take to take effect?

Can I listen to them every day?

and sorry for asking so much

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Donā€™t chase or obsess, overcome addictions. Try to read the information about all the effects of s*x addiction, from receptors to possible hormonal imbalances. Donā€™t obsess over time, 2 months may not be enough if you have been feeding on these addictions for a long time; do sports, go outside, even pray.
Become a free man again without having to look elsewhere for resources that are within yourself.

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