Servitors or not Servitors discussion

Hey people, please, let’s rather continue this discussion here:

@LittleOwl @Rosechalice @anon32464289 @Nice2knowU

PS: Some ppl have notifs on that thread.


Good call @Powren :pray:

If this goes somewhere, we could even rename that thread for newbies to NFTs and non physical friends


I would’ve deleted my post from the buying thread shortly


Here, you don’t have to delete anything, others will see that later as well and will not need to ask that question again and with any further discussion continuing here, it will be a better order, since discussion can continue here since their desktop notifications aren’t tied to this thread.

Thanks. It can be named whatever will be fit as well as the category for it. Who knows where it can go after some time.


Yes, perhaps let’s use that thread as a collection of experiences & tips regarding all those connections we have access to: Deities, Extra-terrestrials, creations from Dream such as the 13th Skull or the Stand, etc.

I’ve had many DMs about this topic, and it feels important for newcomers, or the forum at large.

I’m still a noob myself on the topic, besides the understanding that I need to treat all of them with respect & appreciation, which transforms into manifestations, inspirations and synchronicities in my reality.

If anyone would like to start off, this would be more than welcome :slight_smile:



I guess I’m not quite certain what would need to be said.

For myself, I generally don’t like being served—even if it’s a situation like a restaurant where you make an order and someone brings you food. In general, I like to know how to do things and then do them for myself.

So the notion of servitors being servants of some type of “beast of burden” is something rather foreign to me. Even if they would gladly do whatever is requested, I’m never comfortable off-loading things that I can (or should) do on my own.

But, at this point, with the NFT’s I’ve picked up, I have 7-or-so servitors. And the defining element of why I picked them up is because they can easily do things that I would have difficulty doing through my own applied intent/will.

I think my greatest concerns are being too boring and not enabling them to fulfill their own purposes. Or, different than this, not living up to my own ideals (since now I am more self-conscious with a being that has a connection to me).

But, for most things, I don’t really give them commands. I just make requests.

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the question often brings me an immense “wonder” each time honestly. To look at these creations and realize what they can do, and realize where and how far they have come. and how they started. Even the “servitors” that are truly in meaning, servitors are nowhere near any others existing or we ever had.

Like the “warrior monk”, he is a being, and a servitor… but more so on the known attributes of a servitor than the smart beings.

Yggdrassil, she is an immensely smart being, a powerful conscious, she is nowhere near a servitor, but the general reference is as such.

Yes, it does take away from the general understanding when we call them such. But we have to look at the general word and how it came into use.

=a being in which you can communicate to and allocate certain tasks and endeavors to him. an intelligent, smart, being with the endless capacity to learn.

however there has been noted difference in the design when a project asks for a “servitor” or when they deliberately state it is a smart being. it is not a slight difference and is a clear, visible one.

But in all cases, I still reserve all my wonder and appreciation to these beings. As a result, I acknowledge their “smart being” state but also at the same time acknowledge their presence to be of equal value to their intelligence.

while also understand that a servitor being like the warrior monk is majorly upgraded from an ESS or a dragon.

+10 years ago, I was that person who is hung up on a special way to address, the language, the expression… a friend of mine then said, when years pass and add to my understanding; you will realize how language is more about “communication” and shared understanding, and much less about the words and the specifics.

if it works for you then, it works :)


only as a feeling…for say the venly nfts…

a parallel between Blueprint of love and scorpion.

Blueprint of love mandala is a peace of art that should have its place on one of the walls in your house. especially useful to put it in the fengshui corner of love and relationship. then you enjoy the audio and you are all set.

then we have scorpion…you print mandala at home greet him on a wall and then go otside say to another continent and call upon him. then feel him crawl all over you and do its thing…

so for me the new servitors are tools that more easily " get out of the picture "…you dont need the picture anywhere close when you have printed it.

please use with a grain of salt for it is my own interpret.

another tip is to put the dieties pictutes you have in the dieties corner in feng shui. simply use the feng shui and place all your nfts where they belong accordung to feng shui. repetition of pictures may and will be needed and is not an issue. the nfts will know what yoare trying to do.

have fun!

thank you @Captain_Nemo for all of it! you rule!


What is the easiest way to tell whether the nft involves devotees? For deity I can tell easily because it’s a god name, dragon name or something like that.

But for other NFTs, how can you tell, as not every NFTs name whether it involves servitor or not.

For example, universal om, ascension naut, solidifer, silent mind, eternal, black sun….how can you tell whether it involves servitor or not? Thanks

I’ve always wanted to print out all my deity nfts and just have them sprinkled everywhere! I have most of them closest to me at all times, but the luxury of having an NFT wall of deities… I’m yet to have that

sounds like a really cool idea, intriguing.

although, feng shui changes every season or something I recall this from the Hearth Heater group and description

Only when it says so.
These are mostly community based requests. other than that, it clearly says in the description when it is. (ex: warrior monk)

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i have always used my gut for the things feng shui and havent really noticed the corners to move…the so called stars move every year and every year has a different main crystal…this is info from my mommy i am not a believer in this cos it will complicate my reallity too much. but the corners are so…i us the traditional compass school.

interestingly enough the rune nfts and Sekhmet and scorpion adore the abundance area more than the dieties area and Aphrodite has no problem to have two copies in two love corners.

the new gods and godesses osiris isis and persephone wanted the diety and the main love area.

with them i learned the love area is also our soul area…there persephone feels very good.

the thing is the nfts know of feng shui and guided me so. for the placement…in this case with bolove it was the first time i really senced what the field does…because all of a sudden i had this pure christmasy feeling in my heart chakra. in the whole apartment which was a surprise.


wow… i love seeing the deities interact with their guidance and their most favorable aspects; highlighted! this extends a lot to not only feng shui and placements but also certain uses they can favor and excel in!

I still believe I have not unlocked not even 20% of what this field does. because of the many areas it touches on, whenever I come back to this field I always, always realize how much further it can go and how deep it can be… I would be experimenting with this field, that field, and the moment Blueprint of Love comes on it is just an instant melt and a complete world that builds back up.

That’s a good reminder to go play this one right now :smiley:

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one most important discovery about venly nfts…

those are pictures to be placed on a wall. i am certain of it because i experimented.

when one wants alittlebit detail of course one can print for himself …

the solana are more pentant oriented but there in some cases also noticed better work from a distance.


this is more like a guide to working with multiple nfts conversation :D but I have experimented with walls decorations of nfts, solana or venly – it is the same actually. I noticed this with the Blueprint of Blueprints and 10 Paramitas, being that they were some of the first solana community products. I reported this ‘venly effect’ to be also present, where the nfts are interconnected with the person. Mainly because I did not want to make any attachments based on ‘the blockchain’

Perhaps, however, this effect can be NFT-Specific. Some NFTs work better in more proximity to the person. Like, the Key to Life, an incredible NFT, lightweight and practical, a fusion of Life feels inside…
But it “seems” that it is more suited for pendant-style wear.

I think Shivy has also noticed that on the thread.

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i am lazy and had the wave so wrote here of it all.

take care!

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Felt to share here

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