Sexual Energy Accumulation Speed on various fields (experience thread)

An important addition I would like to make to my original post:

We have more and more fields, NFTs, deities, servitors etc. each and every day being added and available to us that can support us in having more (sexual) energy.

Now for example we could also add “Life Force Tree NFT” and some other new fields and NFTs to the mix that will support our energy recovery speed, however, the most important thing about this all is how one is then actually utilizing that sexual energy!

If one has been accustomed to release the sexual energy through sex and masturbation, but not do something more with it, the only thing that will happen with an increased sexual energy accumulation speed, is that one will simply be triggered to have more sex or masturbate more often. That’s it.

So, listening to more and more energy accumulation fields and having more and more NFTs working on you to restore energy is always just a means, but never the end.

A higher sexual energy accumulation speed alone, will only result it getting horny more quickly again and then lead to the same release options as before. Especially with blockages in the three lower chakras.

Thus, a quick sexual energy recovery alone can turn from a blessing into a curse after a certain acceleration point has been reached and if one does not transmute this energy, utilitze it, transcend it into something else than a sexual outlet.

Just wanted to add this important point, because otherwise having one’s sexual energy restored much quicker than before will only turn one into a perpetual masturbator / sex addict.

So in a way, we all have to learn to work with out (sexual) energies sooner or later.


:laughing: :rofl:



i had an experience today on this topic and i am now in the opinion that the urge to use your penis whithout a woman, who would like to use your penis also (real desire from a woman in this account is something rear almost absent), is how to say it …a foreign input in us…
and well i am really really surpirised.

because i am used to define 70% of me with this urge and the search of means to (money, women, porn, where money goes for both)… and of course being in this reallity not getting enough satisfaction from porn,women and giving ever more money with hope to achieve satisfaction, burning energy to search, to flirt, to hope… love?..just so the pressure lessens and i be complete and happy.

but alas…the painful urge is the issue. women dont understand this. the real cause of the male damiging from sex in my reallity is that women dont choose the partner ame way the man chooses.
a woman interest in a man sexually is in 80-90% secondary to a whole lot of other things. they dont enjoy it, they are allways on the run, dont see the process and of course it means nothing to them…

then when you would go to bed with such a woman all of your energy balance after one such act (they call it sex, but is it? ) goes in the trash can. you suck up her negativity (also enteties) and give your energy to her…

then she HATES your ASS!

and you dont know why… she came many times during your …act…should be happy and grateful… not… all hell brakes loose…

then slowly and in time more quickly you are with brain fog and now will to do anything more after each act… she doesnt feel a thing and matters become worse and worse… but she is happy when you are not arround…she exists…

you make everything possible for your energy… she doesnt care about her energy and …so it is…

the post is a description only of my opinion based on my life experience.

i am brought up to respect all women and cherish them… the post doesnot change this fact.

it doesnot consern all women on this planet and certainly not the female members of this forum.

and you know the reason for all this @JAAJ . Women are women because of their connecton to our planet. the cannot escape what happens to our planet now and reflect it.

i dont forget. i remember other times in the past.

until something in the air changes the gap between men and women will grow no matter how we as men try to cultivate /save our energy.


because under all of this primal thing (urge and so) there is only one motive and one hunger: to connect to a woman… but most women dont want to connect with the woman inside …

men react instictively because of the above… trying to save something that doesnot realise the need to be saved…


In to hear what the ladies have to say (popping popcorn…)


pop pop pop…

good idea!

i go to buy!


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last thought: will forget it if i dont write here:

Men are thought/programmed it is okay to play as kids

Women are not programmed the same.

for a man going to work is a type of game.

for most women it is everything but a game. It is a problem/trouble/a resaon to be worried and conserned.

both sexes can play if eveny programmed.

a woman with a BIG worry/consern , who doesnot communicate it with the male partner or doesnot allow the issue to be resolved will poison the relationship.

a woman connecting to her real self is a being who knows how to deal with worries (kids, job etc)…

the connecton when those negative emotions are not there, will be automatic, without much active action from the side of the woman.

but the programming of today will make the woman feel guilty if she doesnot worry.

also her selfesteem will go down if she doesntot achieve same as a man.

from these cycles i personally know no exit.

only observing them. again said… dont blame anybody.


What the fuck

You need self love + become man
So you don’t attract people who make you think that’s the norm


my exact thoughts lol

you definitely attracting the wrong girls @Sarumann33


ya the whole 36 Years of my life beginning at my seventh year…it was all my fault.

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Maybe we could start a thread for this, unless there is one already that I’m not aware of.

I appreciate your insights here. I think many men nowadays feel like you, but lacking awareness, they have just taken a disdain for women.

But well, only if you, and others would like it. My experience with women is very different but well…there are some commonalities.


well it is very kind of you, appreciate your understanding…

the subject is very triggering because there is alot of truth in it.

it goes deep it hurts, it us woven in jeleausy and guilt. drives the predatory instincts.

one need clear good will and clear heart for an effective discussion.

i am the last man to start such a thing in this forum.

i wanted and shared my own opinion from my life. my observations.

one can connect to them or not per ones choosing.


Why wouldn’t you loop it for more than 1 hour? I’ve slept with its loop and I felt fine, so I’m curious

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I understand.


glad you do. thanks for the feedback


In the thread it talks about looping, I wouldn’t recommend looping it unless u know what ur doing.

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Yeah I think we should have an open topic about this. I’ll start a thread one of these days. Wanted to a long time ago but got side tracked with so many things. The male/female dynamic has grown to be even more imbalanced these days… and there are A LOT of frustrated men out there.

I understand where much of the frustration comes from but I think blaming women is the complete wrong way to go about it. You’re not going to change women by whining about them. And that’s what all these ‘Alpha’ or ‘Sigma’ youtubers are doing but also just giving (imo) horrible advice to all these frustrated men coming up in this day and age.

And @Sarumann33 , good news is that not all women are like this. There are definitely many great women out there. Not to say there aren’t many very toxic ones. But the truth is there is A LOT of everything in this world. A lot of toxic people, a lot of average people, alot of awesome people. And speaking from personal experience, we tend to attract people who reflect ourselves in some way. Even before I was spiritual… just looking back at my past relationships, those girls were reflections of me in some way. Crazy how it works.

So if you’re attracting these kinds of chicks, there’s something within you that’s attracting them. There’s some stuff you got to work out with yourself. That self love @MonkeyOwl spoke about is a start.

Ahhh, I’ve so many thoughts on this topic. I’ll hold my breath for another day though lol.


i have nowhere posted that this is for all women.

i have a couple of times said this is my life experience.

i have in my life also seen and see alot of women that are not toxic.

this is the problem with such oopinions… they are poorly understood.

i have not blamed anyone.

i have also my responsibillity and realisations that most of the damage comes from negativity inside me…

problem would be this is aquired negativity from the enviroment, relatives and so on which is really hard to see and clear.

most people see one trough the eyes of the society.

the real reason i started it all is to answer upon JAAJ s worries about the sexual energy.

we tend to forget that we live in different places arround the globe. for you @SammyG the things will look pretty differently, because even the ground where you live in will support you otherwise from where i live.

i fathom that my experiences with women up to now are more or less a projection of the enviroment where ive lived together with some other issues.

i have first hand experiences about for example the sole power of the earth under my feet. where i was born there was harmony, earth was strong.

where i live now the people where mining the earth for 50 Years and it is weak. no matter what i use i cannot influence this damage.

in short yes it is all subjective… but this also means i have my right to what i mean.


Drama Friday upcoming :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Jokes aside it’s a good idea, albeit it is such a triggering topic for many people that it’s likely to be a passionate discussion sooner or later :laughing:
But… there are more women on the forum now, so maybe there will be more diverse inputs.

Yeah it’s ridiculous… for quite some time I’ve been filtering out any related content from my life, it’s just toxic all around.

I recognised some time ago something that may be obvious to many people but it wasn’t obvious to me at all. It was the only way how in the end I managed to wrap my head around these “females are…”, “Males are…” narratives.

The thing is, we are more similar than we are different. I mean, we are all humans first of all, and gender (or anything else) second.
I do get the feeling that for many people, those of the opposite gender are primarily “them” and in they feel it’s something “different from us”.
Therefore they make up these crazy theories about “that other gender” and trying to back their theories up with however twisted logic they can.
When you consider someone else as “them” and not “us”, it’s easier to compartmentalize treating them in a way you may not want to be treated yourself. Because there is a belief that “that person is from the other tribe”, there is less empathy there.
Women and men are different, but we are not SO different. Primarily we are all human and have the same potential as human beings.

I think a lot of it comes down to self love and self respect.
If someone treats you in a way that makes you unhappy and/or anxious, you need to love and respect yourself enough to not tolerate that (and have an honest conversation and/or walk away, not start some stupid power game in the relationship).

And yes for sure, there are many toxic people and ideas out there. I also have an ex who, when I heard he was getting married, I could only feel relief that it was not me and how I did dodge the bullet in the end lol.


Bro, I wasn’t referring to you specifically. Sorry if it came out that way. Rereading my post definitely makes it seem like I was referring to you. I know you know not all women are like that.

I was talking in general about this whole new movement going on in the internet… that my couson is also a part of. And no words can ever convince him out of that rabbit hole.

I then mentioned you because people tend to attract people who reflect them in a way. The thing is… that certain environments have a huge proportion of one type of person. Like if you grow up in the ghetto, almost everyone around you has quite a lot of baggage, including you. So you end up attracting what is around you which is generally negative.

Sounds like you, grew up and live in a bad area, so the proportion of great women is very low compared to how many toxic women are around you. And it’s not their fault either probably. Sounds like a bleak environment that has this effect on everyone.

Damn… that sucks man :/ Sorry to hear that. Is there any possibility of you leaving this place on the future? I know it is easier said than done but just a curious question at the moment.