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Your consciousness and awareness can be synced and amplified big time for up to a year, i love it.
Now Buffo alvarius , kambo and yopo are out of this fkn world experiences… literally.
I cant wait to do it again and then listen to some of the audios on the days after i bet that be an incredible source of info or access to higher realms or levels of consciousness

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What about one that helps with creating a Tulpa?

Servitors are always better and safer than Tulpas. One is taught a certain level of discipline of mind and energy before dwelling into Tulpas, and in the absence of that - Servitors are the way to go. Sentience of Tulpas can be a boon and a curse depending on various factors including the capability and level of training of the person who interacts with Tulpas.


I want to make a tulpa to become my own girlfriend though.
I want an audio that helps you hear, see, and FEEL your own tulpas.
Better than a sex doll because they have said sentience, thus can give you some emotional support.
Especially important these days where dating is extremely hard

Don’t give up on human beings, yet!! Creature is good, but the Creator is way better! :smiley:


Raise your vibration maaan…


Was doing some ego crushing, used too many brain/subconscious fields.

Ended up with the biggest headache in existence. Like hurt REALLY bad.

Tried so many healing audios, nothing worked, made it worse.

Got weaker and weaker, crazy thoughts poppin up , ego taking advantage.

Started panicing, higher self steps in

4x pranic swirls and im good.

Thanks Dream


Ugh thanks for this, this is me all day today plus menstrual cramps, they take turns to fk me up all day long lol the pain control and healing cards help a lot but its the little feeling lingering there :expressionless: im gonna listen to them now. x cheers


I looped these 3 audios overnight

Anti-Aging, Vibration of Creation, Anti-Aging again, and Vibration of Love

It’s only been 60 minutes. I want to document these results before I forget about them like the way dreams from the night get forgotten. I’m not sure how long they will last yet.

I knew I had huge potential in looping things overnight after doing it with the Soul Restoration series. But I put off doing it for a long time for - I don’t know why.

Waking up this morning, first thing I noticed when I was barely even conscious yet was realizing that I was happy to wake up. Ever since I was in my late teens to early 20’s this was not the case. I’d wake up and wish I was still unconscious. It was a feeling I got used to to where it felt normal and I hardly noticed it anymore.

Noticed next; you know the way only guys can wake up? I woke up a lot more like that than usual.

Then I got up to make coffee and a train was blaring its horn not far from my place. I found myself being thankful for the train, because it meant the economy had not completely crashed, and it meant that I did get to move into this place that I really wanted and tried hard to get into back when I moved here.

Looked in the mirror. Seemed to look younger. Not sure how much of it was in my head. I stared a while but it seemed real. Wore Eternity overnight too.

Went outside to drink coffee in the sunlight. Train blared again. I felt kinda neutral about it and saw it was a clear easy choice for me between cursing the train and being thankful for it and that the healthiest wisest choice for me was to be thankful. Meaning I hadn’t turned straight up into Pollyanna. Because I wasn’t compulsively happy no matter what, I had choices, freedom to choose my state.

Throughout this time, felt happy in general, like this could be a good day. Realized something unusual. An insight came to me at that time. I felt happy without fear. Usually if I feel happy there is an urge to make it stop quickly before something bad happens, a slight urge but it’s there. I’m normally not even aware of it, I was only aware of it today because its absence stood out. It’s like when someone hits you in the face 100 times in a row and you feel you are ready to flinch if they get anywhere near you. And one day you notice the feeling of being about to flinch is missing. I didn’t feel like a memory or realization about my past present or future was about to hit me in the face and remind me that happiness was a complete delusion. I felt like, yeah thoughts of reality could come but they held no real potential of danger.

Noticed feeling happy to see a neighbor woman. (Regular happy - don’t read into it because of anything I said earlier on this post, Lol. Regular happiness) And usually I kind of shy away from her too because she gives me some unwanted attention. Today I didn’t care about that. I was just like happy to see another person, happy she was alive. Felt like I wouldn’t mind talking to her for a minute - not that I did, because of logistics.

Feeling happy about today like a lot of good could get accomplished by me today. Like this could be a worthwhile and enjoyable day. Remember feeling happy just to wake up in the morning when you were a kid?

Feels like the day holds potential.

We’ll see how long this lasts, will it fade like a dream? Maybe. But I think I’ll keep doing this every night. And maybe this, whatever this is, will last longer and longer into my regular day the more I keep doing this practice.

One more thought as I close this, it’s a gentle happiness, not an overwhelming one. It feels natural. You know how you’ve learned (if you’re not too young) to shy away from strong happiness? Because you know it’s prefacing a bi-polar-esque (even if you are not bipolar) pendulum swing back towards reality. If you know what I mean, it’s not that. It’s a more natural sustainable-over-time kind of happiness. More low key in a healthy way. Like it didn’t get to be here by blocking out facts or reality.

Left my house to take care of a few things after writing the above. If I were to write down all the positive synchronicities of my trip out, it would be as long or twice as long as what I wrote above.

Some of it was due to seeing things in a positive way. But much of it was undeniably positive and non-usual events outside of my control happening to me and for me.

Some kid looked at me wide eyed like “wtf am I looking at”. I think kids are like cats, seeing into the spirit realm more than us. For the record, I didn’t do anything outwardly to bring that response, I’m not walking around wide-eyed or smiling, just neutral and calm outwardly. And I only glanced at him for a fraction of a second while passing. The last time I had a kid look at me that way I was wearing a dark and light servitor at the same time.

The guy that sold me vape cartridges carded me. Even though he’s sold them to me 2 or 3 times before and never carded me.


I woke up a lot more like that


I used dht ONLY to get that chiseled face, but lately all it did was make me look a bit too “primal”.

Switched to facial symmetry and muscle toning,

Symmetry part is good but the muscle toning is a gem.

Muscles have to be trained constantly, so this is still a bit too early to say but ive been usin it for a few days now and BIG difference.

Not sure about muscular faced women, but as a man, facial muscles make you look 100x more badass.

Fk androstenol, this is the new alpha field lol.


Thank you. Will try it on my new sleep time playlist.


I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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Put with everything else I might hear it 5 times a night.

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Used Slow Time youtube 3 times 2 days ago. Did’nt notice anything until yesterday: felt like the sun whould’nt go down! I sleep days/work nights. Been up now for like 8 hours feels like i’ve been online a day and a half! That one really works perceptually Thanks Dream. Really need my off days to slow roll! :grinning:


Ok let’s be serious for a moment please and answer this question: is there an equivalent of Nobel Prize in literature for Alien poets? The above cited poster deserves it since a long time already.

So @Atreides, I’ve looped your stack last night but since I don’t have VoDL, I’ve replaced it with Alchemy of love, as I told you + finished the stack with 6-7 Quasi Crystal (the latter is something that I do systematically lately).

I won’t write much but that “gentle, natural sustainable-over-time” happiness that you’ve reported is definitely here and it’s combined with the lightness (of organs, etc.) that I feel everytime I go into Quasi.




It’s too much praise for me to handle. I need to listen to more Self Love and Acceptance. :sweat_smile: Thank you.

Alchemy of Love is one I want to know more about. I’ll go check it out now.

Oh. It’s a whole Album. You filled in for Vibration of Love with an entire Album. Yes I bet you feel very well and nice right now.

As I understand it, Divine Love is the track closest to VoL, or VoDL Vibration of Divine Love, the full title. I think it’s the same but without the vibrating every cell part.

But doing that entire album. That has to be extremely effective.


I think many would agree with me about that :) :dizzy:

Yes, like a little bro/sis… but already well trained :)