Should I try listening to one of sapiens audios for a year as I haven't gotten results listening to any of them for 2 months?

Subconscious beliefs are a key component in building the reality that you want, in this case, reducing weight. There’s a high possibility, you may have self-sabotaging beliefs around weight. You probably giving into your cravings, no proper diet etc, who knows. Becoming aware of your habits will help keep you on the right track.

These issues can be resolved by removing the beliefs that doesn’t suit your goal. Use Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 for couple of months (daily). It removes subconscious limiting beliefs/negativity/blocks.
But make sure you replace them with the positive ones that will help you out in your journey ( beliefs like, it’s easy to lose weight), do this while listening/meditating with the field. This will also help you with self-limiting beliefs around fields.

Finally, check whether you have thyroid issues. That can be affecting your metabolism. If so, these fields are recommended Thyroid Healing and Regeneration, The Endocriner, Endocrine System Rejuvenation.

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Try gumroad Point of no return aka PONR


same, except -What Fat field works really well for me ( If I play it via PC speakers) Super Matabolism Boost works for me too, but it makes me really hungry

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Hey Sorry but there’s something here I don’t understand, do you want to gain weight or do you want to avoid gaining weight?

If you want to gain weight, those audios are not for that, but the opposite. And if you want to not gain weight easily, the best thing would be something that improves your metabolism. And limit calorie intake.

Hi there @Cero!

Nice2CU again KY

Can you give us some more input about your concern to make sure that we understand what you want to accomplish?

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I came across this information my Mao just now. Hope this helps.

If you want to understand your emotional cause,

  • Ego dissolution - Allowing moments of pure clarity and openness.

  • Emotional mastery 2.0 - Advance field with loads of benefits. Full guide here Unlock Emotional Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Controlling Your Emotions and Boosting Communication

  • Emotional release - removes the stored negative emotional energy stored throughout your body and heart areas along with memory of trauma and pain stored due to abuse/damage

  • Hope and happiness - releases negativity, guilt and shame from the brain and heart. replaces it with positivity. (Patreon/Odysee)

  • The Malleable ego - Advance field includes Ego dissolution as base.

I lack further information in this particular topic. Others will surely guide you on this! Cheers!

Thing is I want to have a fast metabolism at the end of the day. The extreme fat burner audio doesn’t give you that whilst the fat burning one does cos eventually all your cells become brown beige cells meaning you naturally drop weight.

I’ve tried the super metabolism boost one for 2 months too tbf and didn’t get results.

I’ve tried that limits removal audio for a month before and didn’t get results but I’ll try for longer since you’ve advised that.

I want to lose weight not gain weight. Got it mixed up, sorry.

Super metabolism boost didn’t work for me when I tried it for 2 months either

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Can you send me the link for that please cos idk where you find that.

I want to lose weight and I want it to be difficult for me to put on weight no matter what I eat. That’s why I was listening to the fat burning audio for months and didn’t see any results. Which is why I am wondering if listening to it for a year will change anything and if not what should I listen to so that I can finally see results from sapiens audios

Idk if I have thyroid issues but I guess I’ll try that then to see if it improves anything. I’ve tried insulin resistance audios for months too e.g. diabetes audio and didn’t get results

Idk if I have thyroid issues sk I guess I’ll try that to see if I get results then.

Idk how to

What can I do to make my subconscious accept the requests of my conscious?

That’s a lot of money. Is it worth it?

It is