- What fat?

Very cool reports so far, just to clarify you listened to it for 5 hours straight?




Ok! Nice


@Dr_Manhattan and @Maoshan_Wanderer and a few others usually get fast results within a day or two with these workout/ weight loss / muscle type fields :weight_lifting_woman: ⛹‍♂🚵‍♂
/sojealous/ :blush:

It would be great to hear from someone who has had a hard time losing weight that can report. :grin:


Can it be looped overnight? :skull::bone:

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Weight loss is tricky!

  • One, you need to find the right physical cause - fix metabolism, fix hormones, insulin levels, fix thyroid, etc., so that the real root cause is addressed and then the appropriate field suddenly starts showing visible, tangible results.
  • Two, emotional causes. Grief, insecurity, etc. make us hold on to weight and refuse to let go. In my case, it was grief, and working on it actively (I use the Yuen method) helped me get super fast results in terms of weight and muscles. While I always got fast results, that was not the case specifically for weight/muscle related fields until grief issues were resolved.

No kidding! I’ve been tackling the physical and emotional areas to move past the plateau. The struggle is real. :sweat_smile:


This is a very good summary and should be added to the opening post in every weight loss topic :sweat_smile:
For me seems like it was hormones and i would say guilt and 1-2 other emotions im still working on.
I really think that the catholic upbringing and the obsession with original sin and all humans being “naturally guilty” serves most people.
But i digress, sorry.


Tried it and noticed immediate effects afterward. 24 hours passed without audio and my clothes definitely grew larger.


5h today too, it just keeps going.

Effortless and instant reward


What’s the new update Doc? Still losing size? Amazing!

My GF says my face looks more angular - it is either this field or Quadible’s Glow Up.


Prolly the glow up, It’s a really good one from Quadible!

I got it yesterday. So far, I listened for 30 minutes last night before going to bed, and thirty minutes this morning while having breakfast. I have some excess fat on my belly and hips to get rid of, and I’ll provide updates as soon as possible.
I’d like to add that I’m not fixated on the scale weight, so I gauge my progress based on belt notches and clothing sizes.




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I’ve been focusing on weightloss as a priority for several months now, staying within a calorie deficit; getting my daily steps in; getting enough sleep; nutrition and so on.

The past 4-5 days I have been doing weight measurements with a Garmin weight scale that connects to my phone app and watch and have been noticing a gradual weight decrease each morning of about half a Kilo.

I purchased this field last night after, after seeing the good Doc’s recent comments on his latest results and; this morning my weight reading improved more-so than the other daily weight check-ins.

I listened to this for 90 minutes approx before going to bed - appreciate the warning about listening to this after work instead @Dr_Manhattan ! :joy:

Feel the burn!! :fire: :fire: :fire:


This is the fastest working fat lose field ever made,

I don’t track my weight on scale but I’m literally nothing a couple new veins everyday I didn’t know I had, face is becoming much more angular also.

The only con is I have to go pee every 20 minutes lmao

I think this will reduce the time someone has to be in a cutting phase by a lot,

Maybe we won’t even have cutting phases anymore

It’s only been TWO days


how often/how long are you playing it and when


usually 1-2 hours in the middle of day and then randomly afterwards whenever I’m not using brain field or have extra device


I noticed that too! Wasnt sure what was causing that…

@Dr_Manhattan :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Manly Man, Muscle Roar, and this…your series are slowly becoming my holy grail fields!


More coming

Btw, I stopped muscle roar a while ago, I decided to focus on brain fields and I wanted to lose some weight to really enjoy the muscles…

Anyway, I still have gains from muscle roar. The drier I get the more I realize the muscle gains I already had.

Edit: My face got much leaner