Smart Hair Texture Stylist

Okg I’ve been looking for something like this my whole life. The end result is the kind of hair I want :star_struck:
Do you think it’s possible to achieve that solely with this field and not go for the salon treatment. I’ve always bad bad experiences in the salon. :p also idk if this is popular in india.

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Yes I think you can. But really have to be patient…



I’ve been using this stylist for the last month on a daily basis. Minimum 3-4 times in a row, sometimes more.

I’d like to add a few corrections to my previous posts here because I noticed a few mistakes: I was born with 1b hair, then it became quite curly and frizzy with the hormonal changes at adolescence, then slowly became something between 2a - 2b, depending on the days (even looks like 1c sometimes. A mixture, in sum).

I was missing the curls, etc. but then I changed my mind and asked the stylist for 1b hair. That’s my current goal.

No big changes for the moment (it takes time for some of us, as confirmed by a few of the previous testimonials) but the repairing effect is visible immediately. Even though I have a clean-hair regimen for the last years (dying with henna only, never ironing it - except maybe 2 times a year if the hairdresser insists to display their talent -, never putting weird/harmful product on it, etc.), this effect is very perceptible.

The hair has gotten definitely stonger (rope-strong, almost) and I’m getting compliments even from people who usually don’t care at all about those things.

Will update with further results if I stop by again.


Have you gotten your desired hair type yet?

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I have been using it for around 6 months, mostly daily. At first, I had 1B hairstyle. I have changed my instructions to this field a lot of times, from 1C to 2A to 2B, then back to 2A and finally 2B in the last 2-3 months. Now my hair is between 2A and 2B, it’s not fully 2B yet, but I feel very content with my hair.

I think it is a smart field and it adjusts to my preferences over time. For example, there had been some parts of my hair that became curly/wavy but I did not like it. Later these parts became straight, very much to my liking. So my hair is now customized to my preferences, straight in some parts, 2A in some parts, and 2B in some parts.

Now I wish for a Smart Hair Color field :relieved: :relieved: :relieved:.


Wow! Actually even I got confused with your changing preferences but thus field is really intelligent to keep adapting so well :clap: :laughing: I just needed a bit of the push to buy this in the current non sale time especially since my indian self always waits for a sale to buy anything lol. But my hair desperately needs it. My 1st year uni is starting in a month and I need to look presentable. :speak_no_evil: thanks :blush:

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I’m not sure if one month is enough since this field does take a long time to change all your hair. You can combine with subliminal for faster results. Subliminals somehow did not give me permanent results, that’s why I bought this field.

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Same sis subliminals gave me results but they faded away. I used a straight hair sub for 6 months during 1st lockdown. But sadly all of it was for naught. So with the same logic I’m buying this. Maybe I’ll get at least 1/2-3/4th of my full result in one month. Even that’d better than the current mess that’s my hair :ok_woman:

You could pretty much automate this process with any servitor. I personally had the most success with this field when I had it automated with my servitors

Even the oldest ones like Dragon or the new ones on Gumroad like ESS

Alternatively you could always ask your mind to repeat the field in your mind :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thanks Desiree :blush: I’m still a noob when it comes to servitor so I’ll rn go with the 2nd option of asking my mind to repeat that field :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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You kinda picked the one with more practice haha but yeah you can attune yourself kinda to the field and see how repetition tasks work for you while you’re playing it etc

For the servitors it’s pretty easy just have them pick up on the field and ask them to work with it for as long as you want. (infusing your hair with the field)


It’s really fascinating to know that we can use servitor to automate fields. Do you also have success with other fields? I have ESS and Fae but to be honest, I do not have any much use for them. I’m desperately trying to reduce my daily listening stacks.


My bad :joy: I’m off to learn about servitors today :grimacing: I’ll keep in mind all of these

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Sorry, I’m late ^^

Not yet but it’s because I’ve taken a break from fields, except the Tarot deck and 1 servitor lol. I should try the infusion method as recommended by Desiree and others but I still don’t feel 100% sure if I don’t listen to the field myself lol.

That said, the inner layers of the hair seem more straight but I don’t know for sure. My hair is very mix, like it can look straight when tied for a few hours and since it’s currently very hot in my region, it’s indeed tied all the time.

I’ll keep using after my break and report the changes.


Does anyone know why this is not for sale at the moment?

You can read about the “why…?” here: Charge Back Black List.

If you’re interested in buying this field, see this thread: Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields


Updating, since I said I would.

I started re-using this field on a regular basis, even looping it overnight at times. I can’t say that my hair has changed per se. I think my hair falls under somewhere between 2A/2B with even some 1C (so mixed like most hairs. I think I posted pictures in some thread here 1-2 years ago). The instructions I gave to the field was 1B.

However, I wonder if I sort of “confused” the field because as said earlier, sometimes I also find myself wanting back the “curlier” hair of my younger years. This is just speculation of course, but maybe I was giving contradictory instructions (?)

So no, my hair texture hasn’t changed (at least not yet). It already looked straighter (temporarily) anyway without the field, after for example tying them up for long hours. I also use only henna as hair dye for several years now, which is known for straightening the hair texture too.


I’m not saying the field doesn’t work. It probably just requires more time than others, as already reported in some successful testimonials here. Plus, the general condition of my hair has really improved and I believe the field should be praised in that regard. Receiving more and more positive feedback about its shininess, fullness, etc. even by people who’re not interested at all in this kind of stuff.

I’m not using any other field directly targeting the hair for the moment, except Stem Cells to Scalp etc. from time to time. And again, I don’t use chemical dye, hair dryer (except maybe 1-2 times a year), or styling products (except some oils, sometimes). I try to use “clean” shampoos, have a not-so-bad diet (mostly) and drink sufficiently. That is, factors probably supporting the effects of the field.


Hi hi :grin:


Hi you! :)


This works great instead of a conditioner.