Smart Tap Tapper

How many times did you listen to it every day?

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I’ve listened to this one several times in the past 5 months or so for hours on end when I was bothered by something. I listen to it while paying attention the stuff that is bothering me. It does a good job at clearing them.


I loop it for hours at a time, or as needed.


I love the way i feel after doing this field, like everything is allright and like im so much more in my own body after.


I updated my patreon to the premium tier for one month to get this, then downgraded back to regular tier. Would this still work, or does it only work while at the highest tier




No. You have to maintain premier tier to keep the experiencing the effects of the premium fields.


PMHC mean?

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I have been alternating this field along with Emotional Alchemy, thinking that this one would be used to calm me down from the heavy emotions coming up through Emotional Alchemy. One day one, the other day the other.

I think I might be mistaken on that assumption. Can this field also bring up more emotions or worsen my emotional state (for healing reasons of course) when I listen to it? Is this a possibility?


Possibility yes there is. It surfaces hidden emotions & traumas and what not.
Fill it with forgiveness , love and acceptance. The let it go.
Use Slr 3.0 or malleable ego +
Positive power waves or Quantum Love or zealot of positive change or the Wholeness fields etc.

The whole idea is to refill the empty spaces with more love and positive emotions. Don’t give up!


Yes. As you’re tapping, usually statements come to mind spontaneously that makes the releasing deeper.

But when we are in a funk, coming up with them is difficult or they simply don’t work.

Here’s something that can help any time you’re stuck:

At the very least, I’d try to come up with something to substitue this. The point of this is to use it every time you get stuck…you don’t try to solve something once you get stuck cause you simply won’t…so you do something that can give you clarity and allow you to move forward with what you were working on.

Good luck.


Thank you very much @Drift. It sounds brilliant. I used EFT a ton of times in the past and I did stumble upon the issue you and this article refers to but I thought something was wrong with me.

My EFT coach suggested I kept insisting but this made things worse and I eventually had too much and gave up.

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Has anyone tested this with Malleable Ego and SLR 3.0?

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Could this help with self confidence as well ? According to google it can help you build unshakable confidence :slight_smile: I googled eft confidence and there are a lot of articles explaining how it helps
I wanted to ask about your experiences as well.

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Im sure it will :slight_smile: im gonna use it for the same reason

also guys whats the best way to use this? just think about the problem or use affirmations/visualisations

also could i potentially use this for addiction?

So these fileds will replace Smart Tap Tapper? but then why you have mentioned Smart Tap Tapper on the list itself?

I think these are the list of must have fields they were referring to.