I remember some more, like Financial Freedom and Negentropic Hunpo. There are probably way more. I don’t have every single NFT item maker out there. Perhaps we can create a list of all item maker NFTs together. If I don’t personally have the item maker NFT the winner would like, I can also try to borrow it first.
Then, upon determining a winner, the winner gets to choose which item it is going to be and I shall create that item and ship it to them.
Ill type here the extra NFTs you didnt mention that i remember create items:
Chompi Stones (Viracocha)
Thor son of Odin
The Gnome
The Salamander
The Sword of Righteous
Blessed Path
Hearth Heater
Miracles of Revision
The Undine
The Iron Dome
The Schumann Resonance
(deleted the Light of Mages because the wand has to be linked to the servitor-that is in the main part of this NFT, so only the NFT owners can create or benefit from the item )
Yeah thats a huge list! I didn’t realize there were that many.
Yeah if people like this idea, we can try to make it a regular thing.
Or a little shop.
Who knows.
Anyways I’ll leave this giveaway open for a while for everyone to see.
I like and support this idea, it creates another “bright spot” for people to look forward to in their lives. Good on You! Thank You Nice2knowU, You Rock!
I’m choosing to refrain from joining this one, I think I’d feel bad if I won this first one over someone else who might need it more. However, if it ends up that this becomes a regular event, I’ll almost assuredly join in the future ones.
P.S. You are living up to your handle, it really IS nice to know you!
What version of “book of cards” do you have? Is it the pdf or physical format?
Some fields that create energy objects temporarily impregnate objects, this is what I observed on my side as “The blessed path” according to the feedback I had.
I have both and the physical has some additional stuff, if I recall.
Yes I think that is correct. I observed that too.
Well, temporary items don’t make much sense in this case. The intention of this giveaway is a permanent item.
ok that’s what I wanted to know . I have the PDF version. It’s a shame I should have bought the book version too. The additional functions and then also have the physical support in book
As I understand it, the items made by Blessed Path are meant to be spread around and left to influence people, places, Animals, Environment, Situations, etc… So the items it fields are permanent.
(If I am wrong I welcome correction by someone who is more knowledgeable on the subject than I, but it seems much more practical that they be permanent and I see nothing in the description to denote otherwise.)
According to the feedback from people who have benefited from this energy, its effects lasted for about three weeks.They asked me to imbue their object with energy once again.
There may be a way to imprint it permanently, but I don’t know yet, as I haven’t asked the question to obtain a numerological synchronicity.
Based on my reflection—this is just a hypothesis—it would be better if it were not permanent for people who are inexperienced with subtle energies. Some things can be permanent, such as energetic servitors and other energy-infused objects.
For The Blessed Path, it would be preferable for the effect to be temporary in order to avoid an imbalance caused by an environmental energy overload,people (other living beings) who are around the object , even if it is for a good cause.
I say this because a person who had this energy at the very beginning had sleep disorders on the first two or three days I think. She felt a stimulating effect that disturbed her falling asleep.
I explained to her that during her sleep she had to move the energy away.
I told him to take his ring imbued with the energy and put it in another room of his house.
After that she was better and she took advantage of the energy in different ways, it was very positive
Limael, you said in other posts that you imbue objects with The Blessed Path at distance, not putting the object on the physical, printed NFT. This feedback, about the energy lasting for 3 weeks, was from people for which you imbued the field physically, or at a distance?