Stopping the cycle of once receiving extra money, having an expense pop up?

I am underpaid/under utilized at work and have been applying to other jobs. I’ve consistently been making $500 less than I actually need in a month, and it’s tough. Some months I end up receiving a little extra, and eventually with that extra comes an unexpected expense, taking away what extra I’ve just made and keeping me under paid.

How to stop the madness? How to get out this loop and into financial abundance/at least to start breaking even?

What fields can help break the cycle?

Action wise, I am applying to other jobs, have been to career helpers, have a certification I hope will help now, and another one I’m studying for etc. it does feel like a door has been closed in the financial/career sector, causing this loop and I need to bust it down. Forever.

@Nice2knowU :point_up:


Sorry for late reply, was feeling a bit under the weather.

@anon73693188 its time we work on that idea ;)

@flutterfly first of all, which fields are you listening to?

In general, entering a state of financial abundance is not that easy, as you will be facing fears head on. For instance, if the income isn’t high enough, if it is not easy to make ends meet, that will trigger a kind of survival mechanism - a deeply rooted fear. In such a situation, it is really not that easy to imagine living in financial abundance, as that feels very distant and almost foreign.

It is very good that you keep taking action. Career helpers usually can help nicely to identify your strengths and weaknesses. We often cannot recognize these ourselves as we think they are totally normal to us (and then we conclude everybody has these). Truth is though, obviously everybody is unique, with a unique sets of strengths and weaknesses.

This and your other statement very likely require you overriding some repeated thought and mind patterns. Hence I would recommend:

Also try:

Some of the above are free or on Patreon. A later investment could be Aureus Fortuna.

At last, what I want you to start doing is that whenever you are relaxing, use a couple of minutes with closed eyes and simply imagine that your bank accounts are full, that you can afford anything in the shopping mall, that you can get that vacation home, the dream car, etc.

As mentioned above, this might feel very foreign at first. Thats totally fine. Just keep going, don’t consider any results, don’t expect anything, simply enjoy being rich in your mind for those few minutes at a time.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you for your reply! :relaxed:

I’ve been listening to Wealth Generator ++, The Blossom of Abundance, Attract Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance on Patreon.

I will absolutely address these fears on, the fear of not making ends meet each month and the lack of funds for just survival are more than enough to drive me to sit down and eat at the dinner table with my fears, lol. Heck, I will kiss their foreheads, tuck them into bed and read them a bed time story.

I appreciate your advice and starting this today…If I can imagine it, I can feel it and it’ll provide me with that kind of relief, until it’s happening.

It sounds like you and @anon73693188 have an idea regarding this you’re working on, please keep me abreast if you share with the community :relaxed:!


Yes it’s a pretty unique idea.
You’ll find it when it springs to life :wink:

That is an absolutely awesome attitude :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Thank you!

It’s better to make fears a loving compass than to make them into something to run away from.


Focusing on this list this morning made me realize there are also hooks in my system from this company. May I also ask, what might you suggest for breaking free from abusive company structures?

I am adding Cutting Etheric Cords now…

Here’s how these hooks appear: I have responsibilities to pay and I have a reliance on this paycheck —-> I wait to be hired at another place in order to leave —> they abuse and hook me —> it feels like I can’t leave.

I know I am not stuck, but since I do not have savings I cannot just walk away. Walking away would be the most ideal scenario here.

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