Successful Trade Confirmation Thread

Attention all forum members,

Below are the new rules for confirmation of successful / positive NFT / mandala / tags trades between forum members. Every time someone new proposes a transaction to you, please review this thread and find the user’s name / post. If it is not here, then you do any transaction at your own risk or via a trusted member!

These rules are split in 2 parts: those applicable to past transactions and those applicable to future transactions.

NB: For privacy reasons you do not need to list NFTs or any other private information. Just the general info listed below.

Rules for past transactions:

1. There must be only one post for one user, with regular updates.

  1. First, give the overall number of your successful deals, as in “50 successful deals”.

  2. If you have at least 1 user who you did trades / sales with, your post should look like this:

“[number] successful transaction(s) with member X”.

  1. If you have multiple users who you did trades / sales with, your post should look like this:

“[number] successful transaction(s) with member X”.
“[number] successful transaction(s) with member Y”.
“[number] successful transaction(s) with member Z”.

  1. Members mentioned in the post must additionally like the post as a public confirmation. Press that heart icon if you confirm!

This allows other members to discern immediately, instead everyone having to PM each other for every new trade.

(special thanks go to @anon51920386 for his input on this point 5)

  1. Every time you do a new transaction with a member, you need to update your original post with updated numbers of successful transactions.

Rules for future transactions:

To not overload the thread, when you update your original post at the end of the post insert info on your latest transaction, like this:

“Latest successful transaction: [date] with member Y”.

That member must like the updated post if he / she / them / it etc. did not do it previously already.

Additions to rules of publishing offers / requests in the Official NFT Buy/Sell Thread:

Please insert the link to your post(s) in this thread confirming successful deals when you publish your offers / requests in the Official NFT Buy/Sell Thread. Label should be “Successful Trade Confirmations”.


Don’t forget to only :heart: as a confirmation.


1 successful deal

[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Hellothere

1 Like

[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Josh
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Moonhaw
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @fast_manifester
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @yisus2302


There will be quite a few “Trusted Trader” badges to award hehe

Take the time to confirm the trades by :heart: posts mentioning you and people will confirm your trades in return.

When you run out of tags (10 max) just type the name in plain letters with no “@”

I will remove all other post though.


7 Successful deals
(1) successful trade with member @Moonhaw
(1) successful trade with member @yisus2302
(1) successful trade with @Milamber
(1) successful trade with @Rene
(3) successful trades with @donut


2 total successful deals

1 Successful transaction with member @Danny_Ho
1 Successful transaction with member @Mucc

1 Like

8 successful transactions :

2 successful transactions with member @yisus2302
1 successful transaction with member @Powren
2 successful transactions with member @Danny_Ho
1 successful transaction with member @Kishore
1 successful transaction with member @Premintarsia
1 successful transaction with member @iNFi

  1. Successful transaction with member Username2-
  2. Successful transaction with member pranic_climber
  3. Successful transaction with member Cougartraula
  4. Successful transaction with member
  5. Successful transaction with gdplex
  6. Successfully traded with benign_polaris

Two successful trades:
1 successful transaction(s) with @Mr.Nobody
1 successful transaction(s) with @anon55251381


1 Successful Trade.

1 Successful Transaction with @Quetzacoatl

1 Like

2 successful transaction(s) with member @Saisai

1 successful transaction(s) with member @Jimmy

1 successful transaction(s) with member @profreak

1 successful transaction(s) with member @LittleOwl

1 successful transaction(s) with member @anon7543466

1 successful transaction(s) with member @Danny_Ho

1 successful transaction(s) with member @Lucky

2 successful transaction(s) with member @Scribe

1 successful transaction(s) with member @IAmJonathan (Supervised and assisted by @Ugninis )

1 successful transaction(s) with member Vegito

1 successful transaction(s) with member Will-o-the-wisp


[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Cambrian
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Quetzacoatl
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Alex
[2] successful transaction(s) with member @benign_polaris
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @orchidbutterfly777


[1] successful transaction(s) with member @profreak
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Milamber
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @anon47196645
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @criticalmass
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @ldw312
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Jonathan
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @ldw312
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @ajitabhsaraf1
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Rehan
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Holist
[1] successful transaction(s) with member @Ryan

10 successful trade :white_check_mark:


[1] successful transaction(s) with member Grizz
[1] successful transaction(s) with member rjg
[1] successful transaction(s) with member Beast
[1] successful transaction(s) with member EventHorizon
[1] successful transaction(s) with member Ugninis
[1] successful transaction(s) with member CardBarry
[1] successful transaction(s) with member Nemo
[1] successful transaction(s) with member lonewolf


[1] successful transaction(s) with member @ecaiii


Successful transactions:

1 successful transaction(s) with member @Philip_Weiss
1 successful transaction(s) with member @anon14224340
1 successful transaction(s) with member @dagon
1 successful transaction(s) with member @Scribe
2 successful transaction(s) with member @Sterling

There’s at least 4-5 more, which I’ll have to dig. But hope the above suffice.


[1] Successful transaction with @Cougartraula


2 successful transactions with @Atma_Kripa
1-successful transaction with @Scribe. 1-successful transaction with @Holist


If you have your confirmations but have not received your trusted trader badges yet:

Send me a DM with a link to your posts containing the likes from your trading partners.
