The 13th Skull NFT: Testimonials

Hello JamesBond (I would have never imagined writing a greeting addressed to James Bond lol). Nice nickname :)

Have you seen this script prepared by _OM and also mentioned in this thread? It’s an automated approach that works for every servitor including Skull.

_OM’s Script for Servitors

Here’s also the thread with Zen and Boris’s versions based on that original script:

Boris and Zen’s Versions

Personally, I avoid using precise numbers when instructing the servitors (except for “do X or Y for the next 24 hours”). That goes for money amounts for example. So instead of saying something like:

“I want to win 438959458 dollars”

I rather say:

“Please create the best conditions/environment that would increase my income or state of abundance” (adding “as close as possible to 4054087028 dollars” rarely).

Same for stuff like room temperature. I don’t indicate anything as direct as 27 degrees Celsius.

Being specific is of course a must, but some tasks seem to be better handled when they are formulated in more encompassing ways. So in your case, that would mean instructions not only based on losing 5 pounds, but also other elements that can play a role in it. Something also including increased blockage removal, among others. Or like “please enhance the effectiveness/integration of physical fields on me”.

Yes, depending on their composition, there might be weight-related effects indeed.