The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

Thank you…


Wow, this field is incredibly powerful. It brought up traumatic memories and then invited me to change them to the way I wish they would have been. It worked very well because the whole experience (scene, thoughts, emotions, etc) felt very real. It’s like an automated Neville Goddard revision on steroids. Incredible. Thank you so much.


It brings up to the surface a lot of sad emotions, but no memories attached, so don t know what it is about. I think it is working on deep levels, probably even before i had language. I do own Point of no Return as well and it brought me a lot of healing and recovery, but this one targets childhood stuff from a different angle. Great combo with PONR though. I forwarded this one to some of my friends with bad childhood issues, who could not afford PONR. Many thanks for this great idea and free gift.! :heart_eyes:


My deepest gratitude to you Captain for this gift!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Without going into too much details, Captai has been innovating in the field of Alchemy - picking up aspects of traditional alchemy, and enhancing them with various things - there was the Crucible series, then the Planetary Oils series, lot of exciting stuff happening…


Thank you so much, Captain!

I’ll try this in a few hours (at the most); I’m sure many of us had trauma or some incidents (in our childhood) or bad relationships with family, relatives, etc., so this field is more than welcome(d)!

Is anyone else experiencing any trouble with the forum, like lagging or not loading at all?

@gittir It looks like Captain has offered a/the solution! :smiley:

EDIT: remembering both a few glimpses from my past, some family members that are long gone (physically) and some things from my childhood, good and bad, somewhere in the last few minutes of the audio, tears came to my eyes, yet I felt throughout the field/audio so much peace, so much serenity …
Thank you so much, Captain, for this beautiful, beautiful and most needed field!
It’s time to heal my inner child!


Oh I’ve noticed. He’s making brand new completely unprecedented alchemical creations. Not sure many people realize that.


Speaking of the Crucible series, it would go great with this. Especially Crucible of The Past.


Wow. This is legit. Havent listened to it yet but just the description. So many people need this.
If you know you know.
I grew up without a good foundation In some ways, so i really appreciate this !
Captain be releasing the good bonbons for free :partying_face::+1::heart:

I won’t listen to this now ,because I want to incorporate other fields deeply first ,but this is the kind of field that I could see myself listening to for 1 year or so.
Like do a 1 year challenge . Commit yourself to this for 1 year and then do a before and after…

You NEEED a good foundation in life . I can’t stress this important that is .
In other words: you cant afford not to have a good foundation .

Think of the ripple effect of this. It will affect your children as well . How you were raised rubs off on how you will raise your children.
With this we can effectively go back in time for free and change the past. Dayyyyum.


OMFG WTF Captain! I don’t know if you already had it in the works or if it was my request that spurred it, but either way thanks so much, I already feel it doing something.

I am. Even the EnlightenedStates website is having issues


This feels so emotionally purifying.

Like a rebirth


When I said he worked on alchemy, I meant using his genius mind to understand alchemy not with actual chemicals.

@mauvaisgars I’m no expert on Jung either but shadow self is anything that is repressed by an individual while growing up. For eg., if a kid wants to throw tantrum but if one of the parents is abusive, for the fear of rejection and deprivation of love, the kid will act nice and repress the desire to throw tantrum, such experiences get stored in the shadow self.

From the description I felt like this field could help with the shadow work because basically you will rewrite your childhood with this field.




Like a heavy load lifted. This might be a nice companion to Remove Unconscious Clutter :heart_eyes:


Thank you for this Captain :grinning:


Luv it :clap:


I am starting to wonder if you guys are some sort of angels. This is so needed and yet, most are unaware they’re hurting because of their “wounded child”. This is an incredible tool to add to the healing journey, felt it right away. Infinite gratitude.


I feel sad for the people/souls who endured severe childhood trauma and carried it on their backs until going to their graves. While us have these wonderful tools who require just an active listening and who automatically do the job for us.

What do I have to say? Thanks? It’s not enough to express my gratitude, really.


Same here, since the afternoon (European time :slightly_smiling_face:), I thought my connection was bad.

Maybe they are making some routine work on the site.


Yes same