The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

I meant weird considering that Iā€™ve not done much today or yesterday so thereā€™s no reason to be so tired. I guess I havenā€™t looped a field in a long time and forgot how it felt


I had already heard about the revision aspect of the gram master NG, however one thing is theory and the other is practice, I have been listening to this field 3 times today, it left me very tired I must say, however when I woke up I noticed something very interesting, gathering in my memories of the past when I had a very problematic childhood due to my instrionic and imperative behavior, many years ago I had a very sad image of my inner child, in fact sometimes I have cried remembering it, but when I woke up today and did that mental game of imagining my past, HOLY HEAVENS!!! MY INNER CHILD WAS SMILING, I WAS VERY HAPPY taking pictures with the ninja turtles hahahahahaha well it was very special and refreshing for me! INCREDIBLY! THIS FIELD IS FREE!!! AND IT HAS SUCH A POWERFUL EFFECT!!! I canā€™t wait to save for the pay field! :heart: :heart: :heart:

I also want to add that I had dreams where I was surrounded by people who were building a big house with very deep and powerful foundations for me, as well as a dream where I was surfing huge waves, known as monster waves and finally I didnā€™t drown because I was surrounded by people who advised me. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Thank you very much @Captain_Nemo for this incredible gift, I feel extremely grateful for this, I love your work and I also love you unconditionally, thank you very much also from my inner child. :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

There is a phrase that a teacher taught me several years ago, which goes like this, ā€œWHEN THE CHILD IS HEALTHY, THE MAN APPEARSā€ I love you so much Captain!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah same I also had a dream about my family too.

I suspect itā€™s this field or quadible SLR. Who knows it could be both.


This field is incredibly powerful! I played it 2x on the first day and felt that was quite enough. Yesterday I played it 1x and had a bit of an emotional meltdown! Whew! I thought I cleared most of that with the Cruciple Series!!!

This morning I feel really, really great! How the heck do some of you loop this? :grin:

Captain is growing stronger and stronger! These new releases are very Powerful!
Thank You for this Great Healing, Dream! :gift_heart:


This is an incredible gift and blessing.
Whether your childhood was wonderful or lacking in ways.

Often as infants and children we perceive experiences in a say immature or ā€œlimitedā€ way.

eg. No you canā€™t eat that junk food everyday for breakfast = i canā€™t have what i want

Over time we create these stories, which create assumptions, beliefs and so on.

And then there are the things that did occur, whether it was a not-warm, non-verbal expressing-love mother (my experience)

Or violence, being told to shut up or other horrible things
(Sometimes I hear parents talking to their children and i feel sick to the stomach).

I have done revision (neville goddard), but this i believe will speed up that process.

Anyway, thank you for this :pray:


I add to it this Gem :gem:

The Internal Alchemical Crucible


Oh yes, thatā€™s a gem and would go well with RUC. I havenā€™t listened to Crucible in a while - must try this pairing soon! :hugs:



By the way, what age range is childhood considered to be when it comes to this field?


Just my intuition/opinionā€¦ From birth to now
Because trauma, hurts and wounding stack and affect the next decision, the next belief about oneā€™s self, the level of self worth etc

Most of us play catch up all our livesā€¦

I think dream created it holistic and dynamic enough to cover the full range


I see it the same way, because for the subconscious mind time does not really exists.
For the subconscious mind, trauma that happened 25 years ago in physical universe terms, is treated as if it just happened a moment ago.

So time alone, does not heal anything psychologically at all, it just gets repressed and buried and people become better at finding coping mechanisms for it over time.

True deep core healing, revision, beliefs reprograming and emotional release are the key.


I think soā€¦ Many of my dreams are about my 10 to 20th age and something I couldnā€™t classify. I dreamed from the Nazitime, very weird stuff, that hurts me in dream so heavy, that I woke up and felt holy shit what was thatā€¦ Was that something I experienced before this incarnation


Thanks for sharing, GianLee!


do you guys think this can replace archetype of parental love? Iā€™m just trying to save time not ā€œcompletelyā€ replace it.


It depends on what you were wanting from Archetype.

From this itemā€™s description:

If thatā€™s what you were wanting from Archetype, then sure!


Listened a couple times last night and felt pressure in my chest and head followed with feelings I havenā€™t felt in a minute. I always thought I was the type of person who didnā€™t have much of a personality and hardly showed many emotions but after listening to this it feels like a part of me I didnā€™t know existed has surfaced and now I feel like a whole different person. I woke up this morning and felt awesome I havenā€™t felt this excited like ever & something told me search up comedy videos on youtube and laughed the hardest I have ever laughed like I didnā€™t know I could generate so much joy from my being I was legit tearing up while laughing lol. My childhood wasnā€™t bad but it felt very boring my parents always worked but provided me with whatever I wanted like games, food basically anything I asked for that they could buy of course and kept to myself most of the time so didnā€™t have any friends. I am starting to think this is what it feels to be alive instead of just surviving this audio is dope.


After all that one can move to Unlock Full Potential

As a synergist or to have better understanding of what to do, linked below is a system (guide) than can be used alongside this morphic field to help with emotional awareness, freedom, and going through with your goals

Playlist for SEE System


This feels super comfortable, itā€™s like lying in the water and swimming, I will try this + new perspective + divine love


Ok, I didnā€™t realize this is the reason I felt so bad for a while.

One listen and Iā€™m ready to hang myself jeezus lol


Phew, not alone haha

Once is a lot

Anyone has an idea to make it easier ?