The Archetype of Parental Love

This is awesome.
I have never met my father and that have had negative consequences on myself.


lol know you weren’t saying this specifically, but I can imagine a few people out there thinking it somehow…

@EVERYONE needs this field…

yes, you, that person who has a simply WONDERFUL relationship with your mom or dad and they’re your best friend and you two do lunches every weekend and everything was golden growing up and
you’ve done SO MUCH HEALING and THERAPY or whatever over your childhood and you hold no resentment at all about how things could have been different…

I know your parent was always perfect in their strictness and permission.
They set up perfect healthy boundaries and let you explore who you were as person…etc etc

Yeah… I know all that but …
YOU need this field too!


Wow, that bold… so shiny…


LMAO :rofl:
Post of the week :ballot_box:


Yes. AMEN… :innocent:


Aww! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thank you, Dreamy! :pray:

Was just thinking of @Atreides’s request below recently too.


So I just listened to this first thing in the morning! As soon as I opened my eyes!

Felt this in lower sides of the brain, upper area of the heart and deep down on the lower part of my stomach … Not a field before has touched that !
Sensations had a “twist” to them and their placings too; they weren’t like any others, like a 5D painting with only the other two sides visible to the artist… The field :)
Asked what if there are other places where I’d feel “the difference” that I’m yet to experience… Directed the field to my Throat area and had a Focus in mind… Before I knew it!! Something was pushed out of my throat, heart, and third eye… All at once… And by the second I realized these were already gone, healed, and replaced!
Been noticing a nature of a fierce force to all recent fields yet one that is also filling and uplifting; Refilling

I feel a different kind of calm right now! Being in and within my own and out… Now that’s a happy trippy morning!

The joy of thanking you Dreamweaver… Should have that next! :shell:


My astrology chart makes me perceive my parents in negative image…
Yesterday I was thinking why Sapien medicine didn’t do something for healing father wound I was about to ask for help but I am already know about all healing videos in youtube.i am happy I wake up to this :gem:… I seek parental love and warmth everywhere but It didn’t happen … I perceive rejection & abandonment from males I seek acceptance from … oh yeah finally parental love video, I am sick from self love and universal love then boom my parents make my sad again…
I spent years to heal mother wound because it’s emotional and I felt it deep but I didn’t feel anything about my dad it wasn’t emotional it’s psychological , I never felt my father is an actually father for me also my mother but for less degrees , I always felt ignored by men I am beautiful but no one care about me and if anyone does it’s not what I want and I was the one who made the first contact I never felt wanted for myself and if I am loved it’s because my divine nature that people need … after listening to this for 1 hour and half I was in the back seat of the car and one guy in the road put his entire focus on me! Maybe it’s working that fast , my higher self was so in demand to heal this … I already felt good and less depressed…
My mother & father is not bad peoples it’s just the unconscious & astrological negative bad placement for my sun & moon …
Thanks captain Nemo , I want to buy it from gumroad or whatever store it’s available on :purple_heart:

Imagine using:
The archetype of parental love dream seeds
Self love & acceptance mai fields
The signature of source spiritual zone
For one month!


Adding my thanks to the bunch. This is the missing piece I needed. I’m not very good with children, I find most of them annoying and sticky and loud, even the ones I’m related to.:laughing: But I need to be a good grown-up around them. I do some tutoring as my main side hustle, and have handled kids from kindergarten to secondary (high school) level. I prefer teaching adults, but sometimes I don’t have that option, so I gotta suck it up so I can eat and pay bills.

I also have nephews, a niece, and a godson I have had to babysit, and I loves them to bits but they are a handful, I usually can’t wait until my shift is over.:laughing: Today I was with the terrible toddlers, and was feeling light-hearted, and found some of their antics to be delightful, when normally I’d roll my eyes internally when they repeat something for the 20th time. I allowed myself to be a little more silly when playing with them. Appreciated them a whole lot more and it was easier to say “they’re just being kids”, than expecting them to behave like the little adults that they are not.

And maybe even dad reflexes?? Someone else let me know that I’m not crazy. It felt like I got a new superpower.:joy:


I tried saying that but half the world won’t listen :smiley:

The more I get relaxed around them the more I feel it isn’t my natural but at the same time it is THE natural :D … Handling them is a superpower indeed!


Wondering if this archetype extends to the “Great Mother” archetype - feeding/nurturing/soothing - “Mother Shakti”, Kuan-yin, Mother Gaia, etc and the “Great Father” archetype - powerful/controlling/stern etc. Or is this more to do with childhood traumas?


Yesterday I finally got some privacy to meditate and clean mess accumulating for over 3 weeks or so.Used bushman which really speeded up the process,then self love field.At one point I could clearly see kid me besides current me which I know needs love and healing so this is gonna be exactly what I need.Will report of effects later




My soul is finally healed
This field is different , powerful & life changing ! This way it’s in youtube and not for sale :shamrock:

I feel arrived to myself… :pray:t3:


You are so sweet and honest i always smile when i read your posts :blush:


:heart::heart::heart::heartpulse::heartpulse: thanks beautiful


Im not Om but i share the sentiment so imho,

Because sometimes in the effort to give us all the tools (wisdom, lessons, values) for us to have a great and easy life, parents cut wings, uniqueness, skills, dreams, without knowing.

Sometimes they know but they either want their kids to have the life and things they didnt (Thus wanting to see their kids become the person they couldnt be, like making dreams through their kids) or want them to avoid the negative aspects of their lives.

Because sometimes parents are great at being parents and you see that looking back, but the openness to understand the difference between both, prevents them from fully unconditionally loving their kids trying not to spoil them.

Because even if your relationship with them was awesome! The close connection stretches out as we grow up and try to find our own path based on what we want and holding tight to that new gained independence.

Because even if your relationship and connection never changed, for some their parents have passed away and that absence changed the perception of everything the closer they were to them, and theres a sense of losing your ground when they are not longer around.

And because even if they are still alive and the relationship is awesome loving and tight… theres never bad in having more of a good thing for your soul.

Thats why :smiley:


You might think of this like having new/ different parental support in where you are now in this moment and to where you’re going from here. To always be able to tap in to this parental energy.


Zaaaactly :heart::star_struck:


:+1: :grinning: