The Bacteria and Fungi Apocalypse

Awesome tips guys! I really appreciate this so much!! :heart: :pray: Thank you!!

Very true. I’ll try and see how it goes. Will still substitute with fermented foods. If I see changes in my digestion, I’ll know it didn’t work. If all stays as is there, I’ll know it worked :smiley:

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I see, then this was a misunderstanding. Because we were speaking about possible solutions on how to get rid of fungi and noone posted a question about anything related to healing damaged areas. That’s why I interpreted your statement as a suggestion for using stem cells to get rid of fungi…

There wasn’t a misunderstanding. You were being a “know it all”, as has been pointed out to you several times now by different people … to a top flight NURSE who’s been practicing longer than you’ve been alive.

You do this alot. Please knock it off.


For a dog or a cat I can highly recommend a supplement called:
there are separate forms for cats and for dogs
It is relatively inexpensive.
It comes in a capsule form (for cats/kittens )that u open and mix with their food, it tastes like milk. There is a chew version for dogs.
U can get it on Amazon for $10 and u can also get it on

From the label: (I have the cat version)
DURALACTIN #60 capsules
To help manage inflammation in cats and kittens

Dosage goes by the animals weight.
Excellent for any inflammatory condition
I used this the last few years of Cassidy’s life for his arthritis, it helped him in 6 days.
I told my stubborn brother about it and he bought it and used it for his cat Bandit, and it helped him within a few days too. U must continue giving to your animal, but u can try going on a maintenance dose… The only contraindication is if the animal has a problem with lactose.

Disclaimer: I am not financially associated/connected with this product nor amazon, nor chewy. Just a very satisfied customer of this product for her cat.

SORRY-this is off topic


Until you’re able to get this permanently handled, looping the Air Revitalizer from Energetic Alchemy as often as possible will help reduce the amount of airborne particles. Or even the older Negative Ion Generator on Patreon.

I can’t stress this enough: mold issues need to be handled ASAP. Almost with the same urgency as if your home were on fire. It’s super important for your long-term well being. Don’t wait.


:point_up: Air Revitaliser should help quite a bit with neutralising airborne particles present.

Might also find Brain and Spine Antioxidant helpful – it would be protective in such circumstances.

Would expect Induced Alpha Lipoic Acid field to help as well, and Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup (Longevity Series): New Release to reduce longer term damage occurring, if you’ve either of them.

Antioxidant Formula and Radiation Protection and Removal would be free alternative fields to the two.

(damage suppressor protein in the latter)

Most of the damage and symptomatic issues will be primarily caused first by disruption to the nervous system function and resultant downstream effects on the body’s systems.

So these can provide a bit of protection.

Certainly it can be very impactful to one’s health.

However, please be mindful and careful when assessing whether (and how) to address your root issue, as many cleaning processes can stir up the toxins and actually lead to far greater exposure (and resultant long term issues for one’s well being) than if attempted cleaning had not been initiated.

It is something to consider with care before initiating, as the processes of mould removal can often put one in more danger to one’s well-being than your present situation.

The wisdom of a potential relocation is often a better solution in the long term.

Just some things to consider, based on what you’re describing and much experiences with the longer term injury potential of such situations.


Wow, guys… :sob: :two_hearts: thank you so much…

I honestly felt so moved and was kind of speechless at first when I saw all these comments. I mean, this forum is incredible and there is always so much helpfulness and care coming from its members and I know I could always ask questions and will kindly be helped with advice and suggestions :sparkling_heart: And yesterday I only randomly chimed in with rather a side remark, at an already ongoing conversation, even not sure if I should when I did, and here you all go, giving me fantastic field/servitor suggestions and so crucial practical advice. Really, I feel so loved and cared and I thank you all so much for chiming in @uial @Kyle_Reese @SilverZuzu @JAAJ, and everyone who supported with their likes those comments they felt had something super important in them! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

This whole issue is very important to me and has been for some time now. Definitely peaked in terms of stressfulness in the past weeks and especially in the recent days. I am very concerned and we have been seeking ways to resolve the situation for some time now. With how things have been unfolding, moving out seems to be the only option, so rest assured.

In the meantime, I’m feeling so unbelievably relieved to have all these amazing, precious fields at my disposal to help us get through this safer. I’m sending out gratitude to our dear Captain all day, even more so than usually, as I am using these tools he created for us. I don’t know where I would be without them, and this situation just shows again what difference they can make in a person’s life.

Today, I already looped all the fields you guys suggested and I clearly noticed improvement :smiley: The air felt so much better… it is absolutely amazing! The air felt so different! Cleaner, cooler, crisper… just nicer!

I actually totally missed these and what they are! :no_mouth: Thank you for bringing them to my attention @uial ! And also thank you for compiling such thorough and neat posts, here and all the time. They are always such a delight and you are making it so easy to access all the resources. I strive to make posts like this. Thank you :pray:

I did totally not have these on my radar either, but they made such a noticeable difference! Thank you so much for these crucial suggestions! :pray: and yes:


Maybe later, someone having the same issue will be reading this thread. So I wanted to add some more fields that I’ve been using for this, in addition to the Bacteria and Fungi Apocalypse and all the kind suggestions above:


:+1: :muscle: :blush:


thanks a lot for your reply. i will do


what are the other 15 fields that you could mention to support my healing.

Vitamin C
Hyperbaric Oxygen
Smart Stem Cells
Vitamin D
Induced Mots-C
Induced Hepatocelluar Growth Factor production
Enhanced Cellular Nutrition Absorption
Senescent Cell Removal
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing
Radiation Protection and removal
Stem Cells targeted to the Face, scalp and neck
Collagen Booster
Antioxidant Formula
Food Charger and Enhancer
Enhanced Blood Circulation
DNA repair

and others
and I’m not even mentioning the environmental fields


Any updates on this one ?:)


It was a life saver for me. My lung condition (two months ago) did not improved with physical antibiotics and plenty of fields.
This one got me back on track.
It was on my wish list as a must have field, but given the situation I got it ASAP.
Best decision :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks , happy you’re well :+1: what lung condition did you have, if I may ask ?
Any impact on gut health ?


Thank you :pray:t2: :slightly_smiling_face:
I had a drop on my immunity prior due to the loss of my cat, it had big impact on me as I talked about in other thread. And I got sick, started with a sore throat, then really bad cough, blood in mucus, fever, no energy. I was in bad shape. The doctor tested me for covid which came negative, and put me on antibiotics and mucus fluidifique medication which didn’t did much for me. Almost three weeks later I was returning to the same bad cough. Then I bought this audio and in one more week I returned back to my health. During all that time my gut worked fine.


Amazing !


Alguien lo probo para el acne?

Does this field work for H.pylori? I want to purchase it and use it specifically for it. I tried the IBS field from patreon but my stomach is still gurgling and hurting at times.

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Me, althought I didn’t intend for this but a nice effect for sure.
I use to have quite much Staphylococcus aureus infections and this helps with it.

Not really, antibiotics are from fungus and that’s what destroys the bacteria when both meet each other. This field destroys both using a different method. Before medical science, why do you think they used ‘moulded’ bread to treat infection on cuts/wounds or skin problems?

… Just saying :grin: