The Blueprint of Life

You can…might take time but definitely can sooner or later…I believe in you man :smiley:


Of course I was joking a bit, however I agree! :wink:


Torsion field before Blueprint of Life good idea?


Blueprint + ojas = perfection


Exactly haha.

To complete the comment above: Torsion + Blueprint + Ojas = :pray::heart:


I get zealous too when I find something that works especially well. I’ve been leaving this field on repeat for hours at a time, today is the third day of this. I’ve also been simultaneously combining it with the Torsion Field and a grounding audio.


Man oh man, the BoL is a hungry little fella.

I’m not sure if it’s the field itself telling me what it wants, or if it’s serving as a catalyst for smoother guidance from other sources.

I probably have 15-hours logged since it came out and lemme tell ya, today has been wild.

I have a giant to-do list full of “life stuff” and I’ve been sitting here since 4:30am (approx. 8-hours) trying to quench an insatiable thirst of fields; like water in the desert sun.

I keep getting a “MORE” every time I try to move onto another project.




Combos I’ve never used. Quantities I’ve never used. Fields I haven’t used in over a year.

Butter Pill now? For 25-minutes? But I’ve never used it for more than 10… MORE… ok.

Ojas now? But for only 3-minutes? But I usually use it for 20.

Back to Plasma straight? But 7-minutes? Got it.

Something is cooking.

It’s like a chef in America’s Test Kitchen creating with a dash of this, a sprinkle of that.

In a way it feels like watering a plant with infinite roots.



And every time the Chef says, “ok that’s enough of that” and calls for the next ingredient…

I feel STRONG, the ESSENCE OF STRENGTH, like a Redwood or Giant Sequoia growing out of those infinite roots.

It’s real friggin’ wild.


I have a question regarding this field, as silly as it may sound I have been reluctant to use it but also very eager to do so at the same time, (I know conflicting)

anyways my hesitation is because I have been doing an eye color biokinesis thing and its turned out real well and wanted to know if Blueprint of life would reverse my eye color back since it makes genetic changes in your being?


Hey @Nytor,
Buddy, please everything about the eye color biokinesis thing(maybe DM because this thread is of BoL), I’ve been wanting to do that forever now.
Please please please buddy
Thank you!:smile::smile::raised_hands:

I have read in a few places that some physical trauma can be a blockage of energy, as surgery is considered a trauma to the body and I’ve had a few minor surgeries will this make fields less effective for me?

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An energy blockage is an energy blockage… emotional, physical, mental traumas can be caused by a multitude of things and result in “blockages”

On that note, this field will significantly help with healing those.


Best of luck… Good to listen

So I have yet to purchase this field but from my understanding of what this can do I’d just like to share my insights and how I feel about it.

So I truly believe that it is our internal experience that is driving our lives, that our lives are driven by emotional subconscious belief systems…whether we’ve developed limiting beliefs in our current lives, inherited it from parents, ancestors or even past lives. And I believe that the negative or limited subconscious belief systems (a belief really is just energy) stems from the root of all negative roots - trauma.
And by my understanding trauma isn’t just something severe, it can be anything that has dysregulated your nervous system, it could be the doctor spanking your bottom after you’ve been delivered…
And trauma resides in our cells - our genes, our DNA until we take the responsibility to shift it out. I do believe it is the root of all dis-ease and physical injuries that we get, like through the trauma in your body you manifest certain situations in your life. Or even such as a parent abandoning a child, you now have “abandonment trauma” and you now attract partners that do the same until you heal your trauma.
If this field does what it’s does by description, actually working on a genetic level. Just Imagine. I believe it can shift out our traumas and address our core beliefs about life and ourselves. It’s absolutely brilliant and I am excited for all of us :sparkles:


:arrow_up: :+1:t2: :bouquet: Allow me to move your brilliant post to the recent trauma thread. I have hesitated to suggest it as a “starter” but your insight has made me change my mind. Thanks!


Who knows what coupled it can be, Blueprint + BPIL tag!


I haven’t purchase BoL yet. I am curious if it heals epigenetic causes and family constellation issues?
Knee problems runs in my family
My mum has both knee caps replaced, my 2 brothers and i have knee pains that doesn’t heal completely despite trying different types of treatments including morphic fields audio.
I think we need to address the family constellation aspect first. I just started watching some YT videos on FC. So my understanding is very shallow.
Appreciate any advice on how to solve this knee weakness issues.
I have been on plasma protocol 1 for more than one week. No noticeable improvement


Firstly, keep using Protocol. 1 week is not even close to enough time to diagnose improvements with long standing inherited genetic problems.

Secondly, Blueprint would certainly give better chances of your progeny not having the genetic problems of you and your ancestors.


This is relieving my anxiety and allowing me to flow better, not being stuck in thoughts.


The reason I actually spend money on anything, legit couldn’t care any less about shoes, clothing or anything. These little guys are just a no brainer


Would it be a problem for a person who is transgendered to listen to this field? I have a close friend who is trans and have a lot of health issues. She has been through a lot of surgeries and hormonal treatments. She use medisin for hypothyroidism and hormone replacement therapy. Is this field good for her or is there any other fields that would help and heal her body?