The Blueprint of Life

Does someone knows if this field also contains low infrasound like his first plasma field?


This field is like the infinity gauntlet of fields. It was all leading to this.

(The infinity stones were the blueprint of the universe)


Short review :star_struck: listen to the blueprint since Saturday, one time a day till Monday. First time I get a headache and pain in my lower back, which is a emotional problem zone. When I went to sleep, I fell like my body was pulled inward from the outside, like when you roll up your pants inward only in the direction of your spine. Hope that is presented understandably… If I closed my eyes, there were horizontal, parallel lines. Second listen, jut was awake 3 hours listened to blueprint and after 1 hour I got Soo sleepy, turned off Gotham in the middle of the episode, just to go to bed again. That’s rare to me :smiley:

Monday morning before work and my usual stack, listened and were drained af… Decided to hear in the afternoon, from now on twice… Tuesday morning, woke up happy, went to work and my ego crashes in… Thoughts about this isn’t the right place for me, I don’t want to blabla, judging my coworkers a lot really… They are cool and nice to me all the time, no real reason… And other heavy, abusing thoughts. One hour before lunch I recognized what’s going really on and could laugh about my strange thoughts, my system relaxed :slight_smile:

Wednesday and Thursday was strange feeling too. In a good mood, a little bit like drunk or high, but physically totally weak. In the end of the day I felt very OK, that’s so nice :) think it’s something like detox or so.

Now listening 3 times in the afternoon, before shamanic x2 and this morning feel very OK, everything is okay. My social anxiety, with that I’m really relaxed too! It’s still there and it’s OK, it’s on low volume so to say… I’m able to do the things I’m fearful for, it feels not like uhh ohh I love what I do but with time I think I can enjoy these situations more and more, even if I’m not as communicative af… Thanks for all to very all of you, really!! Much love

Edit: dreamed tonight about detox fields… Don’t know anymore what specific, but do you think it’s necessary? Which one could be good for detox in combo with blueprint?! I take zeolith in the morning for detox since today🤷‍♂️


So this audio could change one’s DNA to a perfect state? (sorry, i’m still not 100% sure as to what this audio does)


Maybe this is what it does, cluttered things will be reorganised (check flower of life) .

I found this to explain in the easiest way buddy,



So that would mean getting rid of all inherited issues (adhd, autism, down syndrome)? Essentially making one “perfect”?


I have autism Asperger and i just feel i don’t have it anymore


But I think it takes time ,bcs this field do Alot of things ,but if you want to focuse more the energy in the DNA ,The DNA rapair system give you faster result ,I use it with this ,and 36 strand of DNA from Maitreya sometimes


Okay!. Thank you for replying. I am now thinking of buying this field because it sounds so powerful.


It is ,is the most important field


It’s literally everything



BoL targets everything. So when you want to specifically heal something faster or first then always listen to BoL x 2 followed but the field targetting your aim in this case DNA. x 2

Youll see way faster results when you direct it to what you want


Thank you.


Hi @LunaMoon , so it’s BOL x 2 then followed by DNA x 2 in this case right ?

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You know what’s weird? 30 seconds into my first time listening, my mom randomly texted this to me out of the blue:



(Off-topic but it sounds like you have a cool mom.)


What is KQ?

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Kinetic Quasi Crystal