The Blueprint of Life

Your message there actually made me say ‘awwww’ outloud in my empty living room. You’re gorgeous Miss Chalice :heart_eyes:


I know right??!! Only today pal, just gotta let this raging River run through me unabated. Full audio schedule up and running when I go to the land of nod. :grin:


and your response brought tears to my eyes. Our Captain’s fields truly bring us together in so many mysterious ways. :hugs:


Total magic my love. So magic in fact that my phone gremlin didn’t like it and had some fun trying to put me off replying by randomly closing the tab I was using for the forum. This is happening often, and only when I’m watching to, listening to or replying to something nourishing and loving. Luckily I am not so easy to defeat :kissing_heart:


:muscle: :sparkling_heart:


Hmm, it won’t let me see what you’ve posted, I dinny have the instagram. Any threads I can look at to find out what this is? It’s a lovely picture, whatever its purpose is…


Fyi, another smal update, besides all the yuck I have felt coming up and out today (it has miraculously shifted, but that could he because it’s bedtime, I LOVE bedtime) I just thought to check my back. I have had a clear back all my life, and suddenly about 5 months ago I started getting the most insane and painful acne on particularly my shoulders for no obvious reason. Well, it’s all gone but one small pluke.Just checked again, to be sure I’m not imagining it, nothing there but one wee spot! Magic!


Mercy buckets, I shall take a gander.


Well, I had a look and isn’t this the best place? It just keeps on giving me gifts!!! So thank you for bringing these psychic cards to my attention, thank you for leading me to another gift! :heart_eyes:


You can also use the energy course audios to increase your energy.


Smart reiki, pure magnetic heart coherence … and now I just bought the powerful field “THE BLUEPRINT OF LIFE” :star_struck:

To start this year 2022 in the best conditions :relieved::four_leaf_clover: :heartbeat: :person_in_lotus_position:


I had the course materials, bought them in June. 2 things:
1 - I cleared out my emails and changed phones and was not paying attention and lost all the material. But I dare say captain would be able to readminister those should I ask, surely my details would be easy enough to verify…:thinking:

And 2 - the first time I started the energy course I felt floored by it, and not in the good way I feel from BoL. I got too sensitive too quick and it was NAAAAAASTY.

But I think you might have heard my cogs turning as I have been considering it for the last 24 hours, whether I may be ready to give it another shot, provided I can get the materials back that is. We’ll see. Thanks for the input, it makes me more inclined to get back into it, given that I take your message as an external confirmation of what’s been turning over in my thoughts :heart::sparkles::heart:


I notice when I start listening to this field, there will be a new post about it soon after.


Synchronicities abound here foxy! :wink:


The first listenings during the night did not bring up any emotion. I enjoyed the music with the violin but it was nothing more.

For the physical sensations I just felt a few sensations in the belly.

It was in the morning when I decided to listen again to go back to bed that I realized that I had in my possession “Treasures”, great tools to become strong and move towards the best version of myself . By having these tools I could accomplish great things in this life, to help others follow the path of healing … the light :sparkles:.
And that’s when I started to cry. At certain intense passages of the violin :cry::violin:. My throat was a bit tight as well.

Eternity redux, plasma protocol and the blueprint of life and the other SUPER fields … :muscle::sunny::person_in_lotus_position: :heartbeat::four_leaf_clover:

Thank you captain nemo, medicine sapiens, my guides and angels and the universe for giving me the possibility of having these wonderful tools :slightly_smiling_face::pray::yellow_heart::sunny:


Hi, @electrorainbow! Send a DM to @SammyG and he will get you back on track with the course.

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Thank you my love. Captain actually checked in with me last night after seeing our discussion. He wanted to see if I needed any help with anything while working so hard (some dude, that) so I asked him this morning …the proceeded to work it all out on my own strait after I asked so he didn’t really get any input. I’m funny like that. Think I need help, ask and then try to solve it and often do before the help has a chance to actually help.
Today I feel SUPER anxious, but again the same thing, a distance between me and what I feel. Haven’t even snapped at one of my kids who are still out of school, and it’s raining hard so we’ve been in all day. That’s the best pieces of evidence for efficacy so far. Usually when I feel anxious I am a snappy bitch then a sad apologetic moron. No swings today, just awareness of what is arising.


I’m happy to hear that you are well taken care of, and that the Blueprint continues to help you. I’ll bet your kids are grateful, too! :slight_smile:


Soooooo grateful :joy: