The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

You can release your servitor at any time you wish. I don’t think, that you will stay connected to your servitor into your next lifetimes.

If you are really worried about this, then you can just tell all of your servitors, that they are released, as soon as you die.


With 5 active abilities I had to come up with an acronym to remember what my Fae is doing.

C - Cloaks when needed
H - Hex and curses blocking and removal
A - Attract positive
R - Remove old and discarded energy
G - Ground when needed

C - I knew intuitively when someone was beaming negative energy at me but I didn’t feel any of it. I left that scene with an easy attitude of “that’s their stuff”.
H - He’s learning how to remove something, he’s still new. He identified and named and located a curse after about a week.
A - good things happen. Better treatment from people. Better mood myself, not enough to fully account for the better treatment.
R - You might feel the energy of a bad situation you were in up to weeks ago or longer. Just for a little while as it’s being removed. It’s a nice feeling to really get free of whatever you already chose to physically remove yourself from. Get that junk energy off.
G - You can feel yourself become a little more serious when it’s called for, a little more down to earth, grounded.

With either of the new servitors you are likely to become more energy sensitive. Per the description on the sales page and per my experience, old energy going away leaves you more apt to sense things. Blockage removal helps too.

They will still work for you if you are not energy sensitive. You might not hear them speak to you as easily but they will still do their work. The best times to be able to hear them are when you put your head on the pillow to sleep and for a few minutes after you wake up.


And then sleep peacefully at night with no worries whatsoever… :laughing:


Imagine our servitors in 10 years…


Yes they will work, doesn’t matter if you are aware or not aware of them.

You will definitely feel the negative energy removal by the Fae servitor and it’s ability to draw positivity into your life.

Even if you can’t feel any energies, you will notice a change, when the Energy Support servitor adjusts and balances your energy system!

As soon as I picked up the item for my newly created Fae, she immediately started to work on my right brain hemisphere. For over 2 hours she was either removing negative energy or neutralizing some kind of curse.

The Energy Support Servitor gave me much more energy throughout the day. It’s much more effective in removing blocked energies, than using the Energy Blockage Removal or Salt Cleanse video.

Even though I am diligent about cleaning my energy system, by using the two videos just mentioned, all parts of the Vibrations and Soul Restoration series, and Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning every single day, when I asked the Energy Support servitor to repair my whole energy system it did a lot of work on all my chakras. From the sacral, up to the third eye, everything got cleaned and balanced.

I ordered him to do this in the morning, just after playing Deep Clearing and VoC.

But thanks to him I have to use transmutation fields throughout the day :see_no_evil:


Reminds me of what @SammyG wrote here:

And good news with them is that they are built to grow stronger over time. They can even become godlike the more you practice with them and teach them things.


Meaning no Boosting :joy: :wink:

When you created your FAE SERVITOR did you add a name to it and welcomed it or did you just create it, took it and started working?

The creation process is 2 hours, were you in the same room those 2 hours until it was created?

I really want these servitors but I feel that they are very powerful and I don’t know if I have the ability to handle them and especially to get all their power.

I feel like I have a mighty FERRARI and I only know how to ride a bike LOL :rofl::+1::smile::smile:



You don’t need to stay in the room for any of Dream’s servitors.

Dream pre-programmed them, with a bit of practice you should easily get to use 90% of their power!

And $50 feel like a steal, for what the new servitors are offering. :laughing:


Can FAE SERVITOR learn new things or just its pre-programmed abilities?

Can FAE SERVITOR make me attractive to women?

LOL :smile::smile::rofl::rofl::genie:


Try it out yourself :wink:

Maybe a bit, since they clean your energy system, which in turn will be noticed by women. Energy Support servitor will further improve your energy body, which will improve the presence you exude.

But don’t rely soley on them for attraction. Here is a great quote by Sammy:

[Women] are drawn to the energy you exude. To how you are within. They can literally feel how you feel about yourself. If you believe in yourself, then she may feel inclined to believe in you.

I recommend you to read the full post here.


Are the new servitors included in the physical book?


Yes their are :100:



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Keeping this mind mind, thanks!

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Does anyone know if we can also “gift” the servitor to someone in need …?

Say someone is cursed, can you make a fae on an item , then give the item to the person ?

Will the active abilities of the fae work on the person wearing it, although its not its “owner”?


You don’t even need to gift the item to the person:


Yeah I guess but the whole “tell your servitor this and that” is a bit tricky for me.

Like it would be easier to just give the item to the person and have the active abilities work on them.

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Yeah I feel the same, might have to do that then.

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How about asking the servitor to have some lucid dream? It can work like that?

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