The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation


Every brain is different. And it’s governed by belief. You’re reinforcing the belief that it’s a long journey, therefore it will be.


Porn fantasies are also part of symbolic elements of every day life that get charged in your psyche.

The dumbest thing can be a trigger. Like a way of laughing or whatever.

Dropped porn 10 years ago and elements still pop up now and then.


I recently read easy peasy and damn, it really is really easy to quit porn when you get rid of the brain washing. It just was common sense actually .No difficulty at all and really enjoyable


To add;

If porn and/or masturbation isn’t in your nature, aka it is a sin, going against the future state of your heart, absolutely abstain.

@JAAJ could i have a chat with you?

I am new here, where can I find this field?
Is it not enough to have these gumroad fields?

Radiant Sexuality
The Point of No Return
Blueprint of Life
Architect of Reality

Who is PU and PI please?

Are all fields from Vital Energy stack from Sapien?

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@Finrod Pu is psychic university. They used to be a vendor but since a lot of the vendors on the forum started using dreams forum as a way to promote their own stuff without giving anything back to dream (some might call it parasitic in the literal sense as in profiting off of someone without giving something back like it would be in an symbiotic partnership)

They still have gumroad and patreon, you can find them there
The vital energy stack is mostly made of dreams’s creations but Tejas alchemy is an nft which can only be bought through the official nft sell and trade thread since the sapien shop closed down back in july


I don’t think PU really understood what corn addiction is about at all. His 3x tab habit field is really ineffective for me. I can feel the effects of his other fields but not this one. If he never experienced this addiction himself he would never know what its like hence he would be never able to make effective field for it.

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It’s inappropriate to assume a person may/may not have experienced the addiction itself. Even if he didn’t suffer from it, the 3x field is really good for cutting out porn urges imo.

Considering it’s a free field a little gratitude can help along the way.

(Try looping it for 5 hours a day)


Sorry didn’t mean to offend anyone… I was just frustrated that I lost my streak. No hate towards PU.

Also its not a free field if its on patreon imo.

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Breaking the addiction isn’t really difficult with the fields we have available. Breaking the habit though, I’ve yet to experience a solid field for that.

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Transmutation fields, Soul Core Restoration, vibration rising fields and working on chakras.


:skull: :skull: :skull:

The worst is yet to come.

Humanity is going to face some really hardcore “technology adaptation challenges”.

AI generated porn will completely destroy Generation Alpha:

AI will collect, data mine and analyze all the sexual content someone likes to consume from their social media feeds and videos watched on the internet.

Then based on this, the AI will generate content that is the most triggering and the most addictive for the respective person’s physical brain and taste. So that addiction is guaranteed and with the strongest dopamine receptor frying effects.

People will also be able to take the picture of any other person and deep fake it onto AI generated VR porn videos, giving everyone the sexual illusion of being together with “their real life crush” or their “ideal partner” supplied 24/7 into their VR glasses.

I am telling you guys, the world has not even yet started to be exposed to the full extent of the problem. Society is still a few decades away from the peak of this mass fuck-up.

The technology will become more and more advanced in the next decades.
The lure of trying it out, bigger and bigger.
The lure will be everywhere.
And everyone who tries it out will become addicted faster than ever before.



To be honest humanity has explored the depths of porn so much that I think ai porn wont make much of a difference for gen alpha.

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All technological progress in the physical universe is aimed at replicating what was always possible on the astral planes.

On the astrl planes we can have unlimited infinite personalized virtual worlds that feel more real than the physical world.

So humanity will likely not stop its technological advancement until we get to that level in the physical universe as well.

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never really liked AI, its unnatural in every aspect its used


:point_down: :bangbang:


I’m 32 and I have been PMO’ing since I’m 12 (yes I started before my puberty), AMA!

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