The Eternal

Thanks! What wallet do you suggest? I want to keep it as simple as possible :star2:

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The most common ones seem to be Phantom and Solflare.


Old, non-techie guy speaking, I found Phantom super easy.


if someone more than one tag of this nft will they grow separately or individually?

Is there a time limit to when I can claim an NFT? could I for example claim it like 3 years later?

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That’s fantastic! I will pass this on to Brandon


I remember your review about the eternity tag reversing your gray hair … I think it was one of your favorite tags.

Can you give an updated review on it ? You probably have it for a few years by now :)


Huge wow on all levels and by all means. Eternal gratitude and appreciation for this creation Cap’n.
Few observations from about 36-h of usage:

  1. Fast/(no significant ‘fall’) bouncing back/recovery to baseline from alcohol, heavy food and esp. that was consumed late at night, HIIT workout or basically any type of training. That metabolism/healing & recovery state of a teenager I’d say.
  2. Tied deep feeling in the SC level that age is not more than just a number/does not matter at all for yourself. Longevitiy is eternal on a personal level.
  3. A general feeling of contentment about yourself, life, wellbeing.

And that’s just a fraction of the potential.


people who bought it from India, how much did you pay in INR in total?

I’ve only had it printed for less than 24hrs and it feels like a whole other level from Eternity Redux. Fast. It’s insane. As @Cambrian said before, If you have the funds, don’t even think twice about this treasure :sparkles::pray:t3:


do think twice.
there is a specified mint number
it is nothing compared to humanity at large. (population and available amounts)

I am not gonna remake it.
all the mint numbers are ‘the end of product’ numbers.

It is a large amount, don’t worry about it too much
The number will always be constant for this iteration
and all the other products. (listed here)
till they are done


If every one of our forum members had bought this, how many would remain?

I’m thinking of robbing someone and buy this product. Is it allowed?

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Honesty is the best policy… as is respect for ownership…

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u mean money? i dont think it would be a problem, im not captain, obviously. But i dont really see why it would be a problem

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A thousand and a few hundreds if everyone one the forum get one copy. Less if some buy multiple copies. And why can only people on the forum buy it?

No one cares about how you make you money. You just have to take full responsibility of your own actions. And one useful information for you: NFTs lost becuase of digital theft is as common as robbing on streets.

I read on one of captain post that it has to be obtained legally and also am pretty sure he said if the funds are legitimately

but I will have to check that second and I will try finding comments for both. But don’t rob man their would be enough time for everyone to have the right amount of funds.


can this replace Plasma Protocol @Dreamweaver ?




can i take personal loan to buy this?