This field is both a maker item and a servitor.
It works on lands, homes, apartments, storefronts, anything to do with buildings.
It will be useful for those who are seeking to buy and sell homes, rent them out, those looking for a new home for themselves, real estate agents, those who are looking for physical places to sell their merchandise and people who just want to have nice homes themselves.
User Glow Up: People will see the owner of this NFT as someone who is knowledgeable about property, has valuable property to offer, and should be respected. This will allow us to avoid many tenant/landlord arguments and set the user of the NFT up to make the most profit.
Property Glow Up: Those seeking to have any monetary interaction with your property will see it as being more valuable and just right for them. People who come in contact with your properties will remember them so they can be mentioned later. People who are able to purchase and are trying to decide will have your particular home pester them until they make a concrete decision.
Even guests of people who are in your properties will see it as such and do their best to uphold the property.
Best Path for homes: to seek, discover and have great homes placed in front of you for buying and selling.
2nd aspect: quickly discover a network of helpers such as plumbers, maids, carpenters, building managers, even neighbors and friends to accompany whatever property you invest in.
Best Path for tenants: to seek, discover and have great tenants/roommates/clients, etc. These people will ideally be able to
1. pay on time
2. be easy to work with
3. keep whatever they are purchasing clean
4. not immediately pursue legal action and do everything to settle issues harmoniously, amongst whatever else can help the owner of a property.
Financial Services: Helps the user seek out the best loans and prices. Incentivizes those in financial markets to look at the user as a good candidate for loans. Also helps set up the price of homes as competitively as possible once in possession.
Feng Shui/Land Spirits: This field works with the spirits of the land to ensure that everything about the property is harmonios
Environmental aspect: Seeks to fill any homes with as much light, love, laughter etc as possible while continuously clearing out negatives.
Maker aspects:
The Pixiu Pair
( Pixiu normally comes in a pair, Bìxié, the two antler female that wards off evil from your home, promotes positive feng shui and appeases bad feng shui (or in a sense, astrological afflictions), Tiānlù, the single antler male that seeks out to collect gold, silver, jewels, grows and protects wealth. Pixiu are also fierce warriors and protectors.
Bìxié (Think it is better for Bixie to be the guardian and overseer of the home)
• Protects the home from evil, ill intentions, curses and disease
• Promotes and grows the home into a wealth vault (wealth energy flowing within)(Feng Shui concept)
• Appeases astrological inflictions on the owners and household (or reduces for household members, incase you feel too OP)
• Activates the beneficial sectors of the home (Feng Shui)
• Neutralizes the bad sectors in the household (Feng Shui, also the sectors change yearly, monthly lol)
• Promote harmony in the household (Feng Shui)
• Grants Feng shui knowledge concepts and ideas (Feng Shui)
• Suggests (nudges) owner and household members to improve home situation (if is not harmonious) (Feng Shui)
Tiānlù (I think its better to categorise Tianlu as the active one that flys and ventures out of the home)
• Finds, locates and stores wealth (in its belly haha)
• Activates the wealth energy from all directions to flow towards the home (Feng Shui)
• Identify income and money streams and delivers ideas to the owner
• Removes wealth blockages, energetic and mental, encourages abundance mindset
• Fiercely guards acquired wealth and fortune
• Increases sucess in dealings related to abundance, money and wealth (Feng Shui)
• Alerts the owner to auspicious dates for wealth (Feng Shui)
• Discourages the owner from taking part in wealth activities on inauspicious dates (Feng Shui)