The Outlook Retrainer: Testimonials

At Patreon


Even if you own New Perspectives, I would recommend to not put this one aside :slight_smile:

Very profound field by itself.

Just put in on the back on loop while you do another task, and letā€™s talk about mindset right after, and after a good night of rest (for the rewiring to happen) :grinning:

A must for depression or anxiety, along with the necessary action steps in the physical.



This is among the field you can loop.
But what Iā€™d recommend if youā€™re super into it, rather do 2-3 session per day of 2-3 loop.

Iā€™m doing the same with the Crucible of the Past, Iā€™ve found it to be more efficient.


Interesting usage, thanks for sharing. I liked The Outlook Retrainer a lot, but I did stop using it after I got New Perspectives.


Bumping this, as this is a very important (and free) field for mental health & well being.

See comments above :slight_smile:




Iā€™m not sure what the source of that screen shot is.

Thereā€™s nothing in the description of The Outlook Retrainer:

that suggests anything cautionary.

In the thread for the New Release: Cerebrum (album), Capā€™n did caution that the Deep Brain field could be quite intense for some. If your screenshot is from Patreon, maybe itā€™s a copy-pasta unclarity?


Hi, yes, itā€™s from Patreon, at the end, in a separate paragraph.
I double checked, it does say ā€˜Theseā€™.

Now, I also know that it varies from person to person.

But since Iā€™m new ā€” and also, Iā€™ve caught you here :blush: ā€” might I please take advantage and ask whether less is more, given Kinetic Quasi Crystalā€¦ (always care to not overwhelm anymore :sweat_smile: and optimal/streamlined listening times)?


Cool, thanks for that clarification! Thatā€™s helpful to me (and, perhaps, others).

And hereā€™s some more clarification from that thread, from the man himself:

So, the ā€œtheseā€ (I noticed that, too :wink: ) maybe a good warning.

Then let me take the opportunity to say (again?), ā€œWelcome!ā€

A wise question because less has always been more, even before KQC. Even the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) says that 10 minutes experience with a field in a session is sufficient, and thatā€™s without KQC. But weā€™re all (to a certain degree) biohackers here and, well, hackers gonna hack, right? :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you can use both KQC and the FAQ guideline to fulfill these intentions of yours.

And if, after experimenting with that approach a bit and you donā€™t feel itā€™s ā€œenoughā€ for you, you can replay a stack later on in the day and see what that does for you.

Hope that helps.


It does, I appreciate it! I see you always coming around to help :slight_smile:


Probably first, thank you :slight_smile: Been snooping around for a while, with a less and less raised eyebrow.
Still wrapping my head around having found a place with ideas, knowledge, tools, resources, and people discussing and experimenting on all the ideas and stuff Iā€™ve been interested in and could only talk to myself about :slight_smile:


What does this do exactly ?


Which pieces of the above discussion (and its links) are confusing you?

That would help us answer you.


Honestly i havent looked at all the comments, cause theres so many. Is this like a mental change making you happy and confident ?

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This is one of the first posts. Just for future reference if you ever want to know what a field does, the first few posts will help spell it out


Ok thx, im new here.

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They make ur outlook on like better, How you look at your past and how you look at everything u do,

this field changes u to have a better outlook on life, Really important, make sure if ur using brain fields that u eat a lot and get a lot of sleep. If u find ur self getting tired after using this. Listen to it at night.


IĀ“ve been using it for around 2-3 weeks at the end of my ponr stack and I can definetly feel how it rewires my subconscious.

It reduces the emotional/mental impact of the past which allows you to rewrite your life according to YOUR DESIRES! A very empowering field!

DidnĀ“t realize before how much IĀ“ve messed up my own manifestations by assuming negative outcomes.
This here is a great aid in recognizing and freeing oneself from this self sabotage.

ItĀ“s one step to heal the Trauma, another thing to take care of the crippled mindset that one developes as a result.

DonĀ“t sleep on this one!


Iā€™ve been looping this one for a few hours this morning. It is quite amazing. I notice my decision making shifting from the existing more fear based to more expansive self loving choices. I notice my brain hurting and getting hot as the negative energies are being released. When it gets a bit too much I switch to negative energy release for awhile or some other love based fields. I think this has legendary potential for changing your life for the better.


The perfect antidote to self-sabotage.

Thank you Dream.

