The Plasma Flaunt

Super nice results, and thanks for sharing your thoughtful stack layout :innocent:


Are people using grounding or Schumann after this plasma field like plasma beach?

oh btw
I slightly burned my hand again (the oven again)
A while after my health and rejuvenation stack was playing
It includes 6x of plasma flaunt :peacock:
There was a noticeable pain before, which is now gone, even when I press on the exact spot, there is no pain

Pretty cool


would be a good Idea. Grounding is always good.

Omg same…! Thanks for saying this, it’s really my least favorite track, musically speaking… :persevere:

how do I check post #206?

I think 225 was the post in question:

(change the last numbers to the post you want.)

for example your post is (1776)

how to change it? I can’t see the number? do you mean in search?

you see this?:

Screen Shot 2023-05-01 at 15.54.06

the slider moves you over to the post number you want to find.


Don’t understand why u asking the same thing in multiple threads :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Don’t u read the replies provided to you already :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Whatever u seek here is all subjective to individual owners of the fields. They owned it, tried it and shared their ‘subjective’ results.
Why don’t u try and tell us if it replaces something!!!


The description doesn’t say much

It does, it obviously is a healing field

Why would a healing field include superhuman genius, testosterone, confidence and gratitude fields?



superhuman genius is for brain so it should have that

Superhuman genius is an intelligence based field

I dont know why plasma flaunt would have that included


This person basically wants all the creations in one field. We told him to read the comments from the plasma thread but they are not listening lol :man_shrugging:


Makes me really tired these days. After I listen to it I get really sleepy and tired for some reason. I’ve been listening every day for months now.


Its gotten extremely strong on me too

I mean im not complaining because its healing but wow


When I listen to Plasma Sound Beach I feel flighty. When I ground it helps, but not always enough, the feeling will not completely go away until the next day. Would it be safe to assume that I might feel the same way with Plasma Flaunt?

I haven’t expiramented much with Plasma Sound Beach, but the few times that I’ve tried this, I’ve felt either a little bit or really flighty. It could be the combo of audios I’m listening to influencing this feeling such as Mana Circuits… I haven’t had a quiet day yet to try again with just the Plasma Beach.

Would it be fair to compare the two, or does Plasma Flaunt have a much different effect?

Everyone is different but I feel that although plasma flaunt is still intense for me, it doesn’t bowl me over as much as sound beach does

Just don’t overdo it - 3x a day max at first


I had the same thing for plasma flaunt ,so personally i would assume yes, you would feel the same flightly feeling.