The Requests and Fields

Bruh… knight mindset is basically workaholic field if u want to.
And plus everyone will respect you.


probiotics and prebiotics

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Requesting the Lion tag to come back to the store.


I have a few ideas, which can be applied or ignored I suppose, because I’m not sure how “widespread” these issues are:

  • Kyphosis/Lordosis/Rounded Shoulders correction , as well as fixing winging scapula and anterior pelvic tilt to complement the scoliosis - atlas correction audios. So all of us have amazing posture in all regards.
  • Correcting spider/varicose veins WITHOUT collapsing them, so simply making them healthy and strong again
  • shrinking/tightening/repairing and cleaning all pores (without destroying sebaceous glands) not sure if this one is possible but why not suggest it I suppose
  • FOXO3 gene modification for us to naturally produce all the stem cells needed and automatically repair our bodies preventing aging/degradation
  • teeth straightening and alignment (This one has definitely been requested before lol)
  • “filling” fine lines/mimic lines/wrinkles (also lines on neck) etc. with fat cells to smooth those areas out (aka microlipoinjection)

i know it can be attained by stretching but seems too hard for me having tried for 2-3weeks with no result.
having a more loose body would feel more free

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Atlas Audio

There’s a varicose veins video somewhere around here…definitely on patreon tho.

Acne ablation is the paid one… couple of free ones too that do similar

Smart Stem Cells

Again, quite a few videos attempt to do this in various ways.


I appreciate the response, for the varicose/spider veins it simply collapses the veins instead of repairing them which is why i was wondering why the opposite technique hasn’t been used. Thank you


New Sacred places (I love those albums): Arunachala mountain, Adam’s Calendar, Teotihuacan (it might have some bad juju because of all the sacrifices), Tenochtitlan (this also may have some bad juju because of all the sacrifices), Monte Alban, Baalbek (i’m not sure if its technically a sacred place, but it does contain megalithic structures that modern technology cannot easily replicate with such precision. I’m assuming it has the type of energy to be considered a “sacred place”), Kailasa Temple at the Ellora Caves, the Ajanta Caves.

More specific individualized muscle-group workouts such as: biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, hamstrings, quads, calves, forearms

Hair color changer

1000/10,000 year old ginseng. I’m not sure the mechanisms involved that would be able to produce that type of effect. But just throwing out the idea here.

Full Kaya Kalpa treatment: One would need in depth knowledge of ayurveda + rasa shastra, i’m assuming. It might be a bit redundant, however, considering plasma protocol, eternity redux and the abundant anti-aging audios that’ve already been made, but then again this might have some or a lot of other benefits that other modalities may not have.

Fae energy and intercession tag

The Plasma Schlong - Male Enhancement, plasmafied

I apologize if I wasn’t specific/detailed enough for these requests or if they’ve already been suggested.


Jedi or Samurai mindset field or mandala

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I suggest you use the knight mindset and dress differently


Huh? :rofl:


Hey, it’s basically the same mindset and code but with a different dress code :man_shrugging: .
George Lucas was probably thinking of “intergalactic Templars”.
Dream is not fond of doing cosplay fields anyway


thc field lol or something that makes you laugh for no reason. It would settle a lot of problems at work :rofl:

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i never really properly tried this. I am going to loop this on my work pc. lets see !


Yeah it’s nice, I had this on loop during Christmas dinner :blush:


Did everyone laugh a lot? I am one of those types of people whom laugh very easily lol this would be amazing.

I would say the mood was very festive, a general good mood and nice conversation. Technically I didn’t notice a difference in the amount of laughter.
Do try it and let us know how much you laugh :grin:

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Ok quick update. I am extremely energy sensitive and the first play i wanted to just troll my colleagues and laugh. Which i do anyways but i just had the need to laugh louder lol. Very good audio!!

  1. Skin whitening
  2. Eye color
  3. Hair color
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