The Requests and Fields

I think Flight to Fight and The Unbreakable could do exactly that mixed together! Or if you had to pick one, I’d say The Unbreakable is your best bet.

Another great addition could be the Productivity Mandala, Confidence and Unstoppable Will Power, to add to it on multiple levels + these are all free.

You could add some of the Tarot ones too + Planetary fields. Also from what I’ve read Black Martian/BMJing adds to this effect as well.

So you have your grounds covered in many aspects :slight_smile:


and the Knight field



Plz create video especially for eyes bags and hollow eyes, I’m only 19 but I have eye bags and sunken eyes which makes me look old.


Yeah plz make field for this :cry:

A field for Wim Hof’s ice-cold baths please, making the setup, the ice and maintaining it is just too much of work.

then don’t do it.

Jk, but if it’s too much work then the benefits are clearly not that worth it, am i right?

Also, I think Longevity (ISRB and RBM3) Could help you, you should read the thread.

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Benefits are totally worth it, I take cold showers in winter, it really does wonders, your mood improves, your body fat also comes down as brown fat percentage goes up, head feels very light and immunity also improves. Living in tropics it is not easy to arrange for ice cold baths frequently.

Ok will check, thanks.

A field to redo or correct formative years would be brilliant.

For better or for worse, a lot of who we are is based on what was laid down during the formative years (roughly 0-8 years old is the most crucial period, although everything leading up to adulthood is important), even though unfortunately most of the conditions and experiences then weren’t really something we had control over. Even though conditions are different now, experiences these formative years continue to shape a lot of who we are.

I think a lot of people are like me in that we know that we could be totally different people today (different gifts explored, better relationships with people, etc) if only conditions had been better during those early years. Or if not better, at least different (I doubt that the kids today having iPads and such from toddlerhood causes damage in the way that abuse or an acutely traumatic event does, but it’s certainly not natural or optimal). In fact, there appears to be a strong association between increased use of digital device and increased mental and physical issues in children: The effect of digital media on children in their formative years - PubMed

I know Trauma Release and such is helpful, but these fields would be about filling the gaps with better stuff.

@SoulStar33 suggested:
something to correct/redo formative years, perhaps multiple fields for different stages of our childhood and for different problems?

Some ideas for elements that could be used: Blueprint of Life, Plasma Brain of Youth, Ego Dissolution, Archetype of Parental Love (thanks @SoulStar33), Crucible of the Past (thanks @anon36920264) Subconscious Limits Dissolver (thanks @phlf003)

Perhaps a luck aspect built in as well, to minimise the chances while we’re redoing the formative years of anything traumatic happening that could lay down more negative stuff.

I know that Blueprint of Love has this, but fields focused specifically on it would be hugely helpful to many people.

Also, I’m wondering if the series could include fields that, rather than healing, reopen periods of development so we can take better advantage of them this time around (e.g. to fix untreated amblyopia with an eyepatch, to musically train to develop perfect pitch, to learn languages by passive exposure).


@gittir I think you have the most credit for this, since it was your thread and description/question which prompted me to write that suggestion.


I wouldn’t have thought of making a public request or of a series, so you deserve a mention


Could we possibly get a beard nft on sound weave!?!? @Dreamweaver :nerd_face:

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Hey Dream :)

Thank you for the amazing amount of fields you have brought to us.
Truly life changing.

There is one field I would like to request as it’s something which has bothered me lifelong. Something to cease Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours such as trichotillomania.

Thank you


Cure for all types of eczem+ prevent moisture in the body

Heal eczema naturally Get smooth, clear, healthy, radiant, beautiful skin Release all negative emotions in your skin


Captain, I don’t know how many would dare to use this field or perhaps some would, but how about Near Death Experience?? The “tunnel of light”? Is it feasible? To have an “idea” of what happens after we kick the bucket?

Please, forgive my audacity, Captain, and I hope you are not offended in any way (or anyone for that matter) by this request or rather by this idea.
Who knows what experiences people might get from this … A glimpse of “Life after Life” as Dr. Raymond Moody would call it.

And this is one of the few times, that I would tag @Dreamweaver and @SammyG (and the reason why I don’t want to tag either of you is because you are so so so busy and doing stuff that’s important to you, your dear ones or others/helping people, so I try to not bother you, that much …).

What’s also interesting regarding NDE is the fact that some people were/are healed (at least there are claims regarding these healings) in a miraculous way, after dealing with what comes after this life and after dealing/meeting with the Superior Being, God, Light, Angels or whomever they meet there, so who knows, perhaps this field would offer some help to those who dare to get the glimpse…

Again, if you consider this request inappropriate, please delete this, as I don’t want to offend you in any way.

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Field for stop regretting please @Dreamweaver
I am so regretful
Especially when I wake up in morning when I am still sleepy a bit

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Smart Servitor

Great Spirit Servitor.

Re Zero : Puck .

NFT If possible

Onegai Shimasu :grin:




Ara ara


Yes i really want a Puck.
Now everyone knows

That single scene broke millions of hearts


Field for making armpits not sweaty and smelly


Hello @SammyG and @Dreamweaver

Booster field/audio for YouTube only(Sapien Medicine, Dreamseed and Energetic Alchemy)