The Requests and Fields


Been hanging out to buy Negentropic Jing for a while.

maori strength and resilience- warrior genes upgrade





An antidote for all types

Thinking bromelain, papain, edta, resveratrol, myricetin, NAC, zinc, for starters



What if there could be a release that combines Autoimmune reversal, along with pancreas regeneration and the original diabetes (or updated) field?

For a full reversal and permanent reversal of Diabetes issues for both type 1 and type 2

that could also reverse the symptoms


Requesting a field for removing obstacles in Marriage :

The Vedic remedies which help are :

  1. Swayamvara Parvathi Homa
  2. Nakshatra shanti japa
  3. Katyayini Puja/japa
  4. Shiva’s and Ganesha’s blessings ( which can help in removal of all obstacles in life )

It would be great help if a field can be infused with above energies :pray:

Thank you.


Here’s a detailed list of traumas and the associated depression, anxiety, and stress that individuals with a small penile length might experience, along with the negative experiences they encounter in their daily lives:

Traumas and Associated Emotional Distress

  1. Body Image Issues

    • Anxiety and Depression: Constant worry about not meeting societal standards of masculinity, leading to low self-esteem and depression.
    • Experiences: Avoiding public locker rooms, gyms, or situations where nudity might be involved due to fear of judgment.
  2. Fear of Intimacy

    • Anxiety: Fear of sexual rejection or ridicule from a partner, leading to performance anxiety and avoidance of relationships.
    • Experiences: Hesitating to initiate or engage in sexual activities, fearing negative reactions.
  3. Social Comparison

    • Depression: Constantly comparing oneself to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and deep sadness.
    • Experiences: Feeling inferior in social settings where locker room talk or sexual prowess is discussed.
  4. Bullying or Teasing

    • Stress and Trauma: Memories of being mocked or bullied for having a small penis, causing lasting emotional scars.
    • Experiences: Recalling hurtful comments made by peers or partners, leading to social withdrawal.
  5. Sexual Dysfunction Fears

    • Anxiety: Worry about not being able to satisfy a partner sexually, causing intense stress and fear of failure.
    • Experiences: Experiencing or fearing sexual dysfunction, which exacerbates feelings of inadequacy.
  6. Relationship Insecurity

    • Depression and Anxiety: Constant fear that a partner may leave due to dissatisfaction with penis size.
    • Experiences: Overcompensating in other areas of the relationship, leading to stress and burnout.
  7. Pornography Comparisons

    • Depression: Watching pornography and comparing oneself to actors, leading to unrealistic expectations and self-loathing.
    • Experiences: Feeling unworthy or ashamed after viewing pornography, which showcases exaggerated ideals.
  8. Sexual Performance Anxiety

    • Anxiety: Overthinking sexual encounters, leading to premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.
    • Experiences: Avoiding sexual encounters due to fear of underperforming or being judged.
  9. Fear of Disappointment

    • Stress and Anxiety: Worrying that a partner may be disappointed with penis size, leading to constant tension.
    • Experiences: Avoiding new relationships or sexual partners out of fear of letting them down.
  10. Body Dysmorphia

  • Depression: Obsessing over the perceived smallness of the penis, leading to a distorted body image and deep sadness.
  • Experiences: Spending excessive time and money on enlargement products or procedures without satisfaction.
  1. Negative Self-Talk
  • Depression and Anxiety: Internal dialogue that reinforces feelings of inadequacy, leading to chronic low self-esteem.
  • Experiences: Repeating negative affirmations about oneself, worsening the sense of worthlessness.
  1. Fear of Being Judged
  • Anxiety: Constant fear that others will judge or gossip about their penis size, leading to social anxiety.
  • Experiences: Avoiding intimate situations or friendships where personal topics might come up.
  1. Sexual Rejection
  • Depression and Trauma: Experiencing or fearing rejection due to penis size, leading to deep emotional wounds.
  • Experiences: Having a partner make negative comments about penis size, causing long-lasting emotional pain.
  1. Lack of Sexual Confidence
  • Anxiety and Stress: Lacking confidence in sexual abilities due to penis size, leading to stress in sexual encounters.
  • Experiences: Hesitating to initiate or participate in sex due to fear of embarrassment.
  1. Low Self-Esteem
  • Depression: Feeling worthless or inadequate due to a perceived lack of masculinity, leading to chronic low self-esteem.
  • Experiences: Struggling with daily tasks or interactions due to a pervasive sense of inferiority.
  1. Cultural Pressures
  • Stress and Anxiety: Feeling pressured by cultural or societal norms that equate penis size with masculinity.
  • Experiences: Feeling out of place or ashamed in cultures or communities that openly discuss or emphasize penis size.
  1. Fear of Infidelity
  • Anxiety and Depression: Constant worry that a partner may seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere due to dissatisfaction.
  • Experiences: Distrust in relationships, leading to jealousy, arguments, and relationship strain.
  1. Medical Misinformation
  • Stress and Anxiety: Exposure to misleading information about penis size and its importance, leading to unnecessary stress.
  • Experiences: Falling prey to scams or dangerous products in the hope of enlarging the penis.
  1. Fear of Aging
  • Depression: Worrying that penis size may decrease with age, leading to increased feelings of inadequacy.
  • Experiences: Avoiding discussions about aging or sexual health due to fear of judgment.
  1. Social Isolation
  • Depression and Anxiety: Withdrawing from social activities due to fear of judgment or ridicule.
  • Experiences: Avoiding group activities, parties, or any social gatherings where the topic of sex might arise.
  1. Shame in Masturbation
  • Stress and Anxiety: Feeling ashamed or embarrassed about masturbating due to dissatisfaction with penis size.
  • Experiences: Avoiding or feeling guilty after masturbation, leading to sexual repression.
  1. Fear of Being Discovered
  • Anxiety: Fear that others might find out about their penis size, leading to constant worry and stress.
  • Experiences: Engaging in behaviors to hide penis size, such as avoiding certain types of clothing.
  1. Stigmatization
  • Depression: Feeling stigmatized or ostracized due to a small penis, leading to feelings of alienation.
  • Experiences: Experiencing or anticipating negative reactions from partners or peers based on penis size.
  1. Internalized Toxic Masculinity
  • Stress and Depression: Struggling with internalized beliefs that equate penis size with manhood, leading to psychological distress.
  • Experiences: Feeling the need to overcompensate in other areas, such as aggression or competitiveness, to prove masculinity.
  1. Fear of Medical Examinations
  • Anxiety: Avoiding medical check-ups or exams due to fear of judgment by healthcare professionals.
  • Experiences: Ignoring or delaying important medical care due to anxiety about being exposed.
  1. Sexual Avoidance
  • Depression and Anxiety: Avoiding sexual activities altogether to prevent the potential for embarrassment or disappointment.
  • Experiences: Remaining celibate or avoiding relationships out of fear of sexual encounters.
  1. Negative Media Representation
  • Depression: Feeling inadequate due to unrealistic portrayals of male bodies in media, leading to a distorted self-image.
  • Experiences: Being affected by movies, shows, or advertisements that glorify large penises, reinforcing negative self-perception.
  1. Fear of Disclosure
  • Anxiety: Fear of having to disclose or explain penis size to a new partner, leading to avoidance of dating or sexual activity.
  • Experiences: Lying or omitting information about sexual history or avoiding discussions about body image.
  1. Sexual Shame
  • Stress and Depression: Feeling shame about sexual desires or experiences due to dissatisfaction with penis size.
  • Experiences: Repressing sexual desires or feeling guilt after sexual experiences, leading to emotional turmoil.
  1. Mental Health Struggles
  • Chronic Depression and Anxiety: Developing chronic mental health issues as a result of ongoing stress and dissatisfaction related to penis size.
  • Experiences: Struggling with day-to-day activities, relationships, and overall quality of life due to persistent negative thoughts.

These traumas and associated emotional struggles highlight the profound impact that concerns about penis size can have on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. The list reflects a wide range of psychological challenges, from social anxiety to chronic depression, all of which can significantly affect a person’s daily life and overall quality of life.

We can’t tell people to stop watching corn.
People are not robots.
And its not like we should throw them into garbage and let them die for not knowing that size is merely a number.
Its worth saving each human.
Be it a corn addict.
A life is a life.
Hell yeah it is.

Forget the trolls.

We need it for thiusands of men who are depressed, anxious, stressed, traumetizef, injured, who couldn’t develop in adolescent.

Imagine the Dua or Blessing you will get if you create this.

I know size doesn’t matter.

But to those who have suffered into believing that it does, this should be nothing but a blessing to actually make them feel healed from the deep subconscious scar they have…
Which may not go for life.

It is for them.

It is for the suffering.
It is for the traumetized.
It is for the sacrificed.
It is for the fallen…

It is… For the fallen ones.


I have this as a request to create a male enhancement audio rhat only and only is for the people who are really suffering.
As masculinity declines, so do the sizes.
This audio can be of use to men who really are in trauma due to what they don’t have.

There are reported suicides of men who couldn’t deal with size. This could save future suicides, traumas, humiliation etc of our fellow brothers.

Please consider this :slightly_smiling_face:

This could save their lives.

Here we go.

What should the track do :

Aspects to Cover During the Enlargement Process

1. Tissue Expansion and Growth

  • Cellular Proliferation: Stimulate the division and multiplication of cells in the penile tissue, particularly in the corpus cavernosum.
  • Collagen Production: Enhance the production of collagen to support tissue elasticity and growth.
  • Extracellular Matrix Expansion: Encourage the expansion of the extracellular matrix to support increased tissue mass.
  • Blood Vessel Growth (Angiogenesis): Promote the formation of new blood vessels to ensure proper blood supply and support tissue growth.

2. Increased Blood Flow

  • Vasodilation: Enhance the dilation of blood vessels within the penile tissue, allowing for greater blood flow.
  • Nitric Oxide Production: Boost nitric oxide levels, which help relax blood vessels and improve circulation.
  • Enhanced Circulatory System Function: Strengthen the circulatory system to ensure a consistent and healthy blood flow to the target area.

3. Hormonal Balance and Support

  • Testosterone Enhancement: Encourage the natural production of testosterone to support overall male sexual health and tissue growth.
  • DHT Regulation: Regulate the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which can influence tissue growth.
  • Growth Factor Activation: Activate specific growth factors like IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) to support cellular growth and regeneration.

4. Tissue Elasticity and Flexibility

  • Elastin Production: Stimulate the production of elastin to maintain flexibility in the expanding tissues.
  • Fascia Stretching: Gently stretch the fascia surrounding the penile tissues to allow for gradual expansion.
  • Smooth Muscle Expansion: Promote the growth and flexibility of the smooth muscle fibers within the penile structure.

5. Energy and Vitality Boost

  • Energy Channeling: Direct life-force energy (often referred to as “Qi” or “Prana”) to the genital area to support and sustain the enlargement process.
  • Vitality Increase: Increase overall body vitality to support the physical changes occurring in the body.
  • Energetic Alignment: Align the body’s energy systems to facilitate the physical changes, ensuring that the energy flow supports enlargement.

6. Cellular Repair and Regeneration

  • DNA Activation: Enhance the expression of genes related to cellular repair and growth.
  • Stem Cell Mobilization: Encourage the mobilization of stem cells to the target area to aid in tissue regeneration and growth.
  • Oxidative Stress Reduction: Reduce oxidative stress in the penile tissues to support healthy cellular function and growth.

7. Psychological and Emotional Reinforcement

  • Positive Beliefs about Growth: Embed beliefs in the subconscious mind that the body is capable of healthy growth.
  • Stress Reduction: Reduce stress that may inhibit physical change or cause psychosomatic barriers to growth.
  • Confidence Building: Foster a sense of confidence in the effectiveness of the process, reinforcing a positive mental state.

8. Nutrient Absorption and Utilization

  • Improved Nutrient Delivery: Enhance the body’s ability to deliver necessary nutrients to the growing tissues.
  • Efficient Metabolism: Boost metabolic processes to ensure that energy and nutrients are efficiently utilized during tissue growth.
  • Hormone and Nutrient Synergy: Ensure that hormones and nutrients work synergistically to support the enlargement process.

9. Long-Term Stabilization

  • Maintenance of Gains: Program the audio to support the long-term maintenance of the enhanced size.
  • Preventing Reversion: Reinforce the changes to ensure the body does not revert to its previous state.
  • Gradual Adaptation: Encourage the body to gradually adapt to the changes, minimizing any shock to the system and ensuring lasting results.

10. Safety Mechanisms

  • Controlled Growth: Set limits within the morphic field to ensure that growth occurs within safe and healthy parameters.
  • Prevent Overgrowth: Include checks to prevent excessive enlargement that could lead to discomfort or medical issues.
  • Harmonization with Body Systems: Ensure that the enlargement process harmonizes with the rest of the body, avoiding any imbalances or disruptions.

This comprehensive list ensures that the male enhancement morphic field audio targets all relevant aspects of tissue growth, hormonal balance, and energetic support while prioritizing the user’s safety and long-term well-being.

Please do consider @SammyG .
Its not for the people who know the fact.

But for the people who won’t believe till they die… But suffer each day.

It is for them.

If its free, its heaven for those who are not like you and me.

We the gifted ones can’t feel the pain of those who don’t have what we have.

So lets help rhe suffering.
Lets help them.

Lets save lives.

@Powren @Dr_Manhattan @Dreamweaver @SammyG

Lets save lives.

We can’t act normal and shrug off our shoulders not caring about this issue.

There’s thousands we can save.
There’s thousands we can heal.
There’s thousands we can get blessings of…

Hi , I love all your work I’m Very grateful to be part of this community

greetings please could you make the ultimate math and physic field to be able to solve millennium problems in special the navier stokes equation
that would be the most advanced contribution to humans


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I think that Manhattan Mathematical Madness and Logos Matematikos could be a good starting point


No need to tag everyone. I moved your post to the right place to be seen.

There are a lot that wont get made, nor will spamming or upvoting get your requests done, in fact it probably makes it less likely.


Updated (and perhaps upgraded) Energy Expansion field


i would like to request that the brainwave fields including epsilon,delta and theta be made available for purchase again,imo these are very important for spiritual growth

and i already know about the meditation master field but it does not resonate with me, i like the individual fields

Negentropic Trickster Archetype and Conceptual Thinking.

Outsmart the matrix and your higher self :ok_hand:

With a crazy head-spinning track :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra Essence


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It would be nice to have some overall Anti aging audio(maybe on Gumroad) that would combine all of the fields like Klotho, NAD, Sirt 3 and 6 activation, mitochondrial stuff, purifying blood, etc.


Sorry, my bad it already exists.


This also sounds a bit like ambrosia, however that’s a rare NFT

But as I read Mitochondria Protector it has only some of the stuff, not all.

Cryotherapy would be nice too :slight_smile: