No marriage audios available oddly

Still can’t find a single audio specifically to get married. Not even on patreon premium…Very odd. any suggestions? Specifically to get married?


The old fashion way…

Go out and find a partner with a sprinkle of Attract more love in your life on Patreon.

Done… :+1:


Matchmaker 2.0 is a smart field. Talk to it as you play the audio and tell it what your intent is.


Does Kamadeva Rati Homam work to get married?

I think rather your request seems oddly specific.

Fields will help you to find someone very suitable for you, connect with them, be able to love (if you are open to, ofc), etc. But for the person to want something that specific with you, I think it’s just up to you to build the relationship with someone, the trust, communicate and overall, no field can force anyone to want something that specific.

I mean, you might someone who might want to marry quickly, but I’m not sure if it’d be necessarily for the best. It takes lots of time to develop deep and close relationship with someone, where you can really count with that person, etc.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I completely understand where you’re coming from. I want to clarify that I’ve done a lot of inner work over the years. I’ve worked hard on balancing myself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and I’ve made significant progress in these areas.

However, I’ve encountered a recurring pattern where I’m close to marriage, but it doesn’t materialize due to external factors every time. That’s why I’m being specific in my request—because I’m at a point where I’ve identified certain blockages that seem to prevent this final step from happening. I believe that being specific about what I need can help me address these blockages more effectively.

I completely agree that no external tool or field can force someone into a specific outcome, like marriage. Building a strong, healthy relationship takes time, trust, and communication, and I’m fully committed to that process. I also understand that the right person and timing are crucial.

Ultimately, my goal is to clear any remaining obstacles within myself so that when the right person comes along, we’re both ready for a committed and fulfilling relationship. WHICH IS WHY I was wondering Kamadeva Rati Homam vs matchmaker 2.0 for my purposes?

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You can try Vibration of Divine Love.

One forum member - I think it was @Rogue - successfully got married after using it for a couple months, if I recall.

That plus it’s obviously a truly epic field in and of itself (as is the entire vibration Series)


I understand because I am on the same boat !
Yes, no specific field for marriage… But fields for love are present.

There are remedies mentioned in Vedic culture which help in marriage. I wonder if captain can make field for those for removing obstacles in the path of marriage. It would be a great benefit to those struggling !!

Also, if possible try Astro-Naut and other astrological fields along with love fields. They can help may be.

Added a request for field here …

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These two fields are already effective alone, but together they are overwhelming

Attract your soul tribe (Patreon + Dream Seeds Release)
Lucky in Loving Relationships

I recommend you try them!


This may help. But it’s all depends on your timing after all.


I see I have been summoned. It was me for sure. But one thing I cannot stress enough. I wasn’t attached to getting married and I didn’t care about getting married.

My main intention was to just…raise my vibration and I felt a calling to get that audio vs vibration of creation first.

Like really I felt indifferent to marriage as a whole.


What a Romeo you are ;)

It’s clear that we have different perspectives on marriage. For me, marriage isn’t just a social contract or a cultural expectation—it represents a deep, mutual commitment between two people. I understand that, from your viewpoint, marriage is seen as an artificial construct that doesn’t necessarily equate to a real, loving connection. I respect that.

However, in my world, marriage is a natural extension of a deep relationship. It’s not about chasing a title or fulfilling a societal norm, but about solidifying a bond in a way that symbolizes trust, love, and mutual growth. When I say I want to get married, I don’t mean it’s the end goal at the expense of the connection. To me, the connection is the foundation, and marriage is a meaningful step that follows from it.

I get your point about how focusing solely on marriage could make it seem like the relationship itself isn’t the priority. But in my experience, I haven’t been fixated on just the idea of marriage. Rather, it’s about reaching a point where the relationship is so deep and meaningful that marriage becomes the natural next step. I’ve encountered obstacles that have prevented this, and that’s where my reflection on potential blockages comes from.

As for why I align marriage with a committed relationship, it’s a personal value. It’s about the mutual decision to build a life together, to commit in a way that feels official not just for ourselves but also within the world we navigate together.

I understand where you’re coming from, but for me, the goal is not simply “to get married”—it’s to have a lasting, real connection that ultimately includes marriage as part of the journey. If that scares someone away, it’s more a reflection of differing values rather than a misalignment of my focus.