The Requests and Fields

I humbly ask for an audio for The Philosopher’s Stone NFT :pray:

i was just thinking maybe a servitor ability for Social Skills . Since Captain no longer sells the Social Mastery Tags

theres the charisma and glamour ability my friend

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Red light therapy, Methylene blue, C60, Ozone therapy

senescent cells removal

This one @Finrod


The Falcons View (Eye Regen 3.0)

Which could include aspects of blood vessel formation (angiogenesis), nerve repair in eyesight, and full repair of entire eyes, reversal of retinopathy


“The Modern Necessity”

A field to remove and protect yourself from any EMF, radiations and very much more :

(Upgraded and symbiosis version of the old “Elektosmog” album, for yourself and for the environment, maybe two separate fields)

Environment :

  • EMGuard Machine effects
  • Wavy Box Effects
  • 3G/4G/5G Removal (Maybe aspect of the old and deleted “Plasma flower”)
  • Radiation removal
  • Release and remove toxins contained in industrial paints, such as acetates, alcohols, glycols, petroleum, aromatic or terpene hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, etc.
  • Release and remove mercury or phosphorus dust contained in lamp bulbs, and maybe other.
  • Cleanses the air of all toxicity : nitrogen monooxide, tyre dust, particulate matter or suspended dust (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic compounds (VOC), ozone (O3), ammonia (NH3), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), heavy metals, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), lead, benzene, carbon monoxide, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and benzo[a]pyrene.
  • Crystals such as : Fluorite, shungite, black tourmaline, amethyst, rock crystal, malachite, magnetite…

For oneself :

  • All the possible benefits listed above via machines, radiation protection, detox from all toxins listed.
  • Zeolith, NAC, L-Glutamine, glutathion, chlorella, spiruline, Kangen water, distilled water, Bétaïne, Malic acid…
  • (Update) : I don’t know if “Hard Detox”, “Flaunt” or “blood” are enough to work on this, but if not, something for the perfluorinated products (eternal pollutants)
  • 3G/4G/5G protection torus, with some concepts such as Alchemical Shenified Quasi Crystal & Graphene like resistance in " The Sword of clarity", but for EMF, radiations.
  • A subconcious and automated physical fonction field, such as in “Tejas Alchemy”, for your mind and body to protect yourself naturally from EMF with time, with the assimilation of how eliminate the effects quickly.

Any added idea is welcome for sure :sunny:


Just found out on Patreon, there is
Near Infrared Therapy

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genitofemoral nerve decompression surgery benefit by making an incision on abdomen or thigh to access the entrapped/compressed nerve and removing any muscle or ligament away from the nerve that is compressed

symptom of genitofemoral nerve entrapment : burning pain and numbness over the lower abdomen that radiates to to the genitalia and into the inner thigh*

Knee blueprint & awesome legs

If person has bone pushed to much inside or out legs go to x or y .

So audio to push knees cap to perfect position and to strengthen bone muscle around it.
Also to improve skin around knee area and fat disposal.

Having amazing blueprint of legs to have proper bone alignment also perfect ankles
Free from veins , stretch marks, celulite, brown old spots , moles etc
To have baby skin on legs & knees with nice contour of muscle .
Prosper aliment of walking .

Imagine walking with very vibrant pretty legs :rainbow::sunglasses:


Something specific por PMS Syndrome and PMDD. It would help many of us…

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Reality altering harmonics device à la Tonal Architecture from the Elder Scrolls lore.


With so many new awesome fields we need lots of moolah, please Captain. :pray:


Deviated Septum Correction Field

Primary Corrections:

  • Realignment of the Nasal Septum: Precisely adjusts the nasal septum to a straight, central position, correcting any deviations and ensuring symmetry.
  • Enhanced Nasal Airflow: Opens both nostrils fully to ensure balanced airflow, reducing congestion and facilitating easier breathing.
  • Structural Repair: Addresses and heals any damage to the cartilage and tissues within the nasal structure, fostering a robust and healthy nose.

Secondary Benefits:

  • Sinus Drainage Field: Promotes effective sinus drainage, reducing inflammation and preventing buildup, leading to decreased sinus pressure and headaches.
  • Smart Skin Tightener: Reduces swelling and tightens the skin around the nose, ensuring a smooth, natural appearance post-correction.
  • Pain and Discomfort Reduction: Alleviates any pain associated with a deviated septum and its correction, promoting comfort throughout the healing process.

Advanced Healing and Functionality:

  • Cellular Recapture: Utilizes advanced cellular regeneration techniques to restore the nasal structure to its optimal, pre-injury state. This includes healing both internal and external damage, akin to anti-aging processes that recapture youthful cellular states.
  • Inflammation Reduction: Targets and reduces any inflammation within the nasal passages and surrounding tissues, promoting a calm and healthy nasal environment.
  • Breathing Optimization: Continuously monitors and adjusts the nasal structure to ensure optimal breathing efficiency and comfort.

Holistic Nose Health:

  • Integrated Smart Field: Uses an intelligent system to continuously evaluate and adjust the nasal structure, ensuring ongoing improvements and maintenance of the corrected septum.
  • Overall Nasal Health Enhancement: Works towards the overall health of the nasal passages, ensuring they remain free from infections, blockages, and other issues that can affect nasal function.

This version provides a comprehensive approach to correcting a deviated septum, ensuring both immediate and long-term benefits for nasal health and functionality.

  • Realignment of the Nasal Septum: Gradually corrects any deviation, ensuring a straight and symmetrical septum for improved nasal function.
  • Enhanced Nasal Airflow: Restores proper airflow through both nostrils, reducing congestion and breathing difficulties.
  • Sinus Drainage: Promotes effective drainage of the sinuses to reduce swelling and inflammation, alleviating pressure and discomfort.
  • Structural Healing: Repairs any internal damage to the nasal cartilage and tissues, fostering a healthier and more resilient nose.
  • Cellular Recapture: Utilizes advanced cellular techniques to return the nasal structure to its pre-traumatic state, effectively healing any past injuries.
  • Smart Functionality: Automatically adjusts and optimizes the nasal structure for improved function and alignment without invasive procedures.

This field focuses on the essential aspects needed to correct a deviated septum, enhancing both nasal function and overall nasal health.

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Alchemical Revision of Fighting (and/or conflict)

Please make these available on gumroad Armor of Light and Glory and Alchemical Holy Light


a field for doing this would be sick. they discovered certain solutions of dye can turn the skin or any bodily tissue transparent, doesnt effect organs. it is noninvasive. thought this’d be a different approach to ‘for the skeptics’

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Woven Weaved Worlds: Disease Free Vessel


Alchemical revision of health


Raikov Effect field for Tesla + Swami Vivekananda in one please. If this gets made I can get rid of all me deity NFTs.