The Requests and Fields

What how would that work?

I thought this was a joke lol

No, its awesome. In few words, its a response from your nervous system to various stimulus, visuals, auditive, etc and put you in a very deeply fast relaxing state, it helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, all kinds of mental issues etc it gives you goosebumps, tickles all your back, hair goes up it feels really good


He Shou Wu -

like ginseng, this herb is amazing for anti aging and restoration of body. Also it is really good for the hair. Problem is many companies sell it but its not the legit cured herb.


I thought he’d do an ASMR recording himself D:




Just like how we have estrogen boost with ovary regen maybe for guys we can have a male reproductive system regen?

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indeed Mrs. Moon

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something for christmas season environmental field :smiley:


Wondering if there can be an updated field for Animal Telepathy used for communication with servitors? Maybe something combining Imaginarium divine (strengthens bridge to higher self and subconsciousness) with something else? Would be really cool.


After listening in the last 2 days to “The journey of forgiveness(Guided meditation)”, I think of the same idea for Confidence and love ,let me explain.

First of all I love the idea of the guided meditation,we are not just listening to morphic field passively but we engage directly with it.

The journey of Confidence(guided meditation):
The same idea of the forgiveness(with visualisation also) but a different story,like the voice guided us in a stadium that is empty and little by little the stadium fills up et and we get to speak in front of a whole stadium. In the end we win ‘the battle’, he could be a good meditation in the morning before going to school or going to work.
You can use a deep masculine voice to make the trip epic.

The journey of Love(Guided meditation):
The story could unfold in the meadow and our parents join us(maybe include "The archetype of parental love)–>morphic field +visualisation that we are love by our parents.
Or maybe we are and adventure and we enter a foreign village who all of the people welcome us and treats us well–>for example the analogy will be someone who enter a new university and he/she is stressed but whith this meditation he visualise that when he/she enter a foreign environnment, everything is alright,no need to be stressed.
And for this one you can use a gentle feminine voice.

I hope that you understand what I want to say,have a great day everyone :slight_smile:


any chance we can get a version of Muscle Recovery 2.0 (from Plasma Brothers album) without the music? it’s too loud compared to other fields.

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A field like
*Acne Ablation
but for the entire back
would be great.
Thank you.


It’s a bit silly but…
I know there are fields with certain famous people’s voices…
One voice that haunts me (positively) to this day is that of Deckard Cain, a familiar name to you people who have played Diablo.
Whatever new field is created could perhaps have his beautifully narrative voice at the end?

Field for dorsal hump on nose…anyone knows what field there is that can help that?

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I can feel that there’s a great idea for a story waiting for me, but I keep actively looking for it and I know that’s stopping it from naturally coming into my mind (e.g. JK Rowling was waiting for a train when the idea for Harry Potter just popped into her head, Tolkien was marking an exam when he suddenly thought of the first sentence of The Hobbit and just went from there). Something to help with not watching for the pot to boil would be wonderful.

A field targeted to the Eustachian tubes- to clear them, for inflammation( usually due to allergies), and maybe even straightening them if they aren’t quite straight and tend to clog.


Request for fields

:small_orange_diamond: Field to cure LPR (Laryngopharyngeal reflux)

…this is causing me loss of voice or strained voice on and off. This condition as per my doctor is related to acid reflux added with stress or maybe stress induced acid reflux.
But I get strained voice on using the voice more or louder (normal people are ok with this much use but not me). Also maybe vagus nerve has a role in it too.

I suggest.