The Solidifier

Yeah I mean I never forget a face man and a voice, and I’m very keen to picking up on it, so maybe my RAS overfiring now that people are home from summer,etc. at public venues or what not.

But yeah man it is just a one final speed bump before I can begin my new journey hopefully somewhat smooth sailing for the rest of the year, as I intend to materialize quiet some new changes.

Speaking of time loop it’s weird how some circumstances keep you in a vicious cycle even when you try to implement new behaviors/habits,etc. This was key into myself cancelling my commercial gym membership, trying to that shedding old skin thing, and it feels like dead weight with environmental influences,etc.

Albeit, it gives me more reason to believe that this world we inhabit is nothing more then a mere simulation. My viewpoint of this just keeps congealing day by day, even outside with these “synchornicities” for the better or worse.

With the recrudescence of some but not all, matrix bots coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden.

Was reading the book Gene Keys today too, and they explained also about this whole evolution of yin and yang thing with the acceptance of life’s absurdities, that give it more value etc.
your own definition of destiny and all that.


It’s a phenomenon. Kind of like when you’re releasing old beliefs, they’ll pop up one more time like a kiss goodbye -

Like a last call at the bar. “You sure you want to let this go?”

So people from the past, coming up one more time as like a, “you sure you’re ready to let the old self concept go?”

I would tell you you’re about to level up but you already knew


Yeah really it’s a weird game being played with the ego and illusion of oneself.

It’s awesome that we talk about this, as I’m a firm believe in what happens happens to us all, not in our own reality vacuum, and so forth.

Yeah the whole letting go thing, makes me want to read Life of Pi again, but maybe also because I was so attached to this illusory identity, but hopefully yeah I want to move on to the next stage of my life.

No more tutorial mode.


I think if your goal is only to manifest million dollars then woven worlds millions is great, but as we have too many goals including million dollars, solidifier can help manifest anything like you can also manifest dream house, dream car, anything.
I wanna go with solidifier for now
But If I had budget I would buy both.
I’m collecting money to buy solidifier, I will surely buy millions in future.


Lol i laughed when i read this. :joy:
Damn thats funny. Pretty much sums how I buy the audios. Lol


Please keep us updated on your hair growth from this! @Noesis


I don’t understand why people are selling for more than 600USD if this NFT is still available.




Well if people have a problem with such unconscionable prices, they can still buy it for half the resell available on Sapien Shop for $310 USD?

There a wealth of buyers outside the forum so perhaps to gauge the demand here first?

Black Panther was $88 and now reselling 600+.

If people want to buy, they’ll buy.

Its not going out of stock soon… oh wait. #Fomo


Ok, then should I buy it and sell it in 600$ and then buy it again and save my 300$ ?
That’s great idea


Čím viac tým lepšie.


you should listen to fields like Knight Warrior Mindset and other great ones of that kind so that maybe you gain some good values of a knight heart.

You saying “yes” it’s okay to buy this field as a means to just sell it later, creating a disgusting sense of fomo that is purely selfish.

Yes, the market is free, but so is fraternity and moral values.

Respect for others and less egotistical behaviors.

Because plenty of people, i believe, is saving to buy this field.


Lol please don’t start here, and I don’t want to get Sammy involved again. .

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I suggest you speak for yourself, and practice what you preach.

Especially when you like everyone else on this forum, buy NFT"s for $225 and sell them for $800+.

It has nothing to do with ego? It’s everyone own’s decision to sell for whatever price they like.

Again please don’t make us all go back to the drawing board with how the money system in this world, let alone it’s advantages in this forum alone work.

If they are saving to buy it, then let them. I’m not holding anyone at gunpoint for my offers.

FOMO is self-evident anyway, of course you can just go see how many copies are still available.


How many copies are still available for solidifier nft?

1 Like


From 4 days ago:



1006 copies left.


Does price of nft increases after less copies are available?

No the price of this nft stays the same


no, it’s fixed.

if you purchase from a third party that’s different as they can set whatever price they want.


I just noticed @Zen’s profile picture! Interesting choice :slight_smile: