Yeah I mean I never forget a face man and a voice, and I’m very keen to picking up on it, so maybe my RAS overfiring now that people are home from summer,etc. at public venues or what not.
But yeah man it is just a one final speed bump before I can begin my new journey hopefully somewhat smooth sailing for the rest of the year, as I intend to materialize quiet some new changes.
Speaking of time loop it’s weird how some circumstances keep you in a vicious cycle even when you try to implement new behaviors/habits,etc. This was key into myself cancelling my commercial gym membership, trying to that shedding old skin thing, and it feels like dead weight with environmental influences,etc.
Albeit, it gives me more reason to believe that this world we inhabit is nothing more then a mere simulation. My viewpoint of this just keeps congealing day by day, even outside with these “synchornicities” for the better or worse.
With the recrudescence of some but not all, matrix bots coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden.
Was reading the book Gene Keys today too, and they explained also about this whole evolution of yin and yang thing with the acceptance of life’s absurdities, that give it more value etc.
your own definition of destiny and all that.