Tuaoi Crystal

:eyes: New Release: Atlantis


omg i missed thisšŸ˜­


No, itā€™s not supposed to replace MBoP either. :grin:
they are different products, but the crystal is supposed to perform more general functions, letā€™s just say different. Iā€™m not aiming for a comparison to MBoP, but certain features that MBoP also has on working with the energy body (chakras, dantians, and something else on replenishing power and energy) were important to some members of the group

But I would not say that this is the main function of the product. I will send you a description :) :grin:

I am very interested in the Black Hole and Crystal bundle, but today I go to a party of friends, and unfortunately I will not be able to test it :slight_smile:

take your time
And not every idea I have will be implemented


Can you elaborate the procedure please.


Biceps, :joy: :grin:

sometimes I get the impression that for every wish and fantasy you have, there should be a separate NFT

this product has everything you need.

I did a general overview in the appropriate thread
I think it should be an easy task for those who practice meditative techniques

Iā€™m very fond of the method and used to use it very actively - EMDR
(Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing).

As a result of such processing, long-forgotten and often blocked painful memories emerge in the clientā€™s memory, which may surface in the form of pictures, images, body sensations, sounds and even tastes or smells.

You can find a simple, practical guide on the Internet
or you can find a way of working that works for you.

I think the NFT black hole is a great way to combine several methods


I still have vanity about some things. When I decided to invest in the Solidifier NFT, I did it with the trivial wish for manifesting a reversal of my thinning hair :laughing: .

All traditional solutions havenā€™t worked, so I figured that I might as well give it a shot. There were some sensations that occurred within a day of doing that. But now that I am reading about the regeneration effects that might be connected with this field, I wonder if the Solidifier might have helped me be in the right place at the right time to get this. I got number 72ā€” an auspicious number :laughing: .

It will be interesting to explore everything associated with this field.


Donā€™t say that :grin:


That Dragon is reminding me of Mortal Kombat :sweat_smile:


What baffles me is that there are as many opinions as there are people on this forum
I do not agree at all with many of the conclusions and reasoning of some people, but that does not mean that these opinions cannot exist
just as many may disagree with my opinions on certain issues
this is also normal and natural.

for me personally, the opinion of like-minded people is indicative, the common denominators we come up with in different groups

in some strange way i managed to gather a group of people, who are quite experienced in different esoteric directions. this is an honor

there is a list of certain ideas - very serious ideas - that we are going to propose to the Captain

whether they will be realized - I do not know yet.

the topic started with the question of recreating the Skull? I personally do not need to recreate it, but I am sure for many people it is a sore subject.

Iā€™m sure Captain wonā€™t be creating an identical NFT.
but there are ideas for large scale products

Would you be satisfied with that answer? :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™m not quite sure you understood what i was writing, so I shall quickly elaborate but then pause as its relevancy isnā€™t applicable to here

I am very literal; was that comment, Iā€™ll say to myself, spoken in testimony form or rather statement form, something that was attested by he himself Mr. Dreamweaver?

To be frank I am not very blessed in this tapping-in department. So, whatever Dream says, I take to heart as I really and only trust him. And thatā€™s important as that is how I base off my purchases.

This is not to minimize any of the insightful comments I read from you all; Ugni Iā€™m sure you know Iā€™m fascinated by yours; reading your comments are always a delight :slight_smile:

However. At the end of the day it is the statements affirmed by & spoken by Dream that help me, allow me to go about my purchases


I donā€™t always understand you clearly either, I must admit :)

Thatā€™s exactly right. I absolutely trust him.

If the question is related to this product, the Captain confirmed yesterday that it is in 2 parts, exactly as described

How he recreated what we offered him, I donā€™t know.
but until a week ago, it seemed like science fiction to us.

thanks :)
I donā€™t give public reviews lately as I consider myself biased and subjective


I asked the crystal to help repair my energetic system while I did the purgus sigil from the Book of Long Life. I also have the life force tree. I initially asked the life force tree to send life force to places where purgus had to detox the most.

After that is when I asked the crystal to repair parts of my energy body in the gentlest way possible. I still donā€™t know about my theory that the crystal opened up new energy pathways that were vulnerable, but I feel more like now I was getting a warning to protect myself from sickness, psychic attack, etc.


@SammyG i had an issue yesterday with my order. Can you please help me? I asked Captain first but I guess he is busy.
I didnā€™t get the NFT email when I ordered it the first time, so not wanting to miss out, I ordered it again using a different email. I got that one. I still have never got the first one. Yes I checked all sections of my email. Iā€™d like either a refund for the first one or the NFT email please, then I can sell or trade with someone who wants it. Thanks in advance. PM me and Iā€™ll give you the email I ordered with first.


I missed this field unfortunately but Iā€™ve had this result with the black panther, then well one walk in my city downtown will make you definitely see why. So many homeless in the streets, get in peoples faces and stuff


Anyone could give some examples of this, please?

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this formulation was taken from a source that studies the legacy of this civilization

this school was trying to recreate a prototype of this technology.
The scheme itself was proposed to the Captain.

The ultimate goal is the precise control of subtle processes, the ā€œmagicalā€ effect on reality.

I donā€™t think anyone has reached that level so quickly.


interaction with this technology accelerates the evolution of the entire human system: brain, nervous system, physical body, energy body. The technology allows you to ā€œforgetā€ about the need to make any requirements for the Captain to improve brain activity, to send him individual scientific articles on the latest advances in brain and physical body research.

This should happen naturally - as a consequence of interacting with this technology


UgniS, if you dont mind , i wanted to ask you :- is it alright to mentally ā€œtravelā€ to Atlantis with Miss Panther and Lady Dragon. I wanted to gather them wonderful creations and take a tour to the lost city (while playing the Atlantis Audio in the background and concentrating with Tuaio NFT). I havenā€™t connected well to Lady Dragon (well except the one instance where i gave a desperate call). But its easier for me to work with Miss Panther (i envision myself merging with the Panther, or some other time the Panther literally coming out of my body, just a few silly exercises i do to integrate with the Panther NFT).


Iā€™m sure it is.
But it depends on how you imagine this journey. what practices do you use when you come in contact with the Captainā€™s products? what is the response of your mind and body to his products?
the problem is that sometimes it is difficult to understand which product has an effect and causes certain changes (when there are a lot of products).

By the way, a similar wish was expressed by little bro @IAmJonathan - this is exactly the goal he set for himself when interacting with this Crystal.
he may be able to advise you in more detail. :grin:

let me tell you a little secret - once Captain gifted this product to our russian band, even before its release on teespring

I am amazed every day at how all these subtle processes are connected and how consistently everything happens in our Captainā€™s world.
Endless gratitude and endless respect :pray:


Hmm. Thanks for your reply.
Well, the reason i wanted to do it like this is to get Dragon to experience it and hopefully work with her to unveil the secrets of this Tuaoi NFT :lol: . I suck at anything with Crystals :laughing:


you wanted to send a dragon to Atlantis, and then integrate some knowledge?
Did I get that right?

Perhaps you have already done half of the job, since you formulated the intention :grin: :dragon: