The Solidifier

A day? how do you even know you got rid of it for good in just a day?

Keep us updated please :)

My expereince with solidifier is to get rid of my long standing throat issue. I had throat block or maybe its called throat globus feeling since Jan this year after covid, and been to doctor, used medicines and fields since then to heal it but it was all a temporary relief.
It’s not a comfortable feeling to eat or drink with this issue.
So I asked the solidifier (Digital) , place my finger and asked her
“To heal all my throat and related issues (feeling my throat area) on all the levels right now right here.
So be it!
Yes, Yes, Yes.
Thank u, Thank u, Thank u!”

The next sequence of things that happened
my friend followed up on me with my throat issue If I’m doing 100% okay.
Then I was pushed to go to see the “same” doctor one more time, but this time his diagnosis was bang-on. It was related to tracheobronchitis (Mild) and a bit of acid-Reflux.
I completed my course of medicines(except 1 that I need to use for another 2 weeks) , and
Now, I’ve completely healed my throat issues and my pranayama’s are happening deep and powerful.
This all happened just in 2 weeks of time which I was struggling since 7 Months or more.

I didnt think of the chain of events when I used solidifier, but retrospectively If I check this is how the events unfolded in last 2 weeks.


It’s been longer than a day but the first day is when I noticed a major change


Maybe this is the goal/target you want to be giving to your Solidifier?

ETA: Ahh, I see you’ve already decided to reset your goal. Good for you!

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I used woven worlds contentment and I am content completely for the issue I intended it for/ or where it was working … it didn’t happen at the time I was using it though… I used the field for sometime then stopped … 2-3 months later the results appeared when I was not using the field … was it the field … likely since I was struggling for over two years with that issue and suddenly things changed for me.
Sometimes results can be delayed based on energy you carry.
You anyway own the solidifier… focus on your end goal … getting into nursing school… 90 percent was just a middle and apparently doesn’t matter


Does anyone know if the Solidifier has intelligence?

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My point exactly.

Anyways go make the climb people.

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When I put my finger on the black hole, I say, for example: do I want ice cream, or do I have ice cream? could anyone clarify definitively please?

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I think it’s better to feel and visualize eating icecream while putting finger in black hole and of course you say I have icecream rather than I want icecream

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therefore as if the wish had already been fulfilled

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I think I’m gonna pull the trigger and buy this, but before I do, anyone have that one extreme testimonial that wouldn’t even make me think twice about getting this :rofl::joy:

I could really use this in my life with me graduating soon, looking for a full time job soon, etc

Also just a question, let’s say I get this and I manifest a full time job offer, but that’s couple months down the road, can I still do other short term manifestations, cuz I did read that this works with one goal at a time?


Personally I don’t have this yet but if I did, I’d give it a detailed, “larger” goal like the ideal job and put a good amount of thought into specifically what you want out of that job - and then use audios for more immediate goals

That way you don’t muddy the waters

I wish you so much luck I think you’ll be telling us you got your dream job very soon Shivy :heart:


I will get it :muscle:t4: and I will be grateful for everyone’s help here, I’ll update you guys


But regarding this NFT itself, let’s say you want to manifest something long term but you also wanna manifest something close terms, we can use this for both right?

Like both manifestations won’t clash correct

Only one at a time.

I recommend you to set your big final goal and simply let the field do its job, let the manifestation build up



What @Beast said.

That being said, you can get creative with your intentions so that your 1 current intention/thing includes a bunch of manifestations. Get creative.

ETA: If you’re wondering how you could do that, there’s been some discussion up thread about this. (Also, check out the New Release: Woven Worlds - Millions for some more of that, too.)


Thanks broski


King Solomon asked God to fulfill only one of his wishes. he asked God to give him the opportunity to see his great-grandchildren as kings of large lands. With this desire, he provided himself with wealth, power and health


So let’s say you want to cancel the manifestation, all you say is clear right? And start with the new one