The Sword Of St. Michael


Instead this please work on virus control steriod to surpress autoimmune disease & virus hiv hepatitis families and many more.

Around the wrold waiting for your miracle work.

I am sorry to all. I apologize for my words

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If you have to apologize even before you have published the post, may be its an indication that the tone and tenor of the post need a change.


I’m not understanding what you’re wanting/asking for. To me, this field is very different from the words you’re offering here.

Might this field be useful towards what you’re wanting? Perhaps. But I (personally) am not following the connection you’re expressing/asking for.

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Almost every time I listen to this, I feel vibrating starting at the top of my head going down throughout my entire body. Sometimes it gets stronger, other times it’s just there for about half a minute. I always express my gratitude (in my head) to Michael, and sometimes I repeat his prayer in Latin for a better connection. I also see blue flashes of light with this one, in the angelic intercession video it’s bright white🤔 I also feel very confident and powerful. I have a question though, does this connect us to the actual being, or an egregore? If it’s the latter, does it have the same characteristics as the actual being?


Everything in the field’s description is about the actual being. I don’t see anything in the description about an egregore.


Because I heard that the Thor mandala and st Michael mandala connected to egregore versions of them, maybe since this is an audio it’s different

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I have not heard that.

Perhaps you misunderstood this (emphasis mine)?:


That might have been it, thanks

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I dont see this on Patreon? Whould love to have it as download. I searched Michael and sword did’nt come up.

you can buy it on iTunes



Is this what he looks like?

Michael appears in many different ways to different people. And different people interpret Michael differently. (A Google image search will give you a taste of that.)

I’m guessing that this picture is a depiction that resonates with the poster. If you have a different experience or depiction, that’s OK, too.


Thanks for explaining👍

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Yes to what WellBeing said. :+1:

This is heavenly, thank you.
I feel it on my throat, chest and solar plexus. Difficult to explain with words but it feels good and clearing.



Did something happen with the video?

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It’s on YouTube, on sapien medicine I just found it

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The link probably changed from the opening post:


Oh great thanks! I didn’t even think to look for it at that time…
The old video has been deleted but I’m glad it’s still there somewhere! :smiley:

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