Michael, Hebrew Mikhaʾel, Arabic Mīkāl or Mīkhāʾīl, also called St. Michael the Archangel, in the Bible and in the Qurʾān (as Mīkāl), one of the archangels.
It is said Michael leads his angels against the dragon and his angels during the war in heaven where he defeats the dragon. In the Epistle of Jude, Michael is specifically referred to as “the archangel Michael”. Sanctuaries to Michael were built in the 4th century, when he was first seen as a healing angel. Over time his role became one of a protector and the leader of the heavenly host against the forces of evil.
May his sword be ever present to guide and protect in times of need.
Ohh the other thread must have been deleted haha it must have been tripping for the youtube people😃… Yeah it premiered like 2 hours before! Got remade and re-uploaded!
Something with the album title didn’t match so that’s why! It was said to come with a new album art too!
My first Sapien t shirt was the Sword of St Michael, I have a big connection with him, long before I knew about fields He was always on my mind to pray to and ask for help. And what a synchronicity, yesterday I talked about him a lot.
This field is a big blessing in our life, thank you for this incredible weapon against evil, Captain.
Michael always presents his sword in such positions that they can suggest a control, a limiting action but never a bloody action on evil. In reality, the sword represents the very sharp and peculiar essence capable of separating good from evil.
The separation and segregation of evil, preventing its spread and the action of corruption on the human being, are the power of Michael’s sword.
This is the task of Michael’s sword, to separate Good from Evil
Then we can think of asking, of using this sword, a gift of Michael himself, to those who offer themselves with awareness to him by relying on them, to separate us from all that evil that we carry with us.
I Started to feel cool air in my chest, rise up and out of my mouth and nostril. I held my breath, but still the air was coming up and out. Then my head felt very light, then as if my head is getting pulled up, like trying to pull my head up and off my body. Sort of like this, but just my head, not the rest of my body