The Tower of Power NFT

a few questions:

  1. Can i ask the Tower of Power NFT to infuse me with the energy of xyz place or xyz field that I had experienced BEFORE i had acquired the NFT?

  2. So suppose I listened to a morphic field with this NFT printed. Do i have to ask it to store/save the energy of the field, or is that not necessary and i can just ask it to “fill me with energy of x field” several days later even if i never told it to save/store it?

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Listen to the audio while connecting with and asking the T.O.P. NFT to store it.


Thanks @SilverZuzu!!

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I tried to save The excorcist rite and grey hair fields and then restore them and it worked.
Then I saved some more energy from environment (from home and asked the tower to purify it) and worked.


is it possible for the TOP to engore us with energy of multiple fields and engorge our environment with multiple environmental fields?



Okay well I asked the Tower of Power itself if it can engorge me with several highly complicated smart fields all at the same time, and it basically said yes, it can.

It can replay as many morphic fields as you’d want simultaneously.

We still need confirmation from dreamweaver though. Can’t be 100% certain about my method.


What? Are you saying that your Tower would lie to you? Perish the thought! :rofl:


No, more like I could be misinterpreting it/using an incorrect method to get an answer from it lol. But I get what you’re saying haha

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(Yeah, just playing with you, cuz I know that you too like to have a little bit of fun. :slightly_smiling_face: )


I’m pretty sure it can, i ask it to engorge me with several things at once actively lol

I’m not sure if there’s a cap though

(Just my experience)


Do you have to actively show it to store your nfts and audios? Or simply go straight to asking it?

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How do we store the previously bought fields in the Tower of Power? Do we need to store while playing the audio?

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Alright. So basically, listen to any field you want whilst having the T.O.P. Printed out near you. While you’re listening to the field, ask the NFT to save/store the field for you.

After it’s been stored, it’s there forever now. You can re access the stored field whenever you want simply by asking for it.

For example - “Tower of Power, engorge/imbue me with the Negentropic Jing field for the next X hours/days”


There is for purchase a “Pure Lands Portal”


Before I bought it, I thought it would send power like a nuclear power plant so we could handle more fields at once without overloading them…

So now it’s like a space chest , like this one:

Then I can wear less NFTs, just wearing this one can call other NFTs or audios at any time?

Can this NFT release multiple fields at the same time?

Would it be more appropriate to call it The Tower of Library?

Can we store the energy of “ The eternal” in the “Tower of Power”?

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Yes, anything


As long as u own the Eternal u can.


Is memory of an energy or mental state once experienced enough?

it is